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No more english bread at bell foods !

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Joined: 07/05/2011
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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 10:39

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Message 1 of 85 in Discussion

I went into bell foods in Karaoglanoglu there is sa notice on the bread freeze saying '' DUE TO NEW REGULATIONS TO PROTECT local bakers we can no longer sell English bread "




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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 10:54

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Message 2 of 85 in Discussion

Get a life..... !


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 10:56

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Message 3 of 85 in Discussion

Seems fairly sensible, the whole idea of importing bread from the UK to sell seems daft


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:02

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Message 4 of 85 in Discussion

I have a life and enjoy it thanks


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:02

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Message 5 of 85 in Discussion

Quite agree!!..........".Little Brit Syndrome" ...........


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:10

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Message 6 of 85 in Discussion




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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:26

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Message 7 of 85 in Discussion

Well I for one will miss the bread, so much better than the local sliced crap that you can only use for one day. The last loaf I bought from a supermarket had mould on it.

Thanks for informing us iffytimes, as I thought this was what this forum was all about.......!!!!


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:32

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Message 8 of 85 in Discussion

Why not buy fresh bread and slice it yourself.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:32

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Message 9 of 85 in Discussion

i would hate to see any business close down but these days most of the big supermarkets stock english food and you can get decent bread.ive only been in bells once and im afraid i wasnt too impressed with the layout but saying that,there are a lot of ex pats who are quite happy to shop there


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:52

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Message 10 of 85 in Discussion

mess 8 - nick nack pady wack - leave that loaf alone.............


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 11:53

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Message 11 of 85 in Discussion

msg6...Now where in my post did I say that ??........... I actually think it's a good store, and his Breakfast is great for the money,but who really needs UK bread at an extortionate price............?


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 12:39

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Message 12 of 85 in Discussion

why live abroad if you want all the homeland food stuffs?


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 12:44

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Message 13 of 85 in Discussion

Message 12, i really have the same feeling. This is Cyprus so lets enjoy the good things from here.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 12:53

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Message 14 of 85 in Discussion

I know I should not feed the trolls BUT......

martinD41 your msg 5 imply s one should not want to buy English products if you live in trnc


back to msg 1I brought to the attention of members English bread is no longer available and why and out come the trolls ffs.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 13:01

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Message 15 of 85 in Discussion

I've just had the most delicious home made bread from Molly's Cafe in Girne....delicious!


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 13:04

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Message 16 of 85 in Discussion

thanks for the info. iffy. Only thing I ever went to bells for was the frozen sliced bread, thick sliced. just for us to have for brekkie with he fry up.

Use the local bloomer loaves for everything else, buy one fresh every morning and dump what's left from the day before's.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 13:43

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Message 17 of 85 in Discussion

thanks for the info msg1. it is possible to live your life away from the uk without having british foods, but whats the problem if people want to buy a sliced loaf or a pork pie or whatever else they sell in bells... what happened to freedom of lot are ridiculous...what you're saying then is choose to move abroad but never buy anything from your home country again...get a life you bunch of saddos.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 13:50

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Message 18 of 85 in Discussion

Message 14

Curry - is something the British came up with.

Imo Cypriot bread generallly is far superior - with less additives then British bread. If you prefer British bread so be it - if we all like the same things the world would be less interesting.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 13:50

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Message 19 of 85 in Discussion

.....SUPPORT THE LOCAL BAKERS!!!!!!...............


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 14:01

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Message 20 of 85 in Discussion

I've bought lots of "goody treat" things from Bells...including frozen scones...but NEVER the imported bread.

The choice of local bread is great. If you freeze the local sliced stuff (tarry67) you don't use it's OK for toasting..or whatever!


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 14:01

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Message 21 of 85 in Discussion

I can't believe most of you, what would happen in the UK if they stopped all foreign food being sold and told everyone to only buy british, there are many supermarkets that just sell Turkish, Polish, Italian etc, can you imagine them being told it is not allowed. I buy almost everything local but I feel this small minded brigade that has enforced this rule is unbelievable, and they want to be part of the EU, its laughable, people are loosing there houses and all they are worried about is ONE shop selling english bread and ham. It is freedom of choice and for those who buy local bread, GREAT but for those who choose not to then they should have a choice, all that will happen is people will start going to the South again, cut off their nose comes to mind, and surely the huge influx of Turkish Mainlanders have had a great boost to the local bakeries.......


