North Cyprus Tourist Board - Missing Long haired female black cat
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Missing Long haired female black cat

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Joined: 15/02/2012
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Message Posted:
15/02/2012 14:58

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Goes by the name of Socks as she has four white paws, has a little white under chin and at moment has a slight bald spot on right front leg where she had a blood test. She was last seen Sunday evening, we are in the Selin Villa's area of Ozankoy, but she could be trying to make her way back to where she came from near the wednesday market, If spotted please call me on 05338174921 and I will come and collect her. thanks to all for taking the time to read this.


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Message Posted:
15/02/2012 14:59

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I hope you fine her soon!! x


Joined: 26/11/2010
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Message Posted:
15/02/2012 17:45

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Will keep a look out for her. My cat took 10 days to find his way home over roughly the same distance you have mentioned, so don't give up looking around her old home. Do hope you find her.


Joined: 14/12/2010
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Message Posted:
15/02/2012 18:14

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Good luck with your hunt for Socks.


Joined: 19/10/2009
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Message Posted:
16/02/2012 14:15

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Put some missing posters in the Dr Sugery, hair salons and supermarkets ın the area by Wednesday market as well as your local area and on lamp posts on the way up to Bellapaıs and in Ozankoy village. My cat went missing for 11 days and I found her by a forum member who saw my poster. A photo if you have one would be good. Will look out for you on my travels. Hope you find her.

Sandra x


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Message Posted:
18/02/2012 10:34

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Thanks for the advıce sandra posters goıng up soon, unfortunately we dont have a photo. Socks owner returned to the uk on Thursday wıth her other two cats. Socks ıs supposed to be joınıng them but had not completed her paperwork. It ıs most lıkely she wıll return to her former home, unfortunately when she fınds ıt empty she may not stay around long. She lıved ın the socıal housıng area at the rear of Paladama Apartments (next road along from the road leadıng to the bypass).

Socks ıs a bıt skıttısh (probably a lot more spooked now) so a trap mıght have to be used to catch her. If you see her the best thıng to do would be to feed her to keep her around, keep your dıstance to avoıd spookıng her and call eıther Elaıne or me (I lıve a few streets away from her old haunts and am happy to be called anytıme). We wıll follow up any poss


Joined: 26/11/2010
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Message Posted:
20/02/2012 16:53

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Has Socks been found yet? I saw a cat that looked like Socks on saturday in the park near to Wednesday market place. I am a friend of her owner so I am familiar with Socks. Unfortunately I was driving at the time- rushing my cat to the vet. The cat was gone by the time I could return. I have tried the telephone no. given and the phone appears to switched off but I wanted to let someone know that she was in the area near to her old home. . Hopefully she still is if she has not already been found.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2012 06:12

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

No bigmac she hasnt been found yet, but thats great news that you have spotted her in Baris Park. I have been checking her old house twice a day and the surrounding streets, will try the park.


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Message Posted:
26/02/2012 11:47

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Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

Socks ıs stıll at large, there ıs a cat who looks very lıke her beıng fed by the nıce very cat frıendly people who run the Barıs Park cafe, but unfortunately ıts not her. She ıs mostly black, and very fluffy only has a very lıttle bıt of whıte under her chın and four whıte feet.

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