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A fabulous Christmas Message!

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Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 07:50

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We received our first Christmas message.

A wonderful video.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 08:05

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The surfer's not very good at lip-synching... but good fun all the same.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 10:55

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scoobydoo, what a great video, made me feel really happy, thank you for that


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 11:10

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great video scoobydoo - thanks.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 11:24

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That was Brilliant well done the lads & lasses.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 12:27

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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 13:51

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Top Class !!!!!!


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 14:06

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Message 8 of 56 in Discussion

Total rubbish, take the music away and you have a bunch of freaks with to much time on there hands floating at sea doing all, its not even funny. Sorry to be a spoil sport but true.

Hope the ship sinks and they all drown bunch of pussy's.

Part of post edited , inferred foul language .......... Simbas


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 14:12

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Get a life, Steven ! Is there no room for harmless fun in your world ? Sad !!


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 14:15

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Part of post edited for inferred foul language , ........... Simbas


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 14:20

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Really there is no need to use " That " word !


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 14:36

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This is the point i have a life, this is how i know its not fun, you would have to be sad to like it.

Once again its about people in the british forces thinking they should have some special status, thinking they are the brave hero's of the uk. Floating around doing jack shit wasting tax payers money. The real hero's were in world war 1/2 when it had reason. The hero's of britain are the people who don't get mentioned, the peoples who's lives really are at risk, construction workers ect, that die every week and never get a mention. Watch it with no music and your see a bunch of geeks who run a mile if they got in a fight in the real world. Poor people stuck at sea for seven months getting paid well eating well, when in the real world thousands of people in the uk are struggling to feed there kids and buy them christmas presents. This is why britain has become such a joke little country little people thinking they are more than what they are. HAPPY CHRISTMAS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 14:43

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Msg's 8 & 10 , no need for that sort of language



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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:13

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Message 14 of 56 in Discussion

How the hell are they protecting us, we invade poor country's like iraq for no reason. We are no longer big players in the world, we just suck up to the us and hope for there protection if it really kicks of, like i said the hero's are the men and women in world war 1 and 2 that had to go through all that when we really were under attack, and when men really were brave and knew there was a big chance of being killed defending there country. squadies are usually little mugs who try and play the big men but end up getting knocked out most weekends, the real war hero's will be turning in there graves at these insecure little mugs, but saying that i know they are not all like that but a high percentage are. only 150 british soldiers have been killed in the last ten years no wonder they are all signing up, and if the truth was told they have died for no reason. Its a joke lets all think of the real hero's in every day life who are not looking to be highlighted, unsung hero's happy christm


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:25

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Message 15 of 56 in Discussion

Msg 14,

"Only 150 British soldiers have been killed in the last 10 years....." How many deaths will satisfy you Steve ? How many ruined lives will satisfy your blood lust ? 1000 ? 10,000 ? Your views are obnoxious to me. judging by your posts, you are a bitter, disillusioned and frankly, warped human being ! At 34 years of age, you still have a lot to learn, commence your education and project a more rounded view of the world !


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:30

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Lets not let the british military steal the lime light again this chrismas.

To the real hero's of britain, doctors, nurses, fireman, policeman, construction workers, foster parents, charity workers, the many jobs 100 times more dangerous than the british army or navy, life guards.

I would like to send out a big happy christmas to all the real hero's of britain, the ones who really count and make a difference, to the the unsung hero's.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:32

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I think msg14, has a point

although not well put across

I said something similar and was shot down in flames too


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:47

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Msg 16, you have obviously done foot patrols in Afganistan and Iraq and before that in many trouble spots including Northern Ireland. The British Military does not steal the limelight it is the press who bring matters to the attention of the world.

Merry Christmas to one and all.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:49

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Message 8 and the rest of the garbage.

What a sad life you must have when you cannot accept a lighthearted message sent by people who have been away from their families and home for many months, to those families, without making such an issue about it.

I do hope you have a good Xmas, but with your attitude i doubt you will.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:52

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Its true even if certain people don't want to admit it, these people steal the lime light even though they are at very small risk of getting hurt, and as these invasions are not justified why are they called hero's, the real hero's are in day to day life but when someone falls of a scaffold building homes for the homeless do they get mentioned on the news, us brits need to wake up and smell the coffee and get our morals in order. Its a complete joke.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 15:57

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Please close this thread.

I was trying to share a bit of Christmas spirit I did not intend for this to go the way it has.

