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Sweetwater Bay Completions Part 5

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Joined: 21/01/2009
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Message Posted:
25/03/2009 22:40

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Message 1 of 271 in Discussion

velcome komrades I am now part off the in zet as you kall it I am verily happy


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Message Posted:
25/03/2009 22:46

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velcom Z , as you all know we are over for easter, when we go down to site what do i do if the big metal gate is shut ? is it manned or do i just open it myself? just seen it on a photo and it looked shut



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Message Posted:
25/03/2009 22:49

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not worry adny if gate lokked I can get boat go underwater from Red army we can land a beach and climb up to 133 and katch fish on the way.


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Message Posted:
25/03/2009 22:51

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great Z , your english is improving?


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Message Posted:
26/03/2009 10:37

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Andy- the code is simple, Andy will tell you. Alternately, if both gates are closed, use the builders entrance


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Message Posted:
26/03/2009 19:44

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thanks arthur i thought there was a code. anyway ron and ken went down to our site today and have video,ed the site im waiting for ron to e-mail this to me and ill keep you all informed. sheila and phil as promissed they had a look in yours and yes you have a bathroom downstairs and a wet room upstairs. rocky they said yours is fantastic and only needs white goods and air con units. they are realy impressed with our site make no mistake!



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Message Posted:
27/03/2009 00:38

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Wonderful news. Thanks Andy (and Ron & Ken). If they have any video of our white walls (outside), then that would make Sheila's day

Can't wait to get back out there and see all the changes.


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Message Posted:
27/03/2009 17:01

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nice bike phil any chance i could have a go ( passenger that is). im still waiting for ron to send me the e-mail video ill text him later . .



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Message Posted:
27/03/2009 19:04

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Phil, weren't you the bloke riding the bike on "Rogue Traders" last night??

Regretfully I haven't had a bike for nearly 30 years.................but still a bit useful in a go kart



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Message Posted:
27/03/2009 22:27

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anyone know were me mate zivargos gone? also rocky? well i just thought id ask no one seems to be posting , come on baywatchers who wants some photos when we are over in just over a week



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Message Posted:
27/03/2009 22:40

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hes seen the champions league draw, hes trying to get tickets for the final //


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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 09:19

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motor bikes should not be allowed in SWB unless Lambrettas are as well. Every sunday we could get drunk at the bar and have a fight. Not sure where go karts fit in I guess arthur needs 4 wheels to act as stabilisers must confess Im on 4 wheels now with my agricultural ATV s handy for weedspraying nd no arthur I cannot drive a tractor


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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 11:41

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Message 13 of 271 in Discussion

Hi All,

Just back from a few days away and its great that we do have our wet room as requested. Still being tantalised with the white walls promise but I guess all will be revealed soon. A picture of wardrobes or kitchen fitments would be good Andy

Just checking the weather and it looks like its warming up nicely over there so the pools will start to be used etc.

We still have 89 sleeps so I think shopping for 'stuff' for C41 might make the time go quicker!!

Have a great day

Sheila&Phil x


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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 13:09

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Rocky, I always had a suspicion there was something dodgy about you- now you've come out of the closet as a mod [excuse pause whilst I expectorate on the floor].

Andy, don't need photos, but Sir Geoff asked how the claret and blue colour scheme on 133 was going. Give our regards to the SWB/RMS crew. Please also ask after Mad Max [the dog].

Have a good trip.



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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 14:33

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Rocky, you may not be able to drive a tractor, but I bet you can worry sheep!!!

It's true a go kart doesn't need stabilisers, but neither do I until after the second bottle of wine.

Ah well, must go, off to see England v Slovakia. If you look at league 1 you will see the mighty Shrimpers [Southend United] are aiming to get in the play offs. May be playing the Tractorboys next season..........


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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 19:19

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arthur claret and blue? sir geoff hurst mansions? no in your dreams mate 133 is officialy called sir alex fergusson heights, im in contact with the powers that be in the trnc to get it finalised. i can also adjust your colour scheme if you wish when im over at easter, hows a six foot mufc club crest sound on your living room wall ? i was told i could have been an artist when i left school (piss artist) LOL



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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 20:12

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adny dont vorry bout me have contrakt on road to SIbreria I vill be away a few days. Ve can pant 133 red wyte if yu like but I vmust name mine Kop tiz anshient Russian for top and promize my parrents name arfta theer flat


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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 20:17

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welcome back zhivago. Have gr8 trips all of you over there for Easter keep the photos coming. I guess there will be a batch of completions before the main summer period hopefully mine. If I can get a flight I woul dlike to be there for the sNagging. I hope I can remain on line i the USA


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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 22:44

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Message 19 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Guys

Haven't been on for ages but have sort of caught up.

Is anyone going out in the near future. We would love it if someone could take some photos of 120/1 (GLB) as they are supposed to be fitting a ballustrade around our patio, as it is too high and they are supposed to be relaying half a dozen floor tiles as there was a flaw in the tiles, goodness knows why they put them down in the first place!

Anyway any photos would be great.



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Message Posted:
28/03/2009 23:56

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hi alison, we are out for easter ill take photos for no probs



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Message Posted:
29/03/2009 14:52

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I wonder how long Rocky AND Zhivago are away for? Shopping went well yesterday but |I am still missing C41 so maybe I need to get more Phil is out on a ride today with the boys so I am trying to keep myself amused. Cleaning bluetac marks of daughters bedroom is no fun :-(



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Message Posted:
29/03/2009 16:13

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Shileia I away till job dun posserbly 5 days nites onley. Rokky how long yu away?


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Message Posted:
29/03/2009 16:19

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Message 23 of 271 in Discussion


me got lots of pics of akanthou........


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Message Posted:
29/03/2009 18:04

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Andy- just for you, "Desperate Dan" [yer man Rooney] was in a class of his own, although most of the team [with the exception of the serial philanderer Ashley Cole] played well.

Sir Geoff said that if Sir Alex was going to help [obviously in a very minor role] with the opening of 133, for hygiene purposes can you provide a bin for AF's discarded chewing gum..................


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Message Posted:
29/03/2009 22:56

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arthur, i hope (desperate dan shapes up better than he did last week) re the opening 133 im getting worried sir alex asnt responded to my invitation? still hes very busy im shure he will respond in due course. . .



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Message Posted:
29/03/2009 23:56

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arthur ive sent another e-mail to the great man just incase he didnt recieve the first one, keeping fingers crossed!


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 15:02

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Message 27 of 271 in Discussion



Thanks, that will be great will you be able to upload them to Snapfish. If not I can send them by email to me.

Cheers and enjoy the sunshine.


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 15:17

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Message 28 of 271 in Discussion

Just booked a flight for a week at the end of October.

It's a reasonable price but in the time I looked it up, texted my wife for agreement, got her reply, the price had gone up £60.

How's that for inflation?

Checked again later out of curiosity and it had come down £40 from the price I paid and then went back up again, talk about yo-yo prices!


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 20:01

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loby its the biggest scam going and needs looking into, i was told about it last year but thought nothing of it untill it happend to me when booking the trip next week. last jan i logged onto peggasus website and got prices for the three of us at £620 i logged of to go onto antother carriers site after realising we were not going to get a better deal i went back onto peggasus and the cost had gone up £60 in twenty minutes!



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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 20:12

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alison please confirm your appartment number i know it is in 120 but which on ?



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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 21:54

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kin,ell you three good guys! more piosion than a black viper sailor boy


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 22:35

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Andy what are you going on about?


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 22:42

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shiela do you not read the political postings on this forum? the above person or thing (cylad) is a greek scam poster who keeps getting banned and comes back with another name. they post day and night that we are all going to loose are properties ect, hes posted recently about SWB and exchange land. dont worry about him and his gay freinds they are loosing the arguments big time !


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 23:09

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Ah I usually just ignore all that stuff just didnt realise it had come onto the SWB thread. What day are you going out? Have you had any photos from your friends yet?



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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 23:15

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monday 6th april. i had a text of ken saying ron would try again to e-mail them, thinks he may have had probs. dont worry ill ring him tomorow . sheila ill take loads of photos but i haven got a clue how to do snapfish? last july i came home and paid my computer guy nigeal to e-mail them to you all



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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 23:36

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Thanks Andy, I've just twigged that Cylad is aka Macha aka Private Pike. I assume that Captain Mainwaring would call him a "stupid boy".

