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Sweetwater bay got my keys but....

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» Read Sweetwater Bay North Cyprus property review


Joined: 13/01/2008
Posts: 89

Message Posted:
04/10/2008 20:30

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Just come back from SWB snagging done, bank account open, most furniture bought and now completed.

SITE IS STUNNING with landscaping starting this next week. there was so much i did with a week on my own without family in tow and the only words off wisdom i suggest is.


I was lucky eneogh to have a cypriot with me to translate and it went as follows.

went downstairs main office who couldnt find file for sweetwater. They then sent me upstairs, who told me that downstairs had file. Went downstairs after queing again for 20 minutes for him to suddenly find it.

He then sent me upstairs again to qeue up again for the guy to say that wasnt prepared to give me a meter as didnt have number of flat on the contract. my flat is 115gr but doesnt have no 1 on it( fair point really as it might be left or right depending if your looking at the back or front).

He then said i would have to go to my solicitor and get contract changed to say No 1, No amount of arguing with him via my interpreter would get him to change mind.

So went to solictor(ran) for her to say just write it yourself then initial it. Ran back. Queue again, get to front again he looks at contract and says what is 'apartment no 1' which is what i wrote, it should say flat and says i should go back to solicitors again.

In sheer frustration i snatched contract of him crossed out apartment and put flat, for him to say thats fine.

with that he sends me back downstairs for me to finally pay.

Once downstairs finally paid after queing again for the guy to say it now needs to be signed off upstairs where i duly qeued up again. The chap was on phone for 15 minutes while the file was on his desk, he finished phone call then put file on his colleagues desk and walked off. To say i was fuming was an understatement.

In all it took 2.5-3hrs of going up and down the stairs 10 times with my friend screaming and shouting with the staff which im told is the normal fashion of getting things done.

I may have caught them on a bad day but they were rude obstructive and not willing to put them selfs out in any shape or fashion. There wasnt anyone there who could or wanted to speak english(not expecting them to as i dont speak turkish) but where so many english people are buying it would help no end.

Buy the way site amazing.


Joined: 17/10/2007
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Message Posted:
04/10/2008 21:32

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Message 2 of 12 in Discussion

steviec could you share with us the snagging issues as they are possibly common problems. Do you mean that all the electrics worked? do you mean that all the taps worked and the water was on? Where in your opinion was the best choice and value in furnishings?


Joined: 14/10/2007
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Message Posted:
04/10/2008 22:26

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Message 3 of 12 in Discussion

Hi steviec,

Thanks for the update, sounds a nightmare getting that electric meter, I'll think I'll take your advice.

Did you do the snagging yourself or did you get a specialist in?

I've got a GR and would also be interested in what you found that needed rectifying.




Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
04/10/2008 23:29

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sounds about right ,many times i have heard them say ,that they do not like someone and give them a hard time ,thankfully i have family that sort things out for me .

do you work for kings at there enfield branch.

regards musin


Joined: 13/01/2008
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Message Posted:
04/10/2008 23:51

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Message 5 of 12 in Discussion

Hi musin,

I used to be a partner at kings and yes was based there for a period of time whats your connection im intrigued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re Snagging see other SWB post


Joined: 13/01/2008
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Message Posted:
05/10/2008 00:03

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Message 6 of 12 in Discussion

Hi rocky

As far as electrics/water concernd as both not on when i snagged wasnt able to check them, but took a decision rightly or wrongly to complete still. I still intend to go back before development finished and give the property a trial run over a couple of weeks if anything goes wrongs leaks blown bulbs or anything it would still be down to SWB as per there contract to rectify and snag, this in my opinion will be far better then turning a few taps on an flicking a few switches.



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Message Posted:
05/10/2008 00:09

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Message 7 of 12 in Discussion

steve you may regret completing before testing electrics and waterI would not recommend anyone else to get sucked into a process where you pay nd they aint finished!!!!


Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
05/10/2008 00:16

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Message 8 of 12 in Discussion

hi steve

i,m a builder and i used to do a little bit in the property ,i think i have met you

i live in enfield and i have bought a property in bahceli at palm bay view,with one of my kids.

do you still live in enfield.

regards musin

long live the kktc


Joined: 13/01/2008
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Message Posted:
05/10/2008 00:27

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I have completed subject to snagging done which have held back money for. But what are you going to look out for if they were connected. the lights come on water flows out of the taps its only going to be a matter of time that things might start going wrong. have bought 3 brand new houses with extremely reputable builders and in the first 6 months is when you notice if there are any "new build issues" I am comfortable with the decision i have made based on what i have seen and the fact that before the builders are off site and the final balance is paid they will be checked again.


Joined: 17/10/2007
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Message Posted:
05/10/2008 00:32

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Message 10 of 12 in Discussion

I do think water and electricity are fairly important but thats your choice as well as turn on taps, are there leaks? whats the pressure like? do the electrics work yes of course they want you to complete... I think I would hold back at least 10% if these main utilities could not be tested.


Joined: 13/01/2008
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Message Posted:
05/10/2008 00:37

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Message 11 of 12 in Discussion

Hi Musin,

I do still live in Enfield. we must have met small world, you must be happy about the Marina should do wonders for your development.



Give me a call if you want 0208 524 7444 this is my work number


Joined: 11/10/2007
Posts: 241

Message Posted:
05/10/2008 18:34

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Message 12 of 12 in Discussion


you are not the only one who has had a nightmare at kiptec i wasted two days at kiptec and still went home without getting it sorted they were an absloute disgrace to sum them up there attitude was all wrong Not one person at that place wanted to help i would recomend anone going over there to get RMS to do it and dont waste there holiday sitting in a office being sent from one to the other just because they carnt be bothered to do what they get paid for all i can say if manweb, or british gas behaved like they do offgas , offlec would hit them hard it is a good job they all dont behave like them or a would sell up and buy else were and i dont care who i offend with this post the way i was treated them two days was enough to put anyone off buying over there i dread my elec bill if it is these lot who run that department.

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