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Greece pay their dead

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Joined: 30/04/2008
Posts: 326

Message Posted:
06/11/2011 07:49

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No wonder state their in


Joined: 27/04/2008
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Message Posted:
06/11/2011 07:51

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Why are we not surprised?


Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
06/11/2011 08:54

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The MOD (UK) were paying for a Naval Reserve Ship and crew in Wick (Scotland) for many years before it cam to light that the 'ship' was a holed wreck sunk in the Harbour!

It happens in the UK too with pensions being claimed by the relatives of the dead... It's been going on for many years.


Joined: 19/06/2010
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Message Posted:
06/11/2011 13:47

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Yes, widows in the UK get pensions from all aspects of companies and goverment offices.

My grandfather died working for the electricity company, he left a wife and two young children. Yes they got a pension / money for this. In later years when the kids had grown up my grandmother had to pay tax on that pension, even when she came of pension age herself.

So i don't think we have the right to judge without knowing all the facts.


Joined: 06/11/2011
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Message Posted:
06/11/2011 19:33

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we pay our dead too, but they are all working in westminster


Joined: 03/09/2011
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Message Posted:
07/11/2011 14:09

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Message 6 of 6 in Discussion

working? I really don't think so hamelin

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