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 14:20

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Message 22 of 85 in Discussion

dunno about get a life, but getting a breadmaker is a good idea

only problem is finding proper bread flour locally,

most supermarkets here only sell regular flour and breadmixes


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 15:59

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Message 23 of 85 in Discussion

As usual, the government are following their normal line of 'open mouth, insert foot'! I care not whether people buy local or imported bread but the amount of bread that Bell Foods are importing is not even a drop in the ocean compared to the quantity of local bread sold throughout the TRNC. All that this really means is that the people that want to buy imported bread will simply go south for it and, no doubt, will buy a considerable amount of other goods at the same time. Wonderful news for the campaign to encourage everybody to shop in the north!


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 16:01

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Message 24 of 85 in Discussion

Message 23 - well said.

Sums up the situation in a nutshell


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 16:41

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Message 25 of 85 in Discussion

presumably the regulation was not created soley with Bells foods in mind, there must be other outlets for processed British food with additives


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 16:47

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Message 26 of 85 in Discussion

I guess that puts crumpets off the menu too? or do they not count?


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 16:50

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Message 27 of 85 in Discussion

message 21 parkview well said. i like chinese food but i dont want to live in china . i like indian food but i dont want to live in india.i like kebabs , i like spending my money on what i like . and i like having a ham sandwich made with british bread from bell food services .why oh why only in north cyprus can we not have a choice on what we spend our money on . i wonder whos "COUSIN "came up with this bright idea, we as cash paying brits arnt asking for a new cathedral . just choice ffs


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 16:50

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Message 28 of 85 in Discussion

I hope not Ibrahim I do like my bit of crumpet x


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 17:29

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Message 29 of 85 in Discussion

Mssg 12 & 13, so you only drink Turkish wine, and I assume you have no baked beans or heinz mayonnaise, tomato ketchup or anything else imported in your store cupboard? My Cypriot friends all think this is madness as they too like some imported goods. I don't care for iceland products or anything like that but I do feel people should be allowed to choose whether they do. Are they going to start banning people running foreign restaurants next? This is just a slippery slope as far as I am concerned. and like mssg 27 said, whose cousin came up with this one?


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 17:29

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Message 30 of 85 in Discussion

Another case of the little jobsworths flexing their muscles! I personally don't buy imported bread--Atakara and Dano do for me--but the idea of being dictated to by petty officialdom goes against the grain.

I have heard it was not only bread but pork products which were removed and also from Hur Deniz and Ileli.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 18:04

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Message 31 of 85 in Discussion

matula, I was also told today that all the sliced meats, pork, ham, beef etc were removed at Bells.

Not sure about anywhere else though.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 18:58

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Message 32 of 85 in Discussion

Life goes on. Find other alternatives..Enjoy living.


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 19:14

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Message 33 of 85 in Discussion

What is strange is that the government has just sanctioned the first ever imports of breadmaking flour. (Cyprus Today - page 9).


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Message Posted:
07/05/2011 21:02

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Message 34 of 85 in Discussion

Message 22 late reply. We use a breadmaker and never have any trouble finding the right flour


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Message Posted:
08/05/2011 16:10

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Message 35 of 85 in Discussion

That's it, I won't be renewing my residence permit, and will even give up speeding to reduce the govt revinues


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Message Posted:
08/05/2011 17:31

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Message 36 of 85 in Discussion

Atakara granary bread you cant wack it.


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Message Posted:
08/05/2011 17:40

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Message 37 of 85 in Discussion

message 22 - the breadflour is in a green and white bag and is called EXTRA - there is a picture of bread on it. Lovely flour, have made my own bread now for 7 years, you do not need a breadmaker.


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 17:03

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Message 38 of 85 in Discussion

I agree with Bell Foods support the TRNC flour manufacturers


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 17:13

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Message 39 of 85 in Discussion

I can't think why on earth anyone would want to buy "English" bread. The reason it lasts longer is because of chock full of additives and preservatives. The bread here is wonderful and as message above said, Atakara granary is simply delicious. When any one would buy that white "English" stuff that feels like a bathroom sponge I don't know. If you were visiting France you would buy your bread on a daily basis wouldn't you? It isn't baked to be kept, but to eat and hence fresh everyday. The bread here is baked the way it should be (particularly the smaller bakeries) and I for one feel that Bells have done the right thing.



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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 17:52

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Message 40 of 85 in Discussion

I'm sure you'll all start complaining when the price of local bread starts to increase and you have no choice to pay for it because there's nothing else left on the shelf. Luckily, its just only one of the few things that is produced locally, so at least the morning breakfast table will still have Kelloggs Cornflakes, Flora Spread, PG Tips and Nescafe - i'd like to see how they will stop selling all of those in favour of local produce... Your local supermarket will be nothing more than a market soon.