I think all those who have looked for more than a few minutes will be aware that there are "issues" between the GCs and TCs, and indeed the property ownership matters, but one can only assume that [as opposed to Juliet aka Suzanne who I think is married to a GC] Cylad/Macha/Pike who is British is either being paid for his efforts, or has little else to do with his time. It's interesting that despite him detesting the current regime/property issues, he voluntarily lives in NC.

Andy, from your last post you seem to be as much of a Luddite as me. We need a crash course in IT from Tekknochicken. Rocky/Zhivago will of course be excluded for wanting to ride scooters.


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Message Posted:
30/03/2009 23:54

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thanks arthur , have you viewed no1 doyens post "a big thank you" juliet is being ripped appart ( funny as f--k)


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 00:05

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Yes I have [just]. I guess she'll go off and listen to her Demis Roussos albums.........or is it Nana Mouskouri ??


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 15:15

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Jackie and Arthur did you find a shop for Crockery cutlery glasses etc? Or Ktchen bits when you were there?

Sheila x


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 16:30

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Hi Sheila -

We were naughty and took over our own dinner and side plates - I think we even took some glasses!! Arthur's mum gave us her old cutlery canteen (from the 50's or 60's - I think) - other kitchen bits we took over also. We went over to IKEA (Pat and Andy drew up a very detailed map 'DO NOT DEVIATE' and is available from the SWB/RMS office) there we bought mirrors, glasses and glass candle holders etc.

We are having our bedroom curtains made up over here and will take them over on our next visit.

Jackie x


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 16:33

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I am bringing a load of Bits in the suitcase's but didnt think of bringing crockery/cutlery as I guessed it would be to heavy and breakable! This is all getting too much for my brain.......................................... x


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 17:42

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I know we were bloody lucky that we had no breakages - anyhow, Sheila perhaps I can provide you with a list of things.


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 17:45

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... don't forget that First Aid kit!!!


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 18:36

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Let's try and keep this one at the top!!!


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 18:55

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Thanks Jakkie,

Yet another thing to add to my list If you have a list already then that will help the grey matter organise itself then that would be great.

I hope we can 'eat posh' when we are all out there together in June/July Or maybe a a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 20:01

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I know - how wonderful!!!!

I was thinking about a sunset cruise - what doya fink???


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 20:18

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Me and slow moving boats dont go well especially if food is involved...... Now speedboats, jet ski's etc then I am up for it although eating isnt easy on them either



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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:15

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Well let's give it a try anyway - with the wind in the right direction, the boat (or whatever you call it) might pick up speed and I can also supply some sea sickness medication - c'mon let's ('cuse the pun) push the boat out!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:34

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.... the boys are quiet tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:40

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just got back from a fab indian resteraunt, its our alexs fourteenth birthday today so i took her and two freinds, can anyone recomend a good indian in north cyprus? by the way ken texted while having the meal its MAD HOT over there , cant wait

andy,susan and alex


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:47

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Andy, Sue and Alex - hope you had a great time!!!!!!!

Arthur and I had a meal at Al Shaeen (hope that's the correct spelling) - I ordered a king prawn massala - well what I got was - three normal size prawns cut in two - so I got six small pieces of prawn in not a very good sauce - we will avoid this one in future!!

Sorry can't be much help - that's the only Indian we've been to - but I have to say we are very spoilt in this part of Essex - we have some wonderful Indian restaurants.


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:51

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its MAD HOT... not.. 22d is warmish...


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:55

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hi jakki, is the restaurant you name near the speed camera on the left going into girne? if so we went last feb and lets leave it at that!



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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:56

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Yeah - that's the one!!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 22:58

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juliet , 22dc is mad hot when you reside in the foot hills of the pennine mountains



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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 23:01

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jakki, thats why i posted the question, coz we went there and it was shit! there must be a good indian in north cyprus, we have freinds staying from turkey and i want to take them out . .



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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 23:04

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Booked a week in June with my daughter via Istanbul, 2hr 40min stopover, done this route before, it's a long long trip.

This will be the big clean, curtains up, furniture in, anything in suitcase trip and anything else we can do and buy + some sun hopefully.


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 23:04

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...Well Arthur and I just usually go to TC restaurants - great fun - good food - I've started a thread called 'Somewhere posh (to eat) - have a look some good recommendations!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 23:10

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somewhere posh jakki, im from wigan ( like dave whealan) pudding chips peas and gravy would do me !lol



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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 23:13

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.... well I'm from the East End of London ... it's still nice to go out and dress up - what about Sue - she may like that!!!! I've never been to Wigan but I have read 'The Road to Wigan Pier' when I was fifteen !!!!! Does the Pier still exist??


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Message Posted:
31/03/2009 23:22

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jakki yes it exists , but it aint a pier as you proberbly know. its a canal part of the leeds/liverpool its got a few offices and a resteraunt and thats about it! we are more famous with the mighty WIGAN CASINO! i bet you dont know what that is ?lol



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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 00:33

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Loby we are there from the 26th June and I think Jackie and Arthur are there just before that as well. Our neighbours should also be out then as well so looks like the party might be getting bigger


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 13:21

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The SWB site hasn't been updated for some time now - any news on the beach/jetty situation???


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 13:27

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I think that will be done last when all site work is complete. C40 are arriving today and Andy and Sue are there shortly so maybe more news then.

Jakki did you send me "The List"



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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:17

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Sheila - what have you got so far for your villa??

I had been buying things for a quite a while really - I mean even down to kitchen scissors and chopping boards - Arthur was amazed when he saw what I had got. John Lewis at Waitrose (which is a few miles from where we live) is ideal for getting great ideas - kettle/toaster/mugs/plates/sharp veggie knives/coffee/tea/sugar caninsters/bath mats/loo roll holder/bathroom shelves/soap holder/bed linen/pillows/duvets/bathroom mirrors/towels/tea towels/ - we even took a frying pan for our cooked breakfasts - we still have a list of what to take next - we must get a laptop and get you and Phil to each us about Skype!! To be fair we did actually buy some things in NC - such as a rubbish bin for the kitchen/a clothes dryer/bucket, broom and mop (which were pretty cheap in Lemar). We got some cheap saucepans in IKEA and we plan to get some free standing wooden shelves for the wetrooms on our next visit.


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:24

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I took out my own fabric for the kitchen - and Hayhay made up the blind for me. I am also replacing the metal tie backs he put up - I have an eye for detail and the ones he used just didn't match anything!! Again, I have seen some that will in John Lewis.

Arthur and I intend to use the gym when we are next out - so a sports bag each is also on the list. Some walllights that we got in IKEA in the South are much cheaper other here - so a trip to Thurrock was in order last week.

We have asked SWB to remove some ceiling lights for us - far too many!!!


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:29

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Did you take all that on the plane with you? Wow I need to get thinking about all this a bit more. Mind you if our place isnt ready to put stuff in at the end of June when we are going over can we borrow a cupbaord please to store stuff until august?

Sheila xxxx


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:32

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The roof terrace sink - is anyone having doors made for the space underneath - we had thought to have a wine cooler fitted but apparently it would be too hot - I think it would look smarter with doors put on though.


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:37

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I know it's incredible isn't it that nothing got broken!!! Of course, you can store stuff at our place - no probs.

Arthur downloaded this from Pegasus website just the other day :-

"2- Hand baggage : This is baggage taken on the plane by the passenger. Each passenger is permitted one item of unregistered baggage measuring 20cm x 40cm x 55cm and weighing a maximum of 8kg"

Wish we had known this before - will be taking a copy to the airport with us!!!


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:43

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...check out their website because other items also allowed in the cabin.


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:46

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Just thought of something else that Arthur has stocked up on - energy saving light bulbs - he was in Lidyl last week and they had an offer on - it was something silly like five bulbs for 50p or something!!!


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:47

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Hadn't thought about doors but we also want a cooler upstairs somewhere. We have thought about getting a water cooler with small fridge in the base and having it in our bedroom. My main thought for the roof is some kind of shade as it will be roasting up there.

We have heard though that as there is water and soakaways on the roof you could set up a overhead shower quite easily to cool off.

SHeila x


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:50

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The shower idea sounds good - I did have in mind to buy a modern four poster bed and hang with white muslin and very large cushions - just to relax with a large gin & tonic listening to Jason Marz.


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 15:52

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Message 74 of 271 in Discussion

Are you still having the jacuzzi Sheila?


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 16:04

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Yes its going in the back right garden corner. We still have to find a place that does them. Apparently there is a place that supplies and fits them over Lapta way so we need to sort that when we are out in June.

