North Cyprus Tourist Board - NO MORE TRIPS TO THE SOUTH SIDE, NEW LAW !!! a must read if you go Sth
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NO MORE TRIPS TO THE SOUTH SIDE, NEW LAW !!! a must read if you go Sth

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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 14:41

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My friend has just been to the Metahan border to get new insurance to drive in the South and been told that no T.R.N.C. cars will be isued insuranse, they took his road tax paper work which was valid untill May 2011 crossed that out and wrote on it expires tonight. They told him no one can now drive a trnc registered car on the South side.

Anyone else had any problems ?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 14:45

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Will this apply to the taxi service that every one uses to get to the airports in the south ?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 14:48

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Karl Msg 1 - Just to be sure which side said no (I assume the South).


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:05

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Has anyone else tried crossing over at the Metahan border today?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:18

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I find this very confusing. Insurance is issued by private companies wheeas road tax by the government. Are you saying that neither is any more available? Of course only one wşthout the other would be uselessw anyway but the implications are different.



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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:19

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I am flabbergasted that this serious posting has only received 3 responses in writing!

I have to take a family member to Larnaca Airport tomorrow............who the Hell can I phone to verify exactly the situation?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:25

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maybe a stupid question but as we know the insurance is invalid without the road tax paper. Are they allowed to just cancel the road tax papers , I know they can usually do what they want but this will cause some problems if correct or maybe theres more to it. Any ideas who could in authority could verify this.



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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:28

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I am taking my wife to Larnaca airport tomorrow.

We were over in the south yesterday and got insurance without any problems.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:29

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ive just phoned a turkish cypriot friend whose driving in the south now,he hasnt had any problem and he hasnt heard anything about this either,


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:35

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Apparently Cypriots can drive over there but Europeans cannot be insured on a TRNC car.

Have any British people crossed over the border today in a TRNC car and had no problems?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:37

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Thanks for the posting, this has lots of repercussions. I for one would be obliged if you can get some clarification from you friend regarding who is saying that no TRNC cars will be allowed to go south, and what paperwork is being affected.

As Elko says inurance and road tax are two separate items, and as far as i am aware road tax issued in the north cannot be cancelled by the south (only 'not recognised') - in which case all TRNC cars should be turned back at the border or the police/immigration would be condoning road traffic offences.

Any clarification would be welcome from anyone trying to cross the border.


I have tried ringing some sources, but no joy - perhaps the BRT news tonight will have something about it - you could try ringing BRT - its a newsworthy item.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:39

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Joanne...msg 10

The plot thickens !

When you say "Europeans" do you mean foreigners in general?

And what about foreigners with Cypriot citizenship or residency ?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:42

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My friend has just gone now to pick up a family member from larnaca and is going to ring me when he gets there to let me know the situation.

Will know shortly after 1600hrs.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:43

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I'm not sure, this is what I have been told by a friend - their friend had tried to cross today so I assume this is what they were told by the Greek Cypriot police.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:54

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Guido has crossed over with a friend. That was around midday, As he isnt back yet I can only assume they got across. As I cant get him on his phone either.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:58

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Was his friend Cypriot Lilli?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 15:59

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This will probably be another 44 panic for no reason. Even if true, my South Insurance expired at midnight yesterday, my only booked flight is from Ercan and none of my friends/family are due at Larnaca....Happy Days!


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:02

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Message 18 of 57 in Discussion

Hi Joanne, No his friend is British x


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:03

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Maybe it's just to stop the ex-pats who do the Larnaca airport taxi runs ? ( just friends and family of course....up to 200 per year! )


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:11

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Greengate, They said his South side tax now expires 2nite, not his North side. And if you dont have there tax, you cant get there insurance This happened about 2pm ish. Maybe they just didn't like his face !!! Anyway, it will mean people will spend there money here and that will get reinvested and things will start to look better.

If it is for real, I SAY GOOD RIDENS.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:18

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The term is " Good Riddance". It will not be a good thing for tourism, most would have arrived through Larnaca, and will probably not come at all now. How is that a good thing for the economy of this plaace?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:19

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Message 22 of 57 in Discussion

My better half crossed over this morning and has returned no problems whatsoever???


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:20

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To add, yes we are British, we have TRNC plates on the car, she returned at 12.30pm.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:25

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We are EU citizens entering and leaving an EU country - CAN THEY DO THAT????


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:33

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My partner just called the chief of police here & he confirmed there is no problem crossing.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:35

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We went over this morning they did not even look at our passports or insurance there did not look to be any hold ups when we came back over around 40 mins ago


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 16:39

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Message 27 of 57 in Discussion

Slightly over hyped at post 1?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:09

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Message 28 of 57 in Discussion

regarding post 13 (carndi)

do you have any moreinfomation on your friends going over the border ?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:18

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Message 29 of 57 in Discussion

Guido is back and had no problems at all.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:19

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Seems someone p1ssed someone off I would say


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:23

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Message 31 of 57 in Discussion

Can I just get this right?