In my opinion, shoppers will always vote with their feet, if what you're looking for is not available in the TRNC, then a fully stocked supermarket is just across the border. Yet another short sighted and ill-thought out rule placed on the community.


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 19:13

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Message 41 of 85 in Discussion

Tango1 - Read post 1 & 31.

Bells did nothing; it has been done to them. Nor is it just about bread. They were the only shop still selling decent fresh ham. parma ham, sliced salami, smoked bacon et al.

What you (or I) personally like or dislike is irrelevant. There are many foods that I don't like but I would not dream of criticising anybody who likes them. What it is about is freedom of choice or, increasingly, the lack of it. I have lived here for nearly 6 years now and proudly have never once been shopping over the border preferring to support the local economy. Yes I pay more (or maybe not once you have incorporated the cost of insurance and the petrol to go to RoC) and I do without some things not available here. But fresh ham has probably pushed me too far - not only because I like it very much but because it could be available here but for petty minded officials. And when I go to the South I will make my trip pay for itself - it will not just be ham that I buy.


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 19:22

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Message 42 of 85 in Discussion

Eat TURKISH and help the local economy!!


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 19:26

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Message 43 of 85 in Discussion

No problem Sayit - just tell me where to buy TURKISH ham and bacon.


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 19:29

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Message 44 of 85 in Discussion

Message 42... The so called local economy is fuelled by excessive greed and by putting a stop to freedom of choice, will only drive them to even more desperate measures. It's always one step forward and two (sometimes three) steps back with the TRNC. Where will it end?


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 20:29

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Message 45 of 85 in Discussion

i bet most of you lot moaning about people wanting english food have got "SKY" tv at your villa, if so why are you not watching local cypriot or turkish television. you make me sick you prowl round this forum all day waiting for someone to say anything you dont quite agree with and then jump down their throats and the rest of your lemming mates jump on the band wagon GROW UP!


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 20:43

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Message 46 of 85 in Discussion

well saıd dan!!!

saddos wıth nothıng else better to do!!


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 20:51

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Message 47 of 85 in Discussion

Agree with Tango 1. Nothing better than fresh baked crusty bread!

Why anyone would prefer soggy Mothers Pride?


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 21:47

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Message 48 of 85 in Discussion

So...let me get this imported ham and bacon now banned in TRNC?


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 21:54

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Message 49 of 85 in Discussion

Ham and bacon is not banned to my knowledge still available at Hur Deniz


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 21:56

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Message 50 of 85 in Discussion

jovial we had a deli with imported San Danellie parma, salamis cheeses etc.Lack of customers made us revert to being a restaurant again.We baked our own bread with italian flour. Its not good enough for the majority here. We do sell our ham at the saturday market with pizza , pate lasange etc . any requests call xxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:05

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Message 51 of 85 in Discussion

Too many x's lilli, you will get banned


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:12

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Message 52 of 85 in Discussion

pug i know, oh well it will happen one day xxxxxxxx, I think they were more worried how many I put in the title. You know I cant control the number of kisses, sometimes one some time hundreds, my finger does the kisses not me xx


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:22

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Message 53 of 85 in Discussion

The basics, yes I do buy local produce,after enjoying local bread for 5 years now, I see it wrong how a loaf of Mothers Pride et al, can still be fresh a week later!!, BUT, there are certain luxuries that I enjoy; Salami, Proscutto, Serrano Ham,Parmesan, Pecorino, Pate etc If I cant buy here then I'll buy either in the south or have sent over from family in Italy.

Shop local and support the economy, You live in OUR country so you should eat OUR food, They'd be uproar if the UK applied the same to the customers of

Live and let lve


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:26

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Message 54 of 85 in Discussion

Re : Msg 50,

It is ironic, how homemade Italian bread could be 'not good enough'!

I would eat anything but English soggy white 'plastic' bread.

For me it's rye bread with sunflower seeds or Pumpernickel. If I can not find those , I bake my own with granary flour; and homemade ciabatta or focaccia for special occasions.


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:34

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Message 55 of 85 in Discussion

ttoli call us,we dont di serano only san danille, all your other favorites we can do 05338336911, we can make you chibita, focaccia etc


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:34

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Message 56 of 85 in Discussion

As the saying goes, one mans' meat is another mans' poison, I can't believe there are people here who only eat, or drink, Turkish or Turkish Cypriot produce and who think everyone else should do the same.

It is surely down to personal choice, I happen to love the local bread but if I am having a bacon sandwich then it has to be English sliced bread,with brown sauce , sad but true.

It would be a very boring old world if we all liked the same.


