North Cyprus Tourist Board - Quiz and Poker night,With free food @ Emilys Bar,Bacheli
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Quiz and Poker night,With free food @ Emilys Bar,Bacheli

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Joined: 28/06/2009
Posts: 172

Message Posted:
18/01/2012 10:10

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Tonight @ Emilys Bar..Bacheli is quiz and poker night..

Quiz starts at 8.30pm with a 5tl entry fee for all that take part in it,with the winning team winning the jackpot prize..

Poker starts a bit later @ 10tl in per person..

Come and try your luck at one or both!!

Bookings taken on 0548 890 1691

Hope to see you all soon



Joined: 28/06/2009
Posts: 172

Message Posted:
18/01/2012 16:13

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back to the top please

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