Sheila x


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 16:29

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Message 76 of 271 in Discussion

Sheila, I think the place you mean is Mustafa Genc- he's doing our glass screens in the wetrooms. He has a display of bathroom fittings at SWB. The lightbulb offer in Lidl [sposored by British Gas] was 50p per lightbulb, 40p [in total] for 5!!! Lightbulbs, particularly low energy bulbs are an arm and leg in NC. You will probably find that when your villa is complete there will be a mixture of bayonet and edison [screw] fittings. If you can't find them elsewhere, Ikea do edison fitting bulbs.

Despite putting furniture together and putting up light fittings and toilet roll holders etc during our last visit, I have a full work programme for our visit in June..............................c'est la vie.


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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 22:29

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Thanks Arthur I will have to see them when we are over in June and then with any luck I can get it delivered ready for August. Just trying to work out when we have to pay for stuff and I have Land registry fee and VAT on the list for the villa any idea at what stage this has to be paid and to whom? Also is mainatainace for RMS paid up front when you complete?



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Message Posted:
01/04/2009 22:31

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Message 78 of 271 in Discussion

That's enough now Arthur. You're going to get me in a lot of trouble if you keep talking DIY


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 01:06

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Message 79 of 271 in Discussion

heello my komrades found intchernet cafe but v r still reparring road to Siberia looks like a verry long job so get up to date later its too menny roubles to uze tis places f .u. n, e fotos yet adny u ken e mail to Arthur he nose me well u ken c I lern my ingkesh fwom 2 Ronns dvd like f u n e Iy find ezy


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 10:11

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Message 80 of 271 in Discussion

KDV [i.e. VAT] is paid with last instalment to SWB. Solicitors sort out Land registry fee[register contract], although technically you can do it yourself. Hav you paid stamp duty??

Sorry Phil, but I can't be responsible for whatever your list will be, bet it's not as long as mine.

I won't tell you again Rocky, you've got to keep off the's giving you a split personality


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 10:25

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I forgot, RMS also paid upfront on completion


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 12:37

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Message 82 of 271 in Discussion

Thanks Arthur thats how I thought it would go. Yes we have paid stamp duty already. Just wanted to make sure we hadnt missed anything.

Sheila x


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 12:40

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Message 83 of 271 in Discussion

I just hope that all peoples now completed have also paid RMS in full!! I really hope we dont get in same issues as other sites mentioned on the boards. People not paying but expecting to use the same servies etc as the ones that have paid.



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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 13:14

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Message 84 of 271 in Discussion

Well - they should be named and shamed as far as I am concerned.

Those people who do not pay are, of course, in breach of contract and when I raised this issue with SWB I was informed that any breach of contract, SWB would be seeking relief through the courts. I was also advised that the authoriries take a dim view of any breach of contract and those persons involved will not be entitled to their title deeds.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 04:03

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Message 85 of 271 in Discussion

howdy guys n gals from the USA its very hot here and having a great time. Just got wireless sorted out for our villa there are some bargain properties available and everything is set up for renting its great. Where is Andy has he been banned? I know hes out in NC at Easter so watch out mods he will b looking you up. There aint much news as far as I can see I feel sorry for ZHivago reparing the road out there in the wilds of uheckistan or wherever.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 13:25

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Message 86 of 271 in Discussion

hi rocky im here and i got your e-mail, no i aint banned(yet) it was a hosting company fault the whole 44 site network went down till 1.30 in the morn



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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 16:44

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Message 87 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Rocky,

Good to hear from you and glad things are ok out there. I think its gone quiet as Andy is packing



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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 22:47

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Message 88 of 271 in Discussion

susan is going mad ! im packing nothing but fishing tackle.... lovin it!



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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 23:24

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Message 89 of 271 in Discussion

Andy, I hope that for the sake of all people in NC you are at least packing a change of underwear.


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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 01:07

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Message 90 of 271 in Discussion

Andysue .. Leave your M.U. shit, sorry shirt at home .. Nobody wears football shirts here .. Get my no off Dave Jones .. I'll tell him to go into the Vic tomorrow & give me a call next week if you are going into Girne .. He will be out here on the 11th so you will overlap by 5 days ..


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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 15:42

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Message 91 of 271 in Discussion

Where is everyone ? Once again I have been shoppping, I am not sure suitcases will manage everything I have bought LOL

List as long as my arm of things to organise for Phil to do Can I get a toolkit in a suitcase as well?????

Sheila x


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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 20:59

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Message 92 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Sheila - what did you get??

No need to take a toolbox because Andy has loads of tools!!!!


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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 21:10

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Message 93 of 271 in Discussion

hi harry, dave has allready give me his number, ill ring him to get yours we will pop down to see you all when he lands .

take care see ya soon andy


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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 21:35

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Message 94 of 271 in Discussion

arthur im a nudist told you before dont need any underware lol



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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 22:20

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Message 95 of 271 in Discussion


Sheets towels kitchen bits and more importantly a bottle opener !!

Andy when do you actually go?



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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 22:24

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Message 96 of 271 in Discussion

Oh yes the all important bottle opener!!!!!


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Message Posted:
04/04/2009 23:12

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Message 97 of 271 in Discussion

zivargo where are you? i will take some pickys of your russian palace if you like ? anyway all packed, on my second can of efes woops i mean carling we leave for guest house at stansted tomorow about ten . rons got internet access so ill post a few updates ( hopefully) while over...



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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 04:16

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Message 98 of 271 in Discussion

Mr Adnysue I very worry no sine off my husbend Ivor for two days gon missing. He working away nd went out with Komrades onky komrades cum back. I em goeng thro his things and I no Yu adny are his firend,help me find Ivor he uses zhivago onhis komputer only to be anonamous. He has left his vodk in his lokka but his blue pills missing he had reptile dissfunkytion.. He last seen talkingg to an Olga. Pleze help me. If he missing we havno money to buy our flat in swetbaywater.


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 12:51

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Message 99 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Sheila,

We're going out three times before the end of the year and even with that number of trips we think it's going to be a struggle to bring everything we want from England but we'll pack what we can.

Being a male I don't want to spend all my time shopping.

With more and more people being over there at the same time Andy F. will need a very large toolkit!

By the way when I was a teenager I wanted a Lambretta 125 but never got one going straight to cars so in the bar me and rocky will be sitting with the elderly mods and at the other end will be the elderly rockers.

Andy, whilst out in SWB would you check if 123 GR has still got builders chippings piled up against the side of my apartment please.


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 13:50

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Message 100 of 271 in Discussion

Well Loby I did not guess you were a Lambretta man, my first was a 150cc series three I think it was £20 deposit and £8 a month. Then the dream an SX 200 withhout a crash helmets and a few minor slip ups on icy roads. Should we make SWB a noise free zone with no cars, no motorcycles and no scooters? In many Italian holiday villages it is so peaceful you park on the perimeter in a designated parking area and use battery powered golf carts no danger to children (unless they drive them) and it sems idylic. Hey guys n gals can we help MRs z find z and have you gone Andy?


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 14:07

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Message 101 of 271 in Discussion

So Rocky, it'll be you and Loby at one end of the bar, with me and Phil at the other end. You'll be trying to put The Who on the jukebox whilst we'll be trying to put Gene Vincent on. Then I'll say something true [but not very nice] about scooters, and that's when it'll all kick off.................................................


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 14:13

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Message 102 of 271 in Discussion

Just be careful Arthur we hope that Loby and I will not rise to any bait but we can be pretty mean. I expect you have a leather jacket with studs on and the kinks on the back. This is why we must be a quiet environment with no tribal uniforms I promise I will leave my Parka on my lawn tractor. Golf carts now seem a must even Mrs Mint must agree surely she wont want any trouble finding the motorbike in the ravine in the morning.


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 14:15

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Message 103 of 271 in Discussion

Play nice boys the only thing I can agree on is it will be too hot for me to wear my bike gear and crash helmet


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 14:17

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Message 104 of 271 in Discussion

Apart from the fact there is NO room in the suitcase for any of it!!!


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Message Posted:
05/04/2009 17:51

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Message 105 of 271 in Discussion

Okay Rocky, I'll try to be nice. I won't say anything horrible about your hairdryer, sorry I meant scooter...................!!


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 00:43

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Message 106 of 271 in Discussion

Sheila, you can get that sort of gear from the local TRNC Anne Summers shop !

Zhivago probably dresses in top mod gear but it's the first time round in Russia.

(apologies if there are any real russians out there)

Never did get my Lambretta instead had a second hand £90 Ford Anglia (sloping back window) and that certainly liberated me from the bus.