Thank you



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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 16:10

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sorry for spoiling your thread, just fed up with the british media spoon feeding us this military rubbish every week and glamourising the trouble will cause.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 16:28

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Message 23 of 56 in Discussion

Love it!!!

steve.sewell don't be such a kill-joy. This is a great video clip. Yes, there are lots of unsung heroes; most people would agree with you.......but can you not just take this post in the light-hearted manner it was posted in. It is meant to spread Christmas Cheer!


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 16:34

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One of the many: Rifleman James Brown sacrificed his life to save others whilst on duty in Helmand Province, Afghanistan on Tuesday 15th December 2009. Having only passed out from training on 18th September 2009, and after less than two weeks in Afghanistan, 18 year old James and his colleague, Lance Corporal David Kirkness prevented two suicide bombers aboard a motorcycle from entering a crowded marketplace.

Realising that James and David were preventing them from reaching their intended target and causing maximum devastation, the bombers detonated their explosives, killing James and David. James and David's completely selfless and heroic action saved the lives of countless men, women and children.



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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 16:37

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Message 25 of 56 in Discussion

Scoobydoo I see no kneed to close it, just because of one Twonk !


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 16:50

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That is so lovely,Thank you scoobydoo.

I did a few years on carriers in early 60's,and have a son who has done a few tours to Afghanistan.

I will save and send to lots of old colleagues.



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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 16:51

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really sad people some of you.

poor people away from the family's for 6 months, being paid and eating well and pissing about on a ship. Wake up there are thousands of people dieing of cancer and nurses working long hours to save them, and having to go through the emotional side of there job. Members of my family have been on the front row in iraq and afgan, and they say its mickey mouse and pointless. They get guaranteed money pensions they are well looked after, fairly low risk work. And still get all this media hype. They all have to come back thinking they are the greatest people on the planet and milk it completely every year, and this is what this clip is really about them getting noticed, if it was the ladies at the orphanage no one would blink an eye lid. This country becomes more of joke as each year goes by and so do a lot of people in it, six months what a joke a lot of peoples whole life's are battles and a lot of the time its for other people, they have not got a clue.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 17:05

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Message 28 of 56 in Discussion

What a sad person you are, stop interfering on a thread that was meant to be for peoples enjoyment not for you to jump on your political bandwagon with some utter nonsense.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 17:08

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Steve,THEY have been on ACTIVE service for 6 months !!!Now they are coming home to there loved ones after so many months away,so close to danger and death.

Let them and us enjoy there happiness and joy.

If you have not been at sea on an HMS warship,in a war zone,you do not qualify to comment.

Steve,STOP being a killjoy.



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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 17:23

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I agree i have spoiled this thread, and i am being a killjoy i'm not usually like this. But it does not change the fact they did this to get noticed because something that should of been 7 weeks turned into seven months, so its an obvious fact they wanted to get noticed for there seven month cruise, which obviously will become the most dangerous mission known to man kind soon as they are home. To me they are so not important in anyway at all and it makes me cringe seeing them with the union jack. To them its more than a bit of fun and certainly not about christmas, its about them, and that's what i don't like. If it was a group of people doing it for no more than fun and it become a hit to there surprise as well it would be good for that reason. But once again its the same people who seem to think they are so special getting media attention again at christmas. Christmas should be about everyone especially the people who need it the most, not glory hunters blagging it.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 17:31

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Message 31 of 56 in Discussion

Steve, You're like a broken that was broken for a very good reason....can you guess why ?


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 17:49

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i don't disagree with you really, but i know they had no action. I am glad they will see there family's soon, but there are many people in the uk who will not, they are not especially important, they are not special, there are far braver people who do far more than them, that don't get media attention or respect, who should. So lets leave it then, you lot can enjoy your hero's in this we are the greatest clip, and i'll be thinking of the real ones this christmas and hope life rewards the real ones to. Fingers crossed these pointless invasions stop and so does any credit to anyone involved. This chrismas i'll think of all those brave people who died for our freedom, the real hero's. Eamonnmc- what a bit like arriva arriva arriva arriva arriva, fool.

Happy christmas to everyone on this forum.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 17:52

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sorry mistake.

Eamonnmc- what a bit like malcolm malcolm malcolm malcolm i love you xxx malcolm malcolm.

