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Stopped from crossing yesterday

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Joined: 28/07/2009
Posts: 3829

Message Posted:
07/03/2012 12:32

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Article in Kibris today about a group of Tc and English guys who were going to Larnaca on a bus for a meeting and the English were refused entry despite having up to date visa stamps in their passports. Reason given they were tourists. A lot of fuss went on with the UN getting involved they gave up after 2 hours arguing just 4 TC,s went on to Larnaca. Seems it was the bus that was the problem. They crossed last week in the same bus no problem. My friend was one of the Brits and he said he never wants to go south again.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 12:43

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Message 2 of 12 in Discussion

Probably a daft question, but why didn't they somply walk acoss, and get back on the bus the other side.

And if they are 'English' presumably with UK (Eu) passports why do they need a visa?


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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 12:46

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From My understanding, the RoC "Authorities", wont allow any vehicle over that has more than 7 seats and this has always been the case.


Joined: 28/07/2009
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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 12:51

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Message 4 of 12 in Discussion

It says in the paper they could have walked across but they were not told at the time. Msg 2 temporary visa to live in TRNC. Why were they allowed to cross the week before then? It was the same bus same company.


Joined: 02/12/2009
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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 15:15

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Message 5 of 12 in Discussion

Out of interest, I've read comments on here in the past about not having your passport stamped with the entry visa to TRNC, but to have it on a piece of paper instead. My question, what if the stamp is in your passport, what sort of difficulties might you encounter?


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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 15:37

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Message 6 of 12 in Discussion

You might get hassle if you fly into or out of Larnaca as it shows you used an "illegal" port of entry namely Ercan.


Joined: 23/08/2009
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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 15:43

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Message 7 of 12 in Discussion

My passport is full of Ercan stamps and I've never been challenged at Larnaca


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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 15:44

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Message 8 of 12 in Discussion

I only said maybe! Dont care really as i never leave.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2012 18:11

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Message 9 of 12 in Discussion

The TC s were allowed to walk over, from there they had to get another mini bus but the brits were not allowed to cross as they were classed as tourists. Gets more daft by the minute.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2012 05:08

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Message 10 of 12 in Discussion

Never had any problems with my many TRNC stamps, but only ever travelled via south twice.

Always try to go via Ercan when possible.

No other country in the world seems interested in them.


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
08/03/2012 09:22

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Message 11 of 12 in Discussion

There is some confusion here but this is my understanding solely from the posts above:

1. Any motor vehicle with more than 7 seats are considered as busses and subject to extra regulations.

2. Tourists i.e. non Cypriots are not allowed to walk over at Metehan. Makes no sense since tourists are allowed to walk over at Ledra and Lokmaci crossings. Welcome to Cyprus where laws and regulations are made or changed by the hour



Joined: 25/06/2008
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Message Posted:
08/03/2012 10:10

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Message 12 of 12 in Discussion

The Greeks move the goal posts all the time to suit themselves, they don't give a monkeys about any inconvenience they cause to innocents.

However at the crossing point near Famagusta no such problems as it is manned by and is on British territory (SBA).


Famagusta City.

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