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Joined: 26/06/2008
Posts: 1352

Message Posted:
19/12/2008 21:00

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Message 1 of 15 in Discussion

orams special on ada television,showing now ,if anyone has it.



Joined: 02/03/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 21:03

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Message 2 of 15 in Discussion


Would you post some of what was said,



Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 21:05

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Message 3 of 15 in Discussion

will do paul.



Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 21:33

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Message 4 of 15 in Discussion

just went to a commercial ,fuat verizoglu putting the blame on britain ,saying the courts should of put the matter too bed,however it,s not just the ex pats ,it,s everyone the uk turks ,the isralies ,the russians any foreign national

ten of thousands people could be affected ,but would take years too deal with.

chances are it will never happen,however there are ways around it .


long live the kktc


Joined: 18/10/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 21:43

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Message 5 of 15 in Discussion


You are absolutely correct. The magnitude of the issues and the level of potential litigations is mind boggling.

This may well be the kick in the ass that the talks need.

Mr Downing needs to get stuck in and drive settlement forward.


Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 21:45

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Message 6 of 15 in Discussion

Those who've recently joined this board crowing about the 'decision' of the Learned Judge bladdy blah... will be sorely served if they think paying UK Barristers exhorbitant fees in pursuit of the value of the TRNC is the right way to go..

For one... it would drag on for years and cost them a fortune, not a small one a big fat bankrupting one...

Two, they are unlikely to win damages as they would probably have been offered a compensation deal out of court and any settlement would then be limited to that amount... standard practice to stop mendacious litigation when a settlement could be reached without wasting everybody's time...

Three, the UK courts can't handle the case load they have...

So some sort of an accommodation will have to be reached... as Pike recently stated, based on universal compensation rather than mass migrations and forced intermixing of communities...

Just a thought...


Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 22:06

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Message 7 of 15 in Discussion


complex and costly ,good like too all who go down this route ,if and when .

the need arises and remember there are ways around it .


long live the kktc


Joined: 02/03/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 22:16

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Message 8 of 15 in Discussion

Perhaps it is a ploy to kick start the talks.Just an observation,



Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 22:21

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Message 9 of 15 in Discussion

I don't think it will drag on for years in UK courts. Once the ECJ rules & assuming it goes with the AG opinion, then all a GC owner has to do is get a swift judgement in the South & immediately apply to have it enforced in the UK. The GC will only need to know the name & address of the UK resident. Easily ascertained especially if a UK based solicitor is appointed on behalf of the GC litigants. They can apply for an attachment of earnings order, an order against property and send in the baliffs. Costs will accrue but against the UK resident.


Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 22:38

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Message 10 of 15 in Discussion


soooooo wrong ,just not that simple.



Joined: 02/10/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 22:56

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Message 11 of 15 in Discussion

The Advocates General is not a Judge and this was not a ruling.

The role of The Advocates General is to issue an opinion which the judges will take into account.


Joined: 20/05/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 23:03

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Message 12 of 15 in Discussion

msg 11,

Yes, but their lordships usually follow the AG's recommendation, as was stated after it was announced. And it does seem to be one of the more clear-cut and uncontentious ones.


Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
19/12/2008 23:24

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Message 13 of 15 in Discussion


Care to expand on why I'm 'soooooo wrong'? I hope you are right by the way.


Joined: 13/07/2008
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Message Posted:
20/12/2008 03:40

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Message 14 of 15 in Discussion

PP Msg 12

Yes, in about 85% of cases apparently.

If someone gave me good enough odds I might have a punt that the judges will differ from the AG opinion. But would probably hedge it with a bet that they will go with the AG.


Joined: 18/10/2008
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Message Posted:
20/12/2008 03:54

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Message 15 of 15 in Discussion

The Orams case cannot and will not stand as a precedent

The original judgment in Nicosia District Court was made as a default judgment.

The Orams failed to follow very important protocol.

Lessons have been learnt.

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