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:42

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Message 57 of 85 in Discussion

me too hatts has to be HP xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 22:47

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Message 58 of 85 in Discussion

ttoli (mess 53)

We buy local in the UK! Mothers pride is long gone, we can buy every conceivable fresh baked bread we want!

from Italian to Russian to something that looks and tastes like mothers pride! our Government doesn't ban the sale of any bread on the grounds it's Turkish Cypriot!


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 23:00

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Message 59 of 85 in Discussion

so has ham been banned too??does that mean bacon,sausages ect will stop being imported? i can understand about things produced here but not the things that arnt made here.

trnc victim,the uk can import and export their products,northern cyprus cannot export their products so i guess the local businesses need more support,im sure its not just english bread thats been stopped,bread from other countries,for example,turkey will have stopped too.

Joe Soap

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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 23:03

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Message 60 of 85 in Discussion

DUE TO NEW REGULATIONS TO PROTECT local bakers we can no longer sell English bread " .....message 1.

Let's go further and support local industry and be patriotic in TRNC's hour of need..........

To protect local cheese producers only Hellim will be sold in TRNC. (No more cheddar, pizzas etc.)

To protect local ISP's lets ban Turkcell as an ISP and go over to local company's and SunnyCyprus etc who pay local taxes.

Or perhaps the application of the new law is selective and/ or discriminatory? Am not sure; will think about this when I shop in the south!


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 23:10

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Message 61 of 85 in Discussion

Msg 58 , I suggest you re-read my previous posting.

I now live in another country and cannot expect the same Luxury of choice as the UK, whoever said half the govt directives made here make sense?, but you adapt and overcome.

In the greater picture though, is it REALLY such a big thing that they've banned the import of Foreign produce?

I don't know your personal circumstances,but given your user name can only summise that you've been kippered on your property,(If that is the case, I DO feel for you).


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 23:45

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Message 62 of 85 in Discussion

Why would anyone want to eat bread that is full of preservatives in favour of the locally produced loaves ,which are amazing, escapes me?


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 23:46

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Message 63 of 85 in Discussion

At first i thought that this rule about selling only local baked bread was a joke, but is this really a new law within the TRNC? The sign that reads "DUE TO NEW REGULATIONS TO PROTECT local bakers we can no longer sell English bread", is this 'Regulation' a supermarket regulation or is it a TRNC regulation? If it's a country wide regulation, then how far will this regulation go?

Do you really think that the typical Mr & Mrs Kibris, will buy Turkish when it comes to the latest iPhones or iPads or will their latest German car come from Industrial Famagusta? It's a shame they closed Bel-Cola, because that one really got Coke worried at the time.

However, like any rule the TRNC dreams up overnight, it is usually still a dream by sunset... so as long as there are Koncanless houses in the North, they'll always be PG-Tips, bacon, ham, Heinz ketchup and Good old Marmite (try and produce that one locally!!!)


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Message Posted:
09/05/2011 23:58

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Message 64 of 85 in Discussion

Well, I can't be bothered to read all the posts.

I moved to TRNC, love it here. What is the matter with Atakara bread. Local loaves at 85 kurus, brown sliced loaves at 2.50tl?

Fresh baked rolls at 2.50tl.... What is the problem?,

People moan about the cost of living here, yeah, if you want English pay the price......

I chose this Island to get away from all the high priced glories...Sorry, if you miss it, and can't live without it...go back.

Just remember, the locals have to pay the price too.


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 00:02

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Message 65 of 85 in Discussion

flowerfairy.................Love it!!!


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 00:34

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Message 66 of 85 in Discussion

"Protect the bakers"............. your havi a larf.... get real you muppets.

Do you really think that Bells selling british bread had an impact on the local bakers ???

I wonder when they will ban all the british money flowing into the TRNC ?? ;-)

It's just another way of stabbing all you expats out there in the back but many are too blind to see it.

So glad I've left that place that some people think "publically" is fantastic but "privately" hate the place.


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 00:38

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Message 67 of 85 in Discussion

Surely individuals should have a choice

that is what open -market is all about


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 00:49

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Message 68 of 85 in Discussion

you have a choice Philbailey...........its either kktc or trnc

can you imagine banning all the turkish kebab shops in London ??


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 08:56

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Message 69 of 85 in Discussion

Up to 1 year ago most ham & fresh bacon (Bells, Hur Deniz etc.) came from the South. But then RoC decided that it was wrong to give export health certificates for products going to TRNC - because in their eyes TRNC and RoC are 1 country. As TRNC rules reasonably prevent import of meat products without a health certificate, that ended imports of meat from the South. Hur Deniz haven't sold bacon and ham since, and meat prices in general have risen considerably.

