North Cyprus Tourist Board - where can i get dog food??
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where can i get dog food??

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Joined: 09/07/2011
Posts: 186

Message Posted:
13/10/2011 15:36

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im looking for a 1kg either eukanuba dermatosis or Purina vet diet hypoallergic dog food. does anyone know if these are sold in the north. ive noticed they seem to hav the 5kg of the eukanuba but thats tooo much as im not our dog will even lıke it. any help is much appreciated

daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008
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Message Posted:
13/10/2011 16:11

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Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

You can get them at most Vets, although it is very expensive....



Joined: 06/09/2010
Posts: 1797

Message Posted:
13/10/2011 16:30

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

The pet shop on the right hand side as you come down to the Bellapais traffic lights also does the whole range of Eukanuba.

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