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Thanks for a great night at Korineum

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Joined: 13/02/2010
Posts: 54

Message Posted:
18/07/2011 10:57

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Now that my head has stopped hurting I would like to thank all those of you who supported my 'party in the park 'on Saturday at Korineum. A big shout for Barry Snakes who put in 14 hour shift on the day to make sure everything was perfect for my guest artists from the UK Paul and Suzanne. I knew the music would be great and hoped you would too.

The catering and waiting staff who were magnificent in providing over 200 people with a first class meal and our glasses from ever being empty. But mostly it is to you, the guests, that made the evening a complete success. To all of you who were dancing in the aisles before dinner had even finished and carried on until the wee small hours, to those of you who came up to me to tell me how much fun you were having.

That is what the whole evening was about, FUN. Check out the photos in the press this week

Thanks once again, you really made my day

Andy Guile, Captain Korineum GCC


Joined: 13/02/2007
Posts: 292

Message Posted:
18/07/2011 11:31

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Message 2 of 8 in Discussion

A great night Andy thanks to you and Lyndsay for putting it all together. Bad timing, hungover yesterday after the party then Clarke won the Open, hungover again today! :(


Joined: 28/05/2008
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Message Posted:
18/07/2011 11:35

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Message 3 of 8 in Discussion

Hi Andy, thank you for a fantastic evening. I agree with everthing you said - great food, excellent service and FUN!!!


Joined: 13/02/2010
Posts: 54

Message Posted:
18/07/2011 17:38

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Message 4 of 8 in Discussion

Check out the photos now online


Joined: 04/05/2009
Posts: 574

Message Posted:
18/07/2011 18:02

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Message 5 of 8 in Discussion

I agree, fantasic night Andy, well done! Bev and Steve


Joined: 27/03/2009
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Message Posted:
18/07/2011 18:06

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Message 6 of 8 in Discussion

Brilliant Night, well done. !!


Joined: 28/10/2008
Posts: 1512

Message Posted:
19/07/2011 09:19

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Message 7 of 8 in Discussion

Pleasure Andy ! A very well attended evening someone said double last years !! Suzanne and Paul were really great and the staff very efficient ! lets not forget "Dave the lights" for a great show ! have a good year in your captaincy ! Regards Barry


Joined: 06/03/2011
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Message Posted:
24/07/2011 09:12

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

A thousand apologies to all that I made an incorrect statement in my write up. I spoke of Brian Young as 'last year's captain' when of course I meant 'former ', cos he was talking to me about when he was Captain in the second year of the Club's history. Apologies - it muswt be the sun that got to me, and the realisation that I can hardly believe how old the club is, having known Arne who oversaw the construction which seems like only 'yesterday'. Now THAT is a Beatles sung that didn't get sung and I know that one, but the entertainers certainy knew what p;eople wanted. well done to Barry, Suzanne and paul.

am I forgiven?

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