Happy christmas


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 18:09

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The greatest danger to society is not poverty or war , it is ignorance...You are living proof of the truthfulness of this saying and it really is not that surprising, that many of your posts, have been edited by the moderators for various reasons . Your mouth seems to engage before your brain has woken up ! That really does explain the type of person you are ! As bright as a 2 watt bulb ! Once again, Steve , how many dead soldiers will satisfy your blood lust ? What a plonker you are !!


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 18:50

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Now that must of hit a nerve, but i have noticed that's what some of you do when you don't have a foot to stand on. Your right though the british government are very ignorant and that's the problem. If you think that was just a christmas message for there loved ones, god help you. I know i'm right 100%, but i also know i have spoiled the spirit of things by doing so. I'm british but that does not mean i'm going to ignore the truth or block it out. What are you talking about i don't want anyone to die, but the truth is they never mention the thousands the british kill for no reason or morn for the family's of the dead in the country's we invade. The government cant even make up its mind why we are there, and you want to talk about ignorance. Lets reverse the question, how many thousands do the british want to kill to satisfy there blood lust. I will try again i want to wish you all a happy christmas, sorry about this thread. Eamonnmc i promise you i'm a lot smarter than you


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 18:59

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Another false promise, Steve !


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 19:16

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One final thing.

your at more risk from diy cancer and driving to and through work than being in the front line in afgan, they take pot shots like they are at he fun fair, i would feel ashamed or certainly not proud, and many people i know who have served are not. Its the same rubbish every year i'm such a hero we are so great music in the charts, clips like this one on you tube, my milkman died of a heart attack in his milk float last week and what he was doing was actually for the good of the british people, could not believe he was not on news night with his life time service. If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem. If it was a group of people on a ship coming back from the oil rigs a far more dangerous job who had been away from there family would it have been on the news or posted on here, of course not, even though it would have been just as funny/stupid. It would be nice to have a christmas without the glamour of war especially pointless ones, Love you a


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 19:30

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Steven,from Hatfield,Essex.139 posts of pathetic drivel in 1 month.Get a life !!I trust your father never served in the Armed Forces...more I believe you necer had a father.Good night



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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 19:31

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Message 39 of 56 in Discussion

One more thing Eamonn.

After that clip the uk is likely to be attacked, have you seen the men they could not pull a greasy stick out of a dogs arse. I bet the world leaders arses are flapping after seeing that.

That's enough, have a nice christmas Eamonnmc.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 19:39

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I totally agree, Mike....pure drivel from an airhead who does not even understand the meaning of the language he speaks ! i.e. one final thing followed by, yes, you guessed more thing....stupid or what ?


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 20:07

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Both my gran parents were in the war, one was in burma he was killed, both my cousins were front line in afgan and iraq. Mike, hatfield is near essex but actually in herts just outside north london. Also i have an opinion so please don't get personal. Eamonn by all means challenge my opinion but don't get personal because your not winning.Mike Eamonnmc i love you both and i wish you both a lovely christmas but please stop being so pro war and nasty and please think of the innocent lives they are taking for no reason. Any major war, world war would be decided by pushing buttons these days, the brave soldiers of the past are gone forever but will not be forgotten for a long time. One more thing Eamonnmc your not getting wound up are you. I will pray for you tonight and hope that you can see that attacking poor countries for no reason is neither big or clever and should not be supported, i will pray you learn to stand up against evil and learn not to pay these people any credit,god bless.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 20:23

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Even more drivel from Steve and not even," one more thing or one final thing !" I think Steve that you confuse verbosity with intelligence ! It's not about winning Steve, it's about decency and truth. it's not about how you say something, it's about what you say ! If you can't defend what you write i.e. msg 14...then don't write it ! It's that simple, even you should understand it ! happy Christmas !


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 20:45

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One more thing Eammon

You want truth, you cant handle the truth or defend your view? I was watching a programe the other day and it was a reporter with the britiah army in afgan on the front line, the soldiers were telling the locals they will get rid of the taliban so they can build schools ect, they looked very confused and when the reporter asked the locals what they thought of the british and american they said they want them to go, they said the taliban cause us no problems we are happy the way things were, the taliban are just defending there land. The british and americans keep blowing up are homes and killing members of our family's thinking they are taliban, they show no remorse, they use our land and homes as bases then we get hurt or killed by the taliban, we really wish they were not here. When we first went to war a long side bush the retarded cowboy he said we are going to smoke him out of his hole, also thinking the taliban were protecting him, which they weren't so it


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 21:00

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Message 44 of 56 in Discussion

Steve, you're a busted flush ! please spare us all the gibberish and just keep your own counsel ! Some people on this forum have called you a fool and you seem determined to prove them correct ! Stop now, before you lose what dignity you have left !!