What was other peoples first car and any stories to go with it ?


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 11:16

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Message 107 of 271 in Discussion

My first car was an old Skoda, given to me by my Dad when he was due to get rid of it. My Mum didn't like me riding motorbikes, so she prevailed upon my Dad to give it to me. Not only did my Dad give me the car, he paid the insurance as well. As my Dad was a bit careful [to say the least], for him to PAY the insurance left me speechless................


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 13:48

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Message 108 of 271 in Discussion

My first car was a £500 Midnight blue Ford Escort MK2 and I drove it around for years and each year it got through its MOT no trouble.

Had loads of cars since then but I loved that car .......


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 14:30

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Message 109 of 271 in Discussion

Arthur if you refer to my lambretta again as a hairdryer I will call on you and pull up your daffodils so be careful. So Southend Hells Angels were really cool pulling up at their raves in a skoda with their leathers on. I bet that helped you pull the birds. I bet Jakki wasnt around then I guess she has more taste. When I heard I was going to be given an old A30 by an aunt I went out and traded my SX200 for a mini. OK not great but ...


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 15:58

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Message 110 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky- I don't do gardening. Actually we don't have any daffodils [just a few roses with bark chippings to keep the weeds away], but if you pull up our flowers, you'll be a brave man because you'll have the Boss to contend with. She might even set our killer West Highland Terrier, Robbie on you.

As for the Skoda being a crumpet puller.............well [surprisingly] no actually.


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 19:06

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Message 111 of 271 in Discussion

I think we all have fond memories of our first car, I sold that one after about a year to a chap at work for £50. He told me later after about two weeks his foot went through the floor, it was rotten, but what do you expect for £50 !

I can't really remember but I don't think MOT's had come out yet in those days, it was about 1970.

I do remember though that my insurance was about £21, third party, fire and theft.


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 23:38

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Message 112 of 271 in Discussion

Now we are finally organised we have just booked the flights for the 3 kids for August and they are all staying JUST a week so we will have to suffer 7 nights the second week of our holiday on our own Wooo hoooooo


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Message Posted:
06/04/2009 23:41

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Message 113 of 271 in Discussion

There is one possible flaw in all this planning ...................................


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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 01:35

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Message 114 of 271 in Discussion

What ?

I actually put this question and pressed 'Post Reply' but nothing appeared so it may appear twice eventually.


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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 04:07

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Message 115 of 271 in Discussion

zory my england frens but still no news from my huzbund I have a privat vestigator helping me we herd of a site ing in a suhi bar in Minsk with a yung woman could this be olga??


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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 10:16

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Message 116 of 271 in Discussion

Sheila - I'm sure your villa will be ready by August - Andy should be reporting soon - so you'll have some idea of progress.


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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 11:05

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Message 117 of 271 in Discussion

Must be loads of people taking possession of their places now and it would be great to hear from them.


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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 11:46

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Message 118 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky- not the scrumpy with vodka chasers again?


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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 15:26

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Well done Jakki..... yes thats the possible snag.

I was talking the other day to Connie and she said its lovely to hear families and especially kids around the site and in the pools etc.

Both of my neighbours C42 and C40 are out there over the Easter as well so hopefully I will get loads of photos



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Message Posted:
07/04/2009 15:34

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Just checked the BBC weather - heavy rain until Friday then sunny Saturday - well hope it's not as bad as when we were out there - they had as much rain in a couple of weeks than they've had for eleven years!!!!


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Message Posted:
08/04/2009 12:58

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Message 121 of 271 in Discussion

I would put up with the rain to be there now 79 sleeeps to go.

With Rocky Zhivago and Andy all away its a bt quiet on here.



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Message Posted:
08/04/2009 19:33

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Message 122 of 271 in Discussion

sorry to sound dim, but what are the 'wet rooms' you keep mentioning guys???


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Message Posted:
08/04/2009 21:02

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Message 123 of 271 in Discussion

Instead of a bath we have the option of just having a shower put in which is in a corner of the bathroom which is fully tiled with very slightly sloping floor with a drain hole hence a wet room! Does that make sense. I am buying a villa so a bathroom downstairs with a traditional bath with shower over for mainly friends with litlle kids but in our ensuite upstairs we have a wet room.

Although anyone buying a villa with wet room upstairs is going to have fun as the window is right where the shower is placed!!!!!



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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 10:37

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Message 124 of 271 in Discussion

Sheila - have you thought about installing a glass screen for your wet room - we are having them installed - they cost (including labour) £400. each.


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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 11:50

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Message 125 of 271 in Discussion

We were all for wet rooms initially, untill our builder said "you'll soon get sick of wet toilet paper, wet towels, and wet dressing gowns..."

- Hurried re-think! - shower screens ordered...


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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 11:56

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Message 126 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Jakki.

We are going to see how it is without one but maybe to contain the water splash we will have to rethink. We are having a shower screen put over the bath downstairs.

Which lights are you having taken out?



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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 12:26

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Message 127 of 271 in Discussion

Also Jakki Have you got a plan of what to put at the window in the ensuite ? At night or with the lights on its going to be see through so outline spotting could be a sport on SWB!!!!


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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 13:39

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The light in the kitchen [Madam likes cooking by half light], and the one over the window in our master bedroom- which I think you've had moved.

We gave the idea of no glass screen a try but it isn't practical, whatever you do, most of the floor will get wet without it. After a shower, I was perpetually sweeping water towards the drain with my foot, some water having almost got as far as the toilet. I also think it would start to rot the door. As for your other comments, I'll start having nightmares that I'll be seeing Phil's silhouette through the frosted window!!!!


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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 15:30

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Message 129 of 271 in Discussion

Thanks Arthur, Thats another thing to add to the list for Phil in June to organise.

I shall go back to working out whats best to put up at the window


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Message Posted:
09/04/2009 16:41

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Message 130 of 271 in Discussion

Sheila- don't go grassing me up!!!


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Message Posted:
10/04/2009 00:52

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Message 131 of 271 in Discussion

Too late and does Jakki know you are checking out the bathroom silouhettes (sp?) Whoops too much wine at daughters birthday meal



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Message Posted:
10/04/2009 04:42

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Message 132 of 271 in Discussion

God morning my inglish frens yu seem mor worry about wet bottom tishew than my missiing husbund. My pryvat vestigater say Olga one of thos gang wome on pray on menn with wollits and cards thay use Rose hopknoll I think it kalld. The susi bar they wur sin in now closed radiasian posining. I havwe stopd bank cards but mutch moneyh gon myu husband not no wre he is nor do i. Things bad dont no wot to do..Zs wife


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Message Posted:
10/04/2009 16:54

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Message 133 of 271 in Discussion

Some new photos of SWB.

It's looking good and a lot tidier.


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Message Posted:
10/04/2009 17:01

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Message 134 of 271 in Discussion

From 13th April in Lidl (the super market) in their weekly special offers they are selling mosquito nets for putting over beds.

The price is only £3.99 and for that you get the frame and the net.

No idea of the quality but that looks a bargain.

From the picture it looks ideal for keeping out the sandflies and the mossies..


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 13:42

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Message 135 of 271 in Discussion

Hi all only 2 days left in Florida why aint anyone posting Andy its no excuse being in NC there are intrenet cafes just be aware of the i (i) problem on the keyboard. Also the bird life here is fantastic sod the alligators once youve seen one they all look the same, can recommend an airboat ride for the bird life alone. Property prices are fallinh here you can get 4 bed 3 baths for not much over £100K but the better areas cost about £160K and the top golf complexes around £200K. A nyway is there any news on Z please Mrs Z keep us up to date hopefully you can find our friend.


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 13:47

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Message 136 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky- I think Andy is keeping a low profile with Man U's poor form.

Note what you say about Florida property, only one problem- it's full of Americans.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 13:34

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Message 137 of 271 in Discussion

The new photos are looking good but I think SWB are teasing us as we havnt had a photo since 19th Jan but we know (but have not seen yet) that there is so much more done than then Getting quite excited as there are about 5 people visiting SWB that may send us photos in the next week Yippee

Happy Eater all SWbayers it will be good to hear from everyone on their return.

