North Cyprus Tourist Board - Sunday lunch at The Old Mill
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Sunday lunch at The Old Mill

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Joined: 02/05/2008
Posts: 213

Message Posted:
29/01/2012 18:07

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Message 1 of 4 in Discussion

Just to say - we had a lovely Sunday lunch at the Old Mill in Ozankoy today. Not our business, just a good meal.


Joined: 01/08/2010
Posts: 42

Message Posted:
30/01/2012 15:12

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Message 2 of 4 in Discussion

was there last weekend and it was US.


Joined: 27/10/2008
Posts: 1465

Message Posted:
31/01/2012 01:13

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Message 3 of 4 in Discussion

Thanks spud50 glad you enjoyed your lunch and took time to post on the forum look forward to seeing you again soon.

Hi johnm sorry to here about this can you expand?


Joined: 09/09/2011
Posts: 88

Message Posted:
31/01/2012 12:48

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Message 4 of 4 in Discussion

Agree msg. 1 - always a warm fire and good Sunday lunch at The Old Mill.

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