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 21:01

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was never justified especially now we no he was in india the whole time, the taliban are just the bandits that run afgan and the heroin trade, like people are now saying that may have been a reason to go to war, but its to late to use that now, they will never stop protecting there land so when will it stop. So its a fact they are there for no reason thousands are being killed for no reason including non taliban women and children, but they never get mentioned at all, its almost like there lives mean nothing, but soon as one of ours is killed which is not often hes on news hes a hero fighting for his country its all so sad a big funeral through that now infamous village. Now when the british muslims spit at the british soldiers and call them murderers in places like luton i am not surprised because they are right, they are doing no good for the uk, really that is all they are doing killing people for nothing, the worse thing is they come back and everyone thinks what that have done


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 21:12

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is great and the are really proud of it to and they get a hero's welcome. So what you get is british and american soldiers killing all these people over something that is not true once again the same as iraq, but they have to stay there and carry on and try and make up a reason to be there rather than admit they are wrong and make themselves look stupid, as soon as they got bin laden they started talking about pulling out of afgan. How can anyone as a human being support this and see them as hero's, of course the muslim world is angry and of course because of this there will be a backlash, its simple leave them they leave us, of course yur going to get the odd nut case who blows up a bus, but then there is the white nutter in norway so that's just life. Why don't we pick on people are own size and why is it always muslim country's, well there's the oil but that's a different story but again murder for what we want, i would shake a soldiers hand for being a good person in his life but


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 21:25

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not for being a british soldier in these bully boy wars. Sometimes it takes duty there to understand how wrong it is like my cousins who are not the slightest bit proud of there service, and only wish they were around in world war 1/2 to fight for the country in something real that had purpose and meaning, its disgraceful what america does and even worse we get involved, and as for the squadies who think they are hard for being in afgan and then get beaten up every weekend it says it all about them and the reason they joined in the first place, i believe we all have a choice and even the ones that feel they haven't should no its nothing to be proud of, its such a safe place to fight soldiers want to go for there bragging rights to make out they have done something great, its a joke anyone who is proud of invading countries and killing people for no reason are really sick in the head and deserve a slap. So this is why britain is no longer great for me, and why people like Eamonn are


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 21:42

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no longer my country men, 10 years ago i supported the troops but now i know how it really is, i feel really ashamed to be britsh, i guess as you get older you get wiser, but in a lot of peoples cases they don't, there should be a christmas charity song to raise money for all the peoples lives who have been destroyed by the british and american army, but of course selfish brits don't care about these people they are hero's in there eyes. What about iraq first it was about weapons of mass destruction which was not the case, then it was made out to be to get rid of sadam to build a better iraq, but as rightly stated in the film the three kings the real reason was oil. So perhaps people should be a little less proud of these people, think about what they are really doing, think of all the peoples lives they have made hell rather than build them up to be heroic figures at christmas time or anytime, we are all humans at the end of the day and if you want be heroic do something heroic.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 21:52

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Steve, What ?


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Message Posted:
10/12/2011 22:32

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I'm bored of winding you up, i think you have finally worked it out anyway. Mind you i'm only saying the truth, people never seem to like it.

One more thing Eamonnmc, i think you are gravy son.


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Message Posted:
11/12/2011 00:05

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Steve, You are delusional , get help, quickly !!


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Message Posted:
11/12/2011 01:19

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The herion production has gone up 10 fold since the taliban fell


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Message Posted:
11/12/2011 02:11

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what pathrtic drivel by such a left wing mass-debater


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Message Posted:
11/12/2011 02:25

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don't mean you phil by thr way ;-)


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Message Posted:
11/12/2011 07:23

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Message 55 of 56 in Discussion

I posted this for a bit of Christmas cheer and not to have a war of words and I hate the idea of one of my posts going in this direction.

I asked the moderators to close this in msg 21 as I could see which direction it was about to go, but they haven't.

You guys have had your say, can you please stop now?

Thank you


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Message Posted:
11/12/2011 07:31

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Message 56 of 56 in Discussion

This thread is now closed.

Reason: It was closed at the request of the originator .......... Simbas

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