North Cyprus Tourist Board - Tax's and duties payable on special car imports
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Tax's and duties payable on special car imports

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Joined: 11/09/2010
Posts: 39

Message Posted:
10/05/2011 14:42

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Message 1 of 4 in Discussion

Does anyone know what duties,taxes, would be due on the import of a car over 25 yrs old ie a classic any advice would be appreciated


Joined: 02/09/2009
Posts: 13

Message Posted:
10/05/2011 16:35

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Message 2 of 4 in Discussion

i to am thinking of sending my 1973 triumph stag to Cyprus would need to know the costs


Joined: 24/02/2008
Posts: 2953

Message Posted:
10/05/2011 17:55

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Message 3 of 4 in Discussion

You are best off speaking to Tamer Konat of the Classic and Sports Car Club.

He can let you know all the details.

0533 8611188

I brought over my 1979 Mercedes 450SLC 3 years ago.


Joined: 15/06/2011
Posts: 6

Message Posted:
16/06/2011 20:46

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Message 4 of 4 in Discussion

We shipped our 1974 Stag over in 2007

We had two options ; ship on deck or in a container, we chose the cheaper option of going on deck - bad idea. Always use a container. Cost then was about £800 from a port in Essex.

Tamer was very helpful, without him I would still be filling in paper work.

Make sure all serial numbers match your log book and get a second copy of the logbook before you export it.

Don't leave anything in the car - magpies !

Good luck

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