Sheila&Phil x


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 14:13

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Arthur I see ManU did get a win so perhaps Andy will now pay a couple of lira and go to an Internet Cafe to broadcast the news. My prediction looks good for the champions league the final will be Barca V Arsenal as these two beat FC Porto (sorry Andy) and Chelsea. Mint re photos I have not seen any from Andys mate who was taking some about 3 weeks ago yet. We get back from F on Tuesday and you are correct Arthur being an astute accountant there are several AMericans here starange that. (but not in our villa) We pack 2 nite and travel tomorrow then I need to get a short trip to SWB in May/June to put the furniture etc in before we arrive for July holiday. If it isnt finsih we will be looking for a rental there are hundreds on the internet but the market is not developed and wont be for a long time anything like Florida.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 14:31

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Hi Rocky, Re photos from andys mate ..... us neither I think they were having a bit of a problem so it will have to wait until they all return. Hence I am excited hopefully snapfish will be buzzing


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 14:41

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when I say anything like Florida it does not have the experience of managing holiday properties and there are not the attractions for the masses. NC has space and unique wild areas littered by virgin areas, flowers and birds and in many cases litter as well. THe villa management in USA is expensive (varies on service and property) on top of community fees (about £100 per month) but there are no worries as the villa management companies invoice monthly with a statement and pay the bills for you therefore no risks of electric or water cut off (Note that Connie) obviouly you leave something like a $1000 dollars with them initially and they pay the bills from that. If you need any jobs doing the management company arrange them or do them themselves. EG I have asked for a good quality pool cover on a roller total cost $400 approx and a new pool pump has also just cost $400. Hopefully the rentals will come in to top up the bank account. Mrs Z have you found Z yet? (cont)


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 14:45

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Message 141 of 271 in Discussion

Yes Mrs Z I am getting worried, if you are paying a private investigator you may need a fund set up so ask Arthur he must be a loaded accountant coz he buys the curtains and then Jakki goes out and buys them again. He is also clever because he knows there are americans in the USA and he is not even here..


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 16:29

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Rocky do you comercially rent out your place in USA, is there a website we can look at ?


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 17:58

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mint if I rent out through my agent in florida it costs more because they need their cut , they have our villa on their website I will email you seperately on this. MY own bookings can of course take advantage of their services such as safe hire welcome pack and pre/post cleaning.lWe need them to update the info coz we have phone(with free USA calls), dvd player, and internet (Wi fi) which they have not included in the details. Also we have updated some soft furnishings There are cheaper flights thro MOnarch from Gatwick to Sanford which is only a few miles north of the orlando international airport and its all highways out here.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 20:19

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Rocky, why not try and let your Florida villa to Z and Mrs Z so they can have a reconciliation?- or don't you fancy clearing up the broken glass in the fireplace?

As for the curtains, Jackie didn't like the ones done by Hayhay in the bedroom, so it was simpler to buy some material in the UK and get our curtain maker to do them. At least you then get what you ask for, rather than [with the NC curtain makers], what they want to give you.

As for being loaded, just like the nurse asking the old jewish bloke in the hospital bed if he was comfortable, he replied "well, I make a living"


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 22:55

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Message 145 of 271 in Discussion

I've said this before I think rocky is very rich and has long blond hair and a beard.

His real name is Sir Richard Branson, he doesn't like celebrities and when we are out there we won't have to buy any drinks because he will buy every round.

I won't anyway because us elderly mods will stick together.

I also believe we have a russian rocky on SWB.

Sheila/Phil, have you the franchise for the restaurant because according to message 137 you have a Happy Eater ?

By the way the Pia Bella is a nice hotel but has more lights than Las Vegas.


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Message Posted:
13/04/2009 00:27

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Message 146 of 271 in Discussion

Hi LOby its late for you to be up here in Florida its hot we are by the pool waiting to go out for a steak its 520pm.


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Message Posted:
13/04/2009 02:02

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Loby, don't bank on Rocky having long blond hair, I reckon he's got a syrup.

I think you've got Sheila sussed though- can we assume that Sheila will do the brekkies on SWB???


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Message Posted:
13/04/2009 20:34

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Bacon sarnies all round then Rocky don't forget you are going to mail me re florida place. Does anyone know who is due back first?


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Message Posted:
14/04/2009 09:50

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Message 149 of 271 in Discussion

thanks Sheila, ha ha i thought as much..... im so angry this morning, after contacting swb aboiut 4 times re the completion dates and to ask if there would be any discount given, seen as the apt has gone past the 4 months completion date and i got this reply from yoav: ...................

As for compensation – As we have been more than fair & tolerant with you during the process of purchase, with many various delayed payments, I find your request somewhat puzzling, to say the least.

In any case:

Any delays in construction have been in the sole intention of keeping the construction quality of the units & site.

SWB has not (and will not) grant possession to any client failing to pay 100% of agreement sum, VAT & communal charges.

i am so annoyed, we amended payment amounts and dates due to their late completion!!! argh! has anyone else been offered compensation for late development?


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Message Posted:
14/04/2009 13:51

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I am a very happy bunny I have 19 up to date pictures of C41 as our lovely new neighbours in C40 have just returned from SWB.

C42 are still out there so more to come on their return plus AndySue and Norths4me and Jac k are also out at the moment.

Sheila x


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 10:15

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hi folks back after 13 hour delay in usa due to weather typhoons and evryfing!!!!will catch up soon and send Mint an email


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 11:28

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Hi Sheila - after looking at your new pics - do you think that your place will be ready by your next visit???

Glad you made it back ok Rocky - bet you're exhausted!!!


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 11:54

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Thanks Rocky no hurry just interested.

Jakki we were so excited to see photos but there is still a way to go but it is looking good. Still missing the extra cupboard in the kitchen by the back door, the wardrobes and the wooden pergola's plus then painting and finishing plus white goods, air con etc etc etc.

Seeing the plot flattened with no rubbish is cool and finally seeing it white outside and with the wet room restored upstairs after hearing about it for so long.

71 sleeps so who knows we may not need a hotel after the first few days while we get snagging signed of etc it would be really great if we could at least sleep there a couple of nights before we leave in July.



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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 13:49

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I have put the pics on Snapfish


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 13:56

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re message 149 I think there have been many comments on this forum about compensation or the lack of these payments perhaps not our swb threads. I think you will find they do not happen. I am sure we are ok with swb but where developers fail to finish a property or a develoment they may be under financial pressure and any compensation claims would only aggrevate that situation and make it worse. I think its a no win situation Sam and would agree with Yoav that quality and completion is more important than meeting a fixed date. If you are reading this Yoav please make sure mine is completed early May..


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 15:56

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I have to agree with Rocky's view on things - going out to NC in February, on the aircraft I sat next to a guy who told me that four years ago he paid £65k to a builder as a deposit - the builder became embroiled in a land dispute with the land owner - the matter went to court last year - this guy is going to appeal the court's decision - it could take another five years!! However, he remains very upbeat about things and still loves NC - let us be grateful ... 'quality and completion is more important than meeting a fixed date' - wise words indeed!!


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 16:08

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Hi Sheila - you must be excited - watch out it will all come together very quickly!!


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 16:49

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I am trying not to get too ahead of everything and keep my feet on the ground........... BUT yes getting very excited and shopping is keeping me busy

Trying to work out how to get the telescope out there safely is a puzzle at the moment along with how long will we need a hotel for but will leave that until really near the time then see what stage things are at.

Jakki I am still awaiting your wizard plan for what you are putting at the shower window upstairs?



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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 17:17

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Hi Sheila - I don't have a plan for the bathroon windows - if people want to look up and see a silouette of us having a shower then bloody good luck to them - (sorry don't know how to do the funny face!!)


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 18:53

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please Jakki dont let us see Arthur in the shower make him wear a shower cap and a dressing gown. Anyway I am a bit worried about my neighbours here in Somerset everytime they see me looking into their bedroom window with my telescope they close the curtainss they must be up to no good. Do you find that Mr Mint


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Message Posted:
15/04/2009 22:36

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To keep myself dry I use the showercap I bought in Holland [think I've used that joke before]. Obviously Rocky you would need to make a conscious decision to want to look in our bathroom window, and although gay porn is not my thing, if JUST looking at me through the frosted window "floats your boat", who am I to deny you that pleasure??? Phil [aka Tekknochicken] normally uses his telescope to look at Uranus [used that one before also]. Perhaps Rocky, instead of invading the personal privacy of your neighbours in Somerset [whether or not they've got their smocks on], you could use your skills with a telescope to try and find Zhivago [now that really would be looking for Uranus] or Mrs Z.

Anyway, it's good to have you back Rocky and to know that you weren't a victim of the US military's "friendly fire".


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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 17:22

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Just checked the weather in NC - rain today but the next few days are warm and sunny - reaching up to 24 degrees - perhaps Andy is too busy fishing to let us know how his place is getting on!!!!


