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Border Crossings police cert

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Joined: 09/01/2012
Posts: 53

Message Posted:
19/03/2012 19:20

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borrowing a friends car to pick up relatives in the south problem is he is in the uk i have all the docs for the car but not the police cert can i go to the police station and get one myself


Joined: 24/03/2007
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Message Posted:
19/03/2012 19:52

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Message 2 of 8 in Discussion

Pretty certain that the registered keeper needs to put you on the Police Docs.


Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
19/03/2012 19:58

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Message 3 of 8 in Discussion

I don't think names are on the road tax .. It only applies to the car ..

You will need your UK driving licence & have your name added on to the insurance ..

If the car is already insured it will cost about €8 to add your name ..

If you have to insure it won't cost anything to add your name ..


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Message Posted:
19/03/2012 20:10

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Message 4 of 8 in Discussion

it's not as simple as that Harry.Otherwise anyone can get someone elses car pay their €8-10 and go over.

You need to have your name on owners local insurance papers.Even then,you need owners consent,which means he/she needs to be there at the time of having 3rd parties name added.


Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
19/03/2012 20:44

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Message 5 of 8 in Discussion

Hi Sal ..

I seem to remember one Sunday I was going to pick my daughter from Larnaca ..

The road tax had expired & the office was closed .. No chance to cross ..

I rang my friend, whose car I knew had the road tax & was insured ..

He came to the border ..

I paid €8 had my name added to his insurance ..

I carried on to Larnaca in his car & he drove mine home ..

The next time I insured my car, His name was added ..

Maybe your last comment is right .. He was there ..

Car insurance for the North, any licenced driver can drive with my permission


Joined: 12/03/2008
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Message Posted:
19/03/2012 21:00

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Message 6 of 8 in Discussion

harita 10 euros not 8


Joined: 16/06/2009
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Message Posted:
19/03/2012 21:06

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Message 7 of 8 in Discussion

there you go Harry.The owner of the vehicle was present at crossing.

They,couple of years ago,stopped me driving a uk plate car over with green card.

Perhaps it is to do with who is there at the time of crossing.But,I certainly wouldn't want to take the risk,not at least when I have people/friends... depending on me at airport.


Joined: 14/08/2008
Posts: 1343

Message Posted:
19/03/2012 21:14

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

sylvie .. Was €8 at the time .. Maybe it's €10 now

Doesn't matter now as both our names on both insurances ..

Sal .. I always make sure the road tax is valid ..

Even if it means a trip to the border just to get this document

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