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New Title For William and Kate

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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:25

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Buckingham Palace has just announced the new title for the lovely couple. William will now become Duke of Cambridge and Kate Duchess of Cambridge. I think that sounds so old for a beautiful young princess.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:33

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Totally agree Lilli, why couldn't the Queen make her Princess Catherine, you would think the Monarchy would have learnt after the death of Diana.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:34

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Hi carian, it just puts you in mind of Duchess Camilla.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:45

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Stuffy and Old fashioned, I think people will call her Princess Kate!


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:48

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William to be Duke of Cambridge

Prince William has been made the Duke of Cambridge and his wife will become Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, after their wedding, Buckingham Palace says.

The prince will also take the titles Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus.

The royal groom was given the titles by his grandmother, the Queen, to mark his marriage.

The title of duke is the highest rank in the British peerage.

The giving of new titles to members of the Royal Family on their wedding day is a long-standing tradition.

When Prince Andrew married, he became the Duke of York, Earl of Inverness and Baron Killyleagh.

Prince Edward became the Earl of Wessex and Viscount Severn on his wedding day in 1999.

The Dukedom of Cambridge was created in 1801 but became extinct on the death of the 2nd Duke of Cambridge in 1904.

from BBC.

She will become Princess of Wales when William becomes Prince of Wales.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:48

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Are you saying that calling someone a Princess and addressing them as Your Royal Highness isn't stuffy and old fashioned?


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 10:52

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According to protocol, she is not officially Princess Catherine as she was not born a princess in her own right. Instead she adopts her husband's first name, in the same way as Princess Michael of Kent, who married the Queen's cousin Prince Michael of Kent.

But it is likely that in the eyes of the media and public, she will always be known as Princess Catherine or Princess Kate.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 11:44

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Why Cambridge? He went to St Andrew's University.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 13:44

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agree Lilli, but I think she will always be our Princess Kate ....... dont they all look amazing.......Britain does do these royal events so well..........


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 13:47

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Shrimp - I couldn't agree with you more - beautiful.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 14:03

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Absolutely brilliant.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 14:12

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Gavin, The Duke of Cambridge was Chancellor of St Andrews University...


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 15:12

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Thank goodness she had her own way and was beautifully understated! Not even the heirlooms hanging around her neck!


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 15:21

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All the very very best to the newly weds


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 15:32

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Here here.

May they have a happy marriage.

Till Kate one day says, where is that marriage certificate again?


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 16:19

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Didnt she look beautiful. What a great looking couple. Thought the sister is very beautiful. I was totally enchanted x Loved it when Philip was late going onto the balcolny chewing. x


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 16:30

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Gum under the handrail again!


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 16:43

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Strawberry seed under his top set


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 18:01

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I liked it when they both looked as if they might giggle when taking their vows, they just looked so natural and relaxed. beautiful.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 18:03

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message 19, I thought the same, that would have been so funny, my daughter giggled right through her vows...nerves I suppose.....


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 18:16

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Shrimp, I collapsed when Guido said he took me as his awful wedded wife, the service had to be stopped as I couldnt stop laughing then everybody there saw the funny side and burst into laughter. We had to have a 20 minute break to compose myself. How true his words were xxxxx

I know it was wrong but nerves did get the better of me and in fairness his english was pretty limited then xxx


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 18:45

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Bless him Lilli! x


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:12

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What a fabulous pageant! Only the British can lay on such a wonderful event like that IMHO. Time and executed to perfection. Eat your heart out USA. No wonder so many millions of people were watching around the globe. I loved the trees in the Abbey, master stroke. I can only imagine how many weddings will have something similar.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:14

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My one concern is the title,the Duke of Cambridge reminds me of one or two pubs I've visited. I'm waiting for the jokes to start as to what Catherine does down at the pub.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:21

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Hector Im not british, but today I saw what the brits do best. The timing and precission. It was a really wonderful pageant. Those vistors camping out from all over the world enjoying the day. The abbey was magnificant as was Kate. How many dresses will be reproduced. I would have loved to have been there. I hope its revived companies like spode, wedgewood etc. It was a real feel good factor. Deniz Bless him times I want to kill him xxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:24

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Are they going on honeymoon and if so where.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:41

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The anti royals forget just how much money and goodwill such an event brings to the UK. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Queen looked wonderful as usual. The honeymoon location is a secret and I don't blame them for keeping it so.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:44

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Hector, I would like to meet you an buy you a beer.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 19:47

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@ msg 27, Hector: Excuse me! There are no "anti royals" - there are royalists and on the other side there are democrats which means republicans. Just for the record.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 20:13

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Message 30 of 48 in Discussion

Fantastic wedding! it makes one proud to be British. But the Dutchess of Cambridge sounds better than Dutchess of Milton Keynes


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:26

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Message 31 of 48 in Discussion

shrimp msg 9,

"dont they all look amazing.......Britain does do these royal events so well.........."

You could go to Las Vegas or Disney for the same kind of stuff. They do it well too.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:29

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Message 32 of 48 in Discussion

God the RAF are rubbish...

...they didn't hit one of those Germans on the balcony.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:34

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Congratulations to the happy couple. Long Live Royalty


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:52

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Message 34 of 48 in Discussion

Msg 32,



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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:54

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Hey Gail, My wife served in the WRAF. i said that. And i'm sleepin with the dogs tonight.

Seriously tho it was a great day..


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:56

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Message 36 of 48 in Discussion

I've just seen the frightening pictures on television.

London's been taken over by the BNP.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:57

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Just watched Shrek again on TV.

Its amazing how true to life that film really is.

You meet a beautiful girl, a real virgin princess.

There is a wedding and suddenly she is an eighteen stone Ogre.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 21:59

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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 23:03

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Probably called Duke of Cambridge to mark the fact that his Dad was the only one ever to get into that University with only two 'A' Levels ...


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 23:30

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do take a run and jump


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Message Posted:
29/04/2011 23:41

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Riddles. It's you who needs therapy.


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Message Posted:
30/04/2011 00:22

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Did anyone notice the sour face of Miss Piggy,AKAS Victoria Beckham?


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Message Posted:
30/04/2011 07:11

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And how much is this addition to our parasitic dysfunctional family going to cost the British tax payer.

The argument that the income to the country is more than the wedding cost just doesent wash.

How much was lost in production with the addition of another public holiday?

Queenies ok but lets just have one not all the hangers on its about time they did a proper days work.


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Message Posted:
30/04/2011 08:19

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Message 44 of 48 in Discussion

Spot on Riddles, Duke and Duchess of ------- Greedy b*****ds.


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Message Posted:
30/04/2011 09:48

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Did anyone else notice that David Beckham was wearing his BEM on the wrong side of his jacket? Bless him !!! lol


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Message Posted:
30/04/2011 10:07

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I just hope he does not follow the family tradition of adultery and divorce.

Andrew played away as did fergie now divorced

Ann divorced

Edward bats for the other side??? but sill married

Charles got rid of diana in the tunnel

Margret divorced after marrying the wrong bloke


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Message Posted:
30/04/2011 13:16

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I did Birdman but then again money cannot buy good taste or etiquette


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Message Posted:
01/05/2011 02:06

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Message 48 of 48 in Discussion

Lovely wedding, loved her dress, but her sister was also fabulous! So elegant!

Very English service of course, and only few street parties in Scotland - none in Glasgow!

Queen looked amazing considering her age as did Philip.

Am an incurable romantic, so I love it all. Long live our monarchy! God Save our Gracious Queen.

Would any of our politicians give as much, care as much, or be as faithful to us?

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