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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 21:08

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stop pannicking we are back safe and sound, sheila ive got photos of inside and out of c41 its very close to finished , rocky yours all but finnished, i havent got a clue how to put them on snapfish so ill proberbly e-mail em to you (allison and marisa also) but be patient ill have to get my computer guy nige to come over from southport to do it. we are knackered after flight and three and a half hour drive from stansted, so ill post more tomorrow. .



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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 22:09

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Andy, good to have you back mate. Get your boots cleaned, I think you're going to get a call from Sir Alex............


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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 22:58

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Good to have you back Andy its been very quiet. Thank you for taking photos it will be good to see them. Have a good sleep and tell us all your news tomorrow.



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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:05

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Hi mintys

How are you long time no speak. had my sofas delivered yesterday might be going over within the next couple of months in readiness for the family holiday in August. Wife still not been over yet so still chance she might not like it but whats not to like. I keep hearing about snapfish, Ive registerd but cant find any references to SWB Some advice would be appreciated ned a SWB fix.

Speak to you soon



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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:24

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Hi Steve, I have been asking Patrick and Anne if they had heard from you. How are you. We are there 26th June to 5th July (there are a few others there the same time so a party is in order ) then we go again 20th August for 2 weeks. We have sent you a snapfish link to your email address. More info please where did you get your sofa from? We still have to find sofa's.



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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:32

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Got link many thanks- got sofas from place called olguns, not sure the exact location but very pleased with them, always wanted chunky sofas so ordered 2 3 seaters which i think maybe to big for the room but feel free to have a look and a lounge when your over next, in the shop they seemed very good quality and paid about £450 each which i suppose is fairly similar to uk prices. Did shop around quite a bit.

Im going over for summer holidays 0n the 13th august for 2 weeks so will see you then, are you bringing the family and staying in the villa?



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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:33

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If anyone fancies a central UK meet up/ SWB fest in a pub or something then shout we would love to meet up with anyone.Sheila&Phil


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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:39

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always up for a beer, would be interesting to see where eveyone is from never know might be nieghbours.

Im from Enfield North london


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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:41

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We looked in Olguns they have nice stuff. We will have 3 large teens the first week of the Aug holiday then sadly they all have to fly home so Phil and I will have to manage alone ............ for a whole week .............. maybe a call for another party!!!!!

As to staying in the villa that is in Yoavs hands



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Message Posted:
16/04/2009 23:42

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We are in Kent



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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 00:29

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velcome home adny Mrs Z heer wish I cood say same to my huzband still missng have stopd his cards I cant meet up from outkurts of Moskov. Just wetting for enny news


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 10:21

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We would love to meet up with others from SWB - we are Leigh on Sea, Essex


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 10:22

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Hi all just searching for flghts for a short hop for 5 days on 7 JUne from Stansted. I rented an apartment at TBV last Nov but had to make my own breakfast anyone know of cheapish hotel bed breakfast ( prefer to have dinner out) with working internet between Girne and SWB? I must get my airline to fly direct to Ercan then Loby I could get a free ticket and of course they always trim my beard for me.


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 11:43

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It shouldn't be hard finding a cheap place to stay - go to and pick up a bargain - but Rocky don't you think your place will be ready by June???? Shame you can't take your trip a little later - we are out there from the 15th. I think Sheila and Phil use the golf club for internet/wifi.


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 12:46

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Hi Jakki I have now booked my flight 6 days commence 7th June and I will look into lateooms thanx for that. Phew that was close if you are taking Arthur in JUne I have managed to miss him and his leather jacket. We (as a family this time) should be out for a short break of 8 days in July


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 13:57

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Message 178 of 271 in Discussion

hi all im feeling better after good nights kip. first of all the site is fantastic and im shure when complete it will be great, but a few things are a bit worrying.i met edith on second day and mike a few days ago. mike told me its very unlikely we will have a resteraunte as every person who they have shown site to will not touch it with a barge pole as a buissines venture, certainly if no one from outside is allowed to use it , also looking like no supermarket either as one is opening in eight weeks on new road just up from SWB. as far as a bar for drinks he said RMS are looking at running it. not what i wanted to hear but in reality what i expected due to sites isolated position...



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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 15:12

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Hi andy I am not surprised that the restuarant does not look viable as a commercial proposiiton even more so if only residents are able to use it. The shop also needs a larger footfall from a far larger development after all there is already a shop withiin a mile or so and another supermarket will suffice nearby. You must look also at the positives we dont want to encourage outsiders to the development. Well the bar may be a problem unless we open it as a residents alcohol library with secure key entry. If these places remain empty what will become of them obviously someone is planning on a financial return for the investment. I think Loby is intending to open a fish and chip shop called Lobys Plaice and he is relying on you to stock it for him from your catches even though your friends indicate you dont catch anything. So what can we guys do with the empty units any suggestions. I thought an NIC might work (natural insemination clinic)


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 15:59

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hi rocky, well im dissapionted about it, i was sold on swb on location and fantastic facilities now we dont have a restuarant or a supermaket in walking distance and he was very vague on the bar. if your intending renting out it shure aint a good slling piont! what you think? i asked how sales were going and he said " a trickle" no interest at all from uk due to echonomic problems but russia and scandanavia are the markets the parent company are pushing (six units now sold to russians). mike said there will be a path down to beach but wouldnt say what will be down there. .



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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 16:16

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Rocky, can't take the leather jacket because the studs set off the metal detectors at the airport. Restaurant/bar will only be viable if outsiders can use it, but it would be nice to have a small sports bar with footie on the TV. I wouldn't have a problem with RMS running it, if it's viable. If they can make a go of it, and the prices are okay, good luck to them. I don't see the supermarket thing as a problem because there are two mini markets nearby, and if you need a big shop, the main supermarkets towards Girne are only 20 minutes away.

Andy can't supply Loby, he's going to open his own chip shop, called "The Codfather". Don't ask him for a job, because if it all goes wrong he'll throw cups of tea around, a la Ferguson!!!

There is a way down to the "beach" which will be a bit more accessible once the construction work is done. As Jackie said before, there is a load of rubbish on the beach, and probably the simplest solution would be for a group of us to go down, collect....TBC


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 16:21

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...the rubbish and have a bonfire[actually quite a big one]. I think Andy needs to be disabused of the idea that it is what we would call a beach. It might be nice for people to go down there for a few beers and a barbeque, but sandy it ain't. Thinking about it, do you have a parka you could contribute to the bonfire?


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 16:35

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Message 183 of 271 in Discussion

Hi all,

I personnaly would be gutted if we cant have a shop or more importantly a restaurant. My Idea of a holiday home is to be able to have convenient lunches and dinners without the aggrevation of organising a meal out, especially has restaurants in our neck of the woods is very limited. put it this way if they took the bar, restaurant ,shop out of the equsion and i was looking to buy now I would have second thoughts on buying at SWB as its not a true holiday complex which i was looking for.

I hope it gets sorted.


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 16:35

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hi arthur, we stayed at kens place on turtle bay again, they now have two bar/restaurants and both have and need outside trade. kings bar gets packed on saturdays for the footie and shows two different games , people who live close by but are not ressidents use it. how anyone could insist on ressidents only baffles me? be honest if you were looking at investing in the bar/restuarant would you go ahead if open only to ressidents? people who voted for that on the questionaire have shot themselves in the arse. .



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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 21:16

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Message 185 of 271 in Discussion

Hi all,

Long time no speak to!!

Disappointed to hear that there may be no shop. bar and restaurant onsite as I too have the same view as stevie and that is if Id known this first would have re-thought about where I bought??

Also to have those facilities onsite you would without a doubt need to make it open to the public to make it viable for the company running these facilities to take it on and maximise their takings. Without doing this they just wouldnt make money full stop so I am also with this one with andy and feel sorry for those who didnt think this through properly as ...cut off your nose dispite your face springs to mind?

take care d x


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 21:37

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Davina welcome back..if the units cannot be used as bar restuarant and shop what else could they be used for they would not look attractive as unused units with posters pasted on them?....a prayer room perhaps!!secure storage for owners with lockers, a laundrette, or could they be converted to apartments? Come back Z your pole dancing bar sounds attractive


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 21:45

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re a path to the beech I am sure we will get one but it needs to blend with the natural habitat rather than a floodlit tarmac route. I have scrambled down to the beach and it was fantastic to see the lizards and the occasional birdlife nibbling on the rough growth Also it is difficult to get into the sea with the stones so whoever suggested a jetty that was a tremendous idea that would be far easier for people to get in the water. Not sure on the difficulty re construction perhaps a floating jetty would be cheaper after all the sea aint tidal to any extent is it? We dont want Andy blocking the jetty though with all his fishing mates.


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 22:51

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It will be a real shame if the buildings are not used as restaurant shops and bar as thats what we have all bought into. Surely there must be a way that a pool/snack bar can be setup doing snacks, light lunches, hot and cold drinks and bar food at night at the very least.

An anchored floating pontoon in the sea would be great, the beach was never going to be a sunbathing one.

Jakki are you better at flipping burgers or pouring pints looks like a business venture for us is up for grabs Although I prefer a nice crisp white with a salad.

Sheila x


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 23:18

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i have to say mike armstrong answered all my questions straight and to the piont , where he wasnt shure about something ie. the beach and what was to be down their he wouldnt say. with edith you ask her a question and it seems she says anything you want to hear? what she did tell us was shes organising a huge open day for mid summers day ( june21) fireworks and band! anyone else been told this or did we dream it?



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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 23:22

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Re party, thats a shame we dont arrive until the 26th bu**er!!


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Message Posted:
17/04/2009 23:45

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Mint its not the end of the world I have been an owner on a complex before where there was no shop and no bar we used to arrange our own fun and barbeques in our gardens and also the drinks were cheaper from the supermarket. It is difficult for all to make any venture pay in this recession and a small restuarant would not offer the choice and variety of the specialist restuarants. Perhaps when the nearby developments are completed the shop/restuarant may be more viable but we will need outsiders and this can cause problems with the facilities being used by all comers it is difficult to stop them. WIth over 100 dwellings how can you tell who are owners, tenants, friends, relatives and those that should not be there. I dont think we will starve think Arthur found a few restuarants and did not go hungry and I am sure when you have your jacuzzi and Arthurs pool is working if Shiela and Jakki can make a few sandwiches we will survive. If Andy catches anything I am sure we can cook it.


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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 10:42

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I have purchased an apartment on Sweetwater Bay and I have received an e-mail from my solicitors to inform me that my PTP has been granted so I would imagine that the whole site should be ok.



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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 10:51

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Dobbo I thought that that just meant you were approved as an individual to be allowed to purchase in NC and not much else. This probably means you dont have a criminal record so how the criminals get in I dont know unless they purchase under a psuedonym(check that fact pleeze Arthur(greaseball) and the spelling)


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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 11:11

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e and u round the wrong way Rocky, but hey, it's Saturday morning!! [please remember I wasn't the first one to take the p#ss out of spellings!!]

Sheila & Phil don't need the jacuzzi- I can personally turn our pool into one.

Disappointing about the bar/restaurant. If my memory and counting was correct, there are about 140 units in total, and you'd expect that someone who wanted to do something [even perhaps starting in a limited form], that would give enough custom as a starter, but it will definitely need outside punters.

Perhaps I'll open the "Three Steps to Heaven" , Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Big Bopper, Eddie Cochran, Gene Vincent, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Larry Williams, Bo Diddley, Elvis memorial bar/ restaurant


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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 11:19

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Dobbo, When did you apply for your PTP? At least its one more thing you can tick of the list of things to sort.

Time for a celebration me thinks



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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 13:55

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Rocky I know the PTP is for me as an individual but it is also based on where you are purchasing.

Mint I applied nearly 2 and a half years ago.



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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 15:06

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Message 197 of 271 in Discussion

Re Msg 163

Hi Andy

Glad you had a good trip. The photo's of 120 I am more than happy if you email them to me, I can then upload them to snapfish.

( )

Re: restaurant and bar I think realistically until people are using the site regularly it's unlikely that anyone would take it on, but next year when everything else is more established I am sure someone will be interested. I don't see the harm in RMS managing it on for a contracted time afterall they would have to stay competitively priced otherwise people wouldn't use it.

On another note does anyone know how many posts you have to send before you get to see full member details, I'm obviously still a 'newby'.


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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 18:27

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Message 198 of 271 in Discussion

Hi all,

Applied for my PTP around 2 years ago and received my PTP authorised through about 2 months ago?

But PTPs and getting title deeds are two seperate issues.

But your right at least some are receiving PTPTs through OK so that must mean some comfort and relief to owners and surely some other PTPs should start to come through shortly??

For those with large families and small children having an onsite shop, bar and restaurant will be a conveniant must for most??

Equally I wouldnt feel on holiday if I had to cook 3 square meal a day for the tribe ...all that shopping, cooking, cleaning and washing up... May aswell have stayed at home??

Im sure something will get sorted eventually?

Maybe someone could at least do BBQs etc round the pool at lunchtimes?

The kids will be fine with a few burgers and hotdogs to tied them over??

take care d x


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Message Posted:
18/04/2009 21:09

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Dee, I'm definitely up for a restaurant, if I had two kids, I'd have to leave one on the side of the plate!!


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 11:42

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I think that whilst we won't have everything this year its possible over the next few years when the SWB grows in community that the buildings will get used for something near what was hoped for. Plans change which is not always a bad thing. We have to make the most of what we have and this year we can picnic down by the pools and in the evening use the communal space to hold impromtu bring your own BBQ's and parties etc.



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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 16:02

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Message 201 of 271 in Discussion

reply for message 51,

hi Jakki

we so sorry you have less prawn in masala.ı donot know why this happen Normaly we give 6 big king prawns and cut in pieces. please come to our Restaurant we give you a free king prawn curry.




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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 16:21

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At the moment it's all speculation about the restaurant/bar/supermarket not going ahead.

There also seems to be too much acceptance that it may not happen, too much of this and SWB/RMS may conclude that they can get away with not supplying these facilities, definately not what we want !

I purchased out here because these facilities were onsite, we need the infrastructure to increase not stagnate or decrease.

We all want to pop into the bar, use the restaurant so we don't have to drive out, use a small supermarket for the essentials (not a lemar sized one).

They still need to sell some units and with these facilities it makes it easier.

Eventually we will all sell our properties and we do want these selling points.

I've been to Steve's bar developement and next door is the gym and it's being used as a storeroom, not what we want to happen on ours.


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 16:26

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re message 201.

I am jakki spatacus.


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 16:29

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Be interesting to know what they are doing and how SWB residents and holidaymakers are spending their days and nights at the moment ?


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 16:34

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Message 205 of 271 in Discussion

message 203,

should have spelt spartacus not spatacus.

ah well, back to the garden.


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 17:47

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Message 206 of 271 in Discussion

Like everyone else I am disappointed about the restaurant and bar - thinking about it - Andy (SWB) was born to be a publican!!!!

Sheila - I'm not very good with burgers despite being the Nigella of Leigh on Sea!!


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 18:09

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Message 207 of 271 in Discussion

I am not sure a bar and a restuarant are strong selling points I certainly did not buy for that reason they can bring (as i have said b4) more problems than u guys n gals anticipate. In addition if they are small concerns the stocks/menus will be limited. However I feel sure in due course someone will try to make a go of them and due to the low footfall they will not be viable. Loby you are very active with 4 postings today will your plaice be open every day for fish n chips? With davina doing bbqs and sheila doing sandwidges (thats another one 4 u Arthur) by the jacuzzi which Mint does not need anymore wots the problem. We will get by


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 20:48

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Message 208 of 271 in Discussion

Well the gym at SWB will get used loads by us plus the jacuzzi and sauna and we can't wait. I will be doing yoga at mine if anyone wants to join in as well.

We also intend to do a fair few lengths of the big pool daily.

Whilst dissapointing news re resatuarant/bar etc we havnt had an official RMS/SWB comment yet so happy to wait and see what happens.

I am more p****d of at the moment that we will miss the party.

Jakki can I share your Prawn masala



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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 21:09

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Message 209 of 271 in Discussion

I have booked my flights for a short trip June 7 to 13 now the boss says I have to come back on the Friday so will lose one flight coz it cant be cancelled or transferred (with Pegasus) will n e one else be there. Which is the nearest hotel with internet to SWB? Looked at late rooms but not much choice really unless u need to be cloe to Girne. May go for a rental anyone interested in a deal?


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 21:47

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Message 210 of 271 in Discussion

If a party is going to go ahead - it's the first we've heard about it - we will, of course, be in NC on the 21st June - perhaps SWB would like to confirm.

Sheila - would like to do yoga with you - still have your DVD (but have not watched it yet!!)

Rocky - The Malpas might be the nearest, the hotel is situated in catakoy - we stayed there last year.


