North Cyprus Tourist Board - Missing Siyamese - ozankoy/upper patina restaurant area
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Missing Siyamese - ozankoy/upper patina restaurant area

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Joined: 16/03/2009
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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 13:55

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Our 4 years old male siyamese "Diego" is missing for the last 4 days around upper Patina Retaurant area.

He is neutered and has a blue collar.

He's friendly but rarely gets in touch with other people than family.

I know I should keep waiting as cats do this time to time (diego has done this only once and back on the 3rd day before) but I cannot stop worrying when I hear about the poisoning stories.

Has anyone seen him around the area???


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 14:16

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Ask your neighbours to check their garages and sheds.We had a Siamese who went missing over an Easter weekend and he had been in a shed which the owner locked before going away for three days. Good luck !


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 14:17

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I hope he turns up soon. It's unusual for a Siamese to wander far, they are very territorial and one family orientated.


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 14:24

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I keep walking around calling for him (he comes whenever I call no matter where he is) and asking the neighbors every day, I want to hang on the hopeful idea that he's going to be back soon..

Thank you swyflot for your good wishes!


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 16:20

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Keep looking. Look everywhere. Check the long grass. Check sheds/garages/houses/pools. I really hope you find him. Someone might have taken him. Offer a huge reward in the papers: this works. Try everything you can think off. Good Luck.


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 16:39

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Try contacting Kyrenia Animal Rescue - even if they haven't seen him they may get information which could help. Email . As Claire says, try everything and tell everyone. My cat went missing for 5 days and I made posters with his picture on and put them up on lamp posts, bins etc. He eventually turned up hungry but well (he had been shut in a shed). We love our animals but they cause us so much worry! Good luck!


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 17:39

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Im mostly worried that either he's been taken by someone (his fur and eyes makes him a very attractive pet to others) or he's been poisoned and could not come back, either way it makes me feel terrible :(


I will mail KAR right away, thank you!! My only wish is he also will be back starving...


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 18:12

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We will keep everything crossed for you that he is back very soon we know how terrible it is when they go missing - good luck


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Message Posted:
22/09/2011 19:33

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It really is unusual for Diego to wander far, too, he has always been around and visits home every couple hours and always sleeps inside. As he hasnt been away this long I thought maybe someone took him in.

Ozankoys thank you for your good wishes!!


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Message Posted:
23/09/2011 14:06

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Dear All,

Today on the fifth day Diego is back at last with a very bad leg injury that makes him walk very very very slowly, Im going to take him to vets right away now.

I think he hurt himself and then cannot get back and it takes him this long to be home!!

Im soooo happy to finally find him and Id like to thank you all very much for your interest!!


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Message Posted:
23/09/2011 14:42

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How nice to read of a happy ending! You must be overjoyed to have him back hopefully the vet will soon sort his leg out and he will be jumping around again.


Joined: 25/01/2011
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Message Posted:
23/09/2011 14:44

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Message 12 of 13 in Discussion

Poor Diego, hope he gets better soon. I'm so glad you managed to find him


Joined: 07/11/2008
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Message Posted:
23/09/2011 17:05

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Message 13 of 13 in Discussion

Glad he's home !

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