Bells got an English supply - but some new regulation had now ended that - but it is a health regulation to do with sliced meats whether locally or foreign produced (be careful Lilli!).

The banning of English bread is indeed to protect local bakers, though some of the flour for local bread is imported from Turkey. Maybe TRNC can't produce enough because there is still imported flour on the shelves - or maybe the millers' lobby hasn't the clout of the bakers.

I wonder what the EU would say about banning EU imports


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 09:52

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Message 70 of 85 in Discussion

Message 64, I don't think anyone has complained about the cost of English bread, just that their choice to buy it has been taken away. We all support the local economy and I'm pretty sure the odd loaf or two is not going to damage it.


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 15:12

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Message 71 of 85 in Discussion

I still support the local economy because, although I have not bought a ready baked loaf for at least 3yrs I do buy lots of flour and make my own bread. The packets of bread mix that come under the brand name of 'SOKE' are brilliant and easy to use whether you have a bread machine or not, it is very simple and easy to make. The mixes have their own packs of yeast in them but you can buy dried yeast in any of the supermarkets. If you time it for when you are already using the oven to cook a meal it does not use extra electric so get baking folks - the aroma of fresh baked bread takes some beating!

I have to admit though - I will certainly miss the cooked ham from Bells!



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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 18:20

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Message 72 of 85 in Discussion

Pam we buy fresh yeast from attakara. I agree nothing like the aroma of bread baking.


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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 19:25

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Message 73 of 85 in Discussion

Next time someone goes "South" please get me 2 x Sliced White Hovis, plus 2 x Premium Ham. I will pay you cost price plus €5.00 and I will pick it up from Kyrenia to Karsiyaka.

I will do the same for anyone, when I go, but you will have to collect from me in Alsancak.

We'll show them the Dunkirk spirit! "Rule Brittania......"



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Message Posted:
10/05/2011 20:25

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Message 74 of 85 in Discussion

If its any consolation to anyone, you would be pleased to know that this week there is a shortage of Hovis granary ( or any other) flour in supermarkets in the UK.

Re : Msg 73,

Dear Texas, could you check your mail box please. My email is bouncing back. Thank you.

Sorry for the off-topic.


Joined: 04/04/2009
Posts: 6858

Message Posted:
10/05/2011 20:35

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Message 75 of 85 in Discussion

Msg 73

Email me!



Joined: 22/09/2009
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Message Posted:
11/05/2011 08:02

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Message 76 of 85 in Discussion

Hi Clarissa, sorry no emails received. I sent you one yesterday!

Hi Brinsley, email sent.

And to keep this on topic......We should organise a shopping service for members.


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Message Posted:
11/05/2011 10:53

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Message 77 of 85 in Discussion

Msg 76




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Message Posted:
11/05/2011 11:44

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Message 78 of 85 in Discussion

Oh I so miss a wee slice of Scotish till ya drop here



Joined: 27/04/2008
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Message Posted:
11/05/2011 11:48

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Message 79 of 85 in Discussion

msg 76,

."We should organise a shopping service for members"

A TC friend of mine wanted to offer a shoppers minibus service to Lidl now and again. Split the costs of fuel and insurance, etc.

I posted it here for him. No takers.


Joined: 03/01/2009
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Message Posted:
11/05/2011 11:50

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Message 80 of 85 in Discussion

OMG Bread all over the place..But here at bells !

So sorry to upset you all



Joined: 31/01/2009
Posts: 1024

Message Posted:
18/05/2011 14:34

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Message 81 of 85 in Discussion

I am told that Bells have some new "English style" bread which is baked to their own recipe by a local bakery.

Has anyone tried it yet? What do you think?


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Message Posted:
18/05/2011 14:47

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Message 82 of 85 in Discussion

Presumably Bell were able to get the correct "Antioxidants" etc


Joined: 02/08/2009
Posts: 73

Message Posted:
18/05/2011 15:33

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Message 83 of 85 in Discussion

Have just bought the new bread from Bells. 4.50tl for a large loaf. Looks the same. Tastes ok. Don't know how long it will stay fresh!


Joined: 01/12/2008
Posts: 479

Message Posted:
18/05/2011 16:41

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Message 84 of 85 in Discussion

Message 83 fresh for a day if ok or 2 weeks for English supermarket type pooh!


Joined: 14/09/2009
Posts: 826

Message Posted:
18/05/2011 20:21

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Message 85 of 85 in Discussion

Whats wrong with supporting the local bakers I love the bread out here

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