This is not about freedom of movement per se over the is about freedom of travel in a TRNC registered car ?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:38

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Message 32 of 57 in Discussion

I tried to buy road tax at the border today and was told without a kimlic card you can not buy road tax. Other people in the line were told the same. They said it is a new interpretation of the law that has come into effect today. Of course it spells the end of shopping trips to the south for non kimlic card holders and it is a nail in coffin for the property market.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:38

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Message 33 of 57 in Discussion

I tried to buy road tax at the border today and was told only Turkish Cypriots can buy road tax. Other English people in the road tax line were told the same. They said it is a new interpretation of the law that has come into effect today. It seemed like they had a new manager running the border and some new people as well. The woman was berating me for living in the “occupied territory”. Of course it spells the end of shopping trips to the south for non kimlic card holders and it is a real nail in coffin for the TRNC property market. Now it will be impossible for non Turkish Cypriots to live on the Turkish side and cross back and forth by car, making the TRNC a much less attractive place to live because they can’t enjoy the entire island. I guess they were worried about people selling up on the South Side and living here.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:44

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Message 34 of 57 in Discussion

Msg 32/33 Road Tax is issued free on the Greek side.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:49

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Oh dear, what a shame. Guess now those who came to live in the TRNC will just have to put up with living here. But it is a bit sad for those whose living depend on the ability to drive across.

Could this be a boost for people wanting permanent residency and then citizenship.

How about walking across and hiring a car on the South side when you want to enjoy the whole island?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:50

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Message 36 of 57 in Discussion

Hi you do not buy 'road tax' it is a certficate that is issued FOC do you mean this piece of paper?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:54

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Message 37 of 57 in Discussion

I just heard that Cyprus Today reporters went to the border and were told by the insurance office that nothing had changed - that non-turkish cypriots can still buy insurance and get road tax for TRNC cars on the south side. i will try and get road tax and insurance again on monday. it may be that is was just someone going crazy and changed their mind when reporters showed up. lets hope so.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:55

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Message 38 of 57 in Discussion

Could you please explain the kimlic card


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:55

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Message 39 of 57 in Discussion

Even more confusing.

What is this about road tax in the south.

I have not had to buy roadtax for the south.

I have bought insurance.

I have had to have a greek cypriot MOT which is issued free, only at Metahan Monday to Friday office hours.

Anything to add to this or contradict?


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:56

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Message 40 of 57 in Discussion

lovely Cyp 44 rumours! we just can not get a straight story can we


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:58

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msg 40 - thought at the start.Not even April!!!


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 17:58

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Bit early for April fools isnt it,



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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 18:01

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What a carry on kyak,kyak oohh matron,



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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 18:01

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If I said "buy" road tax instead of "get" road tax and you found that very confusing then i am very sorry, also if i spelt the word for a TRNC citizenship wrong and you found that very confucing then i am also very sorry.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 18:03

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Message 45 of 57 in Discussion

Hopeless ( John )....pedantry rules on here at times !

Don't let it stop you posting.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 18:21

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Message 46 of 57 in Discussion

I went across at 13:00. The first guy who posted here wrote at 14:40. What would be nice, instead of pedantry, is to hear if any non Turkish Cypriot was able to get road tax this afternoon. If someone could confirm that we would know it was a few hours of anger, not permanent policy change. It seems a bit early in this doomed peace process for the Greek Cypriots to be making international headlines by tightening up the border.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:10

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I understand the tax office closes at 2pm and all weekend just like the north, no change there then

they have to much to lose to think up a stupid idea like this.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:14

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Message 48 of 57 in Discussion

This thread needs closing and deleting.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:19

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My Turkish neighbour phoned the *Metehan border police [TRNC] a few minutes after this topic was posted.

The answer was that NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

For your own confirmation, simply telephone *0392 22 36 318


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:26

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Message 50 of 57 in Discussion

Answer to message 38. A kimlik card is like an identity card it is issued to Turkish Cypriots or people married to a Turkish Cypriot. The holder (male) would be required to do army service, so if a TC girl marries an English, German etc., chap then providing he is of the right age would have to do national service. Hope this is fairy clear.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:36

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Message 51 of 57 in Discussion

load of crap once again .. scare mongoring.....


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:38

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Message 52 of 57 in Discussion

msg 38, a kimlik card is an identity card. Kim is Turkish for who.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 19:58

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Daughter went over this morning, Wife just gone at 6pm. NO PROBLEMS!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 20:01

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My friend has just come back and having been told by myself that there might be a problem he decided to renew his insurance which runs out tomorrow.

The girl in the insurance office would not renew it and that he had to speak to the police. He asked a police officer if there was a problem and the officer spoke to the girl who then renewed his insurance.

He asked her if there was a problem and she replied that the police would inform him if there was a problem.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 20:03

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Message 55 of 57 in Discussion

Oh so if the road tax office closes at 2pm there is no way to really know for sure if there is a change until Monday morning. @Tenakoutou- It has nothing to do with the TRNC police, the question is: Are the Greek Cypriot police now allowing only Turkish Cypriots to have Republic of Cyprus Road Tax on TRNC cars? That is what they told me at 1pm, thus preventing me insuring and driving my TRNC car in the South. Fingers crossed it is back to normal on Monday or this is serious body blow to expat TRNC residents.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 20:31

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Message 56 of 57 in Discussion

This thread is now closed.

Reason: False alarm. Better let it slip back gradually.


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Message Posted:
11/02/2011 20:32

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Message 57 of 57 in Discussion

so did i -

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