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 22:15

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Message 211 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky, you should know by now I don't rise to the bait unless it's worthwhile. I'm afraid that after this evenings cup game Andy from Wigan is likely to be "sick as a parrot", even though the game was too close to call.

Sorry you can't be at SWB for the party. Of course, I don't want to be pedantic [particularly with my old mate Andy], but 21st June is the longest day [not 6th June as per Erwin Rommel], and I think mid Summer's day is 24th June.

Anyway Rocky, I don't want to p#ss you off, particularly when you've just had a narrow win against your local rivals........


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 23:09

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Message 212 of 271 in Discussion

This is a quicky due to my still doing jobs for her indoors but rocky my last posts were only over a 15 minute period.

Arthur, did you not know, don't mention the war, what will Basil think.


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 23:42

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Message 213 of 271 in Discussion

4 in 15 minutes your a fast lad Loby, thank goodness you only post rarely otherwise the threads will be full.Mint just to make you jealous Yoav is preparing my completion invoice so a finish before June looks on, not sure when the electrical bits will be fitted though I thought I was told completion nows takes place after they are fitted. Arfa I regret I have not got my genuine USA air force parka to burn (an old message I missed that bit) it was the envy of many of my colleagues in the sixties but I swapped it for a fishing rod. The rod was swapped for my first wife by the way. I guess this week I need to order the curtains and furniture so it can be delivered when I am there. No offers from SWB owners so have got a room at £40 an hour in Titanic does anyone know it? Has Andy gone missing like Zhivago?


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 23:52

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Message 214 of 271 in Discussion

I was waiting for the paint to dry.

What are you talking about, £40 an hour for the Titanic, I'll rent my place to you for £40 an hour even if it hasn't got curtains or furniture.

That's £6720 per week, tell you what I'll do it for £6000, no haggling.


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Message Posted:
19/04/2009 23:57

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Message 215 of 271 in Discussion

It's 9:51 pm goodnight rocky.


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 00:06

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Message 216 of 271 in Discussion

arthur i aint bothered about the fa cup its way down on our priorities this season but we should have had a penalty( wouldnt have scored it tho!). how do you work out mid summers day june24th? was allways told its june 21st which is logical being in the northern emisphere and closest to the sun at that thinking of asking zhivargo to do the honours "re opening fergusson heights" the great man hasnt answered any of my e-mails to him ( hes very busey at the moment) but im getting worried hes been bumped off ?



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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 00:07

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Message 217 of 271 in Discussion

Mention the war??

I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

So Loby, your started is an Egg von Ribbentrop......nicht warr?


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 00:29

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Message 218 of 271 in Discussion

Loby Titanic includes 24 hours very personal care that does sound expensive though when you put it in daily or weekly terms. £40 for an hour dont sound too bad. Andy do you mean Sir Alec has been bumped off or Zhivago? I think Z meddled in the wrong areas drugs etc & women theres no way out for him I fear the worst its a shame I quite liked the guy . I guess Lara will update us soon.


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 11:52

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Message 219 of 271 in Discussion

Andy, midsummers day and the solstice are two different things.

I wouldn't ask Berbatov to open Ferguson Heights [more properly called Sir Geoffrey Hurst Mansions], he probably can't be bothered. I don't think I have ever seen such a talented footballer who seems to have a total lack of drive and ambition. I think you should demand a refund from Spurs. What a contrast between him and Tevez, who when he pulls on a shirt always gives everything.

If you do get Ferguson to open 133, for Christ's sake make sure the landscaping is completed, otherwise he'll be moaning again!!!


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 12:18

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Message 220 of 271 in Discussion

Message for Al Shaheen - Many thanks for the invitation - will take this up on our next visit. Sorry about being critical but I was only being honest about the food, please don't cut up the prawns, I like to see what I'm getting.


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 17:37

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Message 221 of 271 in Discussion

well Jakki they dont know who you are so I guess as I am there before you I can use your name for a free meal? I will need to know where the restuarant is anyway?


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 17:38

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Message 222 of 271 in Discussion

ok they can see your photo so I guess I wont get away with it...anyway today received request for the final payment so completion is on for May...I will need RMS help here I think as I cant get out till JUne


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 19:28

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Message 223 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Rocky - Nice try!!

Do you need RMS to take delivery of furniture??


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 20:19

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Message 224 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky, why not just tell them to move completion to suit you?


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 22:21

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Message 225 of 271 in Discussion

ive posted photos of SWB on snapfish and e-mailed five of you ( rocky , marisa, sheila&phil, alison and jakki and arthur) please let me know you got them



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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 22:39

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Message 226 of 271 in Discussion

good photos Andy thanx very much..I see you picked up a couple of ladies whilst you were there...or were they your daughters???


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 22:41

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Message 227 of 271 in Discussion

HI Jakki re message 223 do RMS accept delivery of furniture on your behalf? I did not realise that..if so I wont need to rent anywhere will I it can be ready for me (and Julia Roberts)


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 22:42

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Message 228 of 271 in Discussion

thanx rocky you made susans day with that comment!


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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 22:48

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Message 229 of 271 in Discussion

Thank you Andy photos are great. Good to put a name to a face especially Sue and was that your daughter with you. The site is looking better and the plants seem to be thriving and the pools look so inviting.



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Message Posted:
20/04/2009 22:54

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Message 230 of 271 in Discussion

thanx sheila and yes thats the fairhursts


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 11:22

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Message 231 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky, RMS will [I think] take delivery, but will charge. My modus operandi last November was to come over and stay the first night in an hotel, but have delivery of furniture organised for the next day. If you contact the people supplying furniture, they are normally very reliable on deliveries [or at least that was our experience].


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 12:55

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Message 232 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Arthur, my plan if it will work is to get RMS to snag in early may, pay completion monies if OK, hold a retention if necessary. I arrive on 7/6 meeting with Connie for Kibtek thing on 8th and furniture and curtains delivery on 9th, it sounds sooooo simple doesnt it?


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 12:56

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Message 233 of 271 in Discussion

so I think I will book 2 nights in a hotel to allow for slippage....


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 16:29

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Message 234 of 271 in Discussion

Thanks Andy for the pics - now we know what you look like, assuming it's you wearing the dark coloured shorts!


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 16:50

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Message 235 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky I hope its that simple then you can pass on to us the best way to get it all done in on go


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 17:03

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Message 236 of 271 in Discussion

Just been reading the thread 'Marina Villas' - those poor people - so glad we bought at SWB.


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Message Posted:
21/04/2009 20:35

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Message 237 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky- I hope it's a cunning plan you have!!!


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Message Posted:
22/04/2009 15:42

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Message 238 of 271 in Discussion

no news adny am get worrid mass grave fownd by new road to siberie full of empty workmens wallets no workmens so not fownd him yet. Just left memories alzo clogs with felt bottoms he did care bout not bing noisy in the Kop. Think Z may hav bin pressgonged into solt mines.


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Message Posted:
22/04/2009 21:21

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Message 239 of 271 in Discussion

mrs Z, i too am very worried about zivargo;s absence? how are you going to cope if he dont come back? will you buy your flat at sweetwater without him? im worried i may be forced into a "westham opening of fergusson heights" now you think you got problems! keep supping the vodka im shure it will all work out. . .


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Message Posted:
22/04/2009 21:46

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Message 240 of 271 in Discussion

Andy, I was impressed with the snapfish photos. I assume the very nice lady and pretty teenager were your wife and daughter, but who was the hideously deformed geezer in some of your pictures?? [only joking]

Bet you're glad the Gooners have done you a favour.


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Message Posted:
22/04/2009 22:13

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Message 241 of 271 in Discussion

the new thread legal questions answereb by Naomi looks interesting particularly re VAT..also the new Ipswich Town thread needs some postings come on Arther come on Andy show your support (no not that one)


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Message Posted:
22/04/2009 22:14

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Message 242 of 271 in Discussion

Arthur dont forget to check my postings for spellings as you are nominated as 44 forum spellchecker its more than a full time job


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Message Posted:
22/04/2009 22:15

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Message 243 of 271 in Discussion

and another fing the KIbtek deposit has been reduced to some two hundred and sumfing TL


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Message Posted:
23/04/2009 00:14

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Message 244 of 271 in Discussion

Gor blimey Rocky, 'ow do you expec' some fick old cockney to check yer spellin'. Told the trouble Jackie the posh geezer in Somerset is expectin' a bleeding miracle. She said don't worry, you're the Bard of Stratford E15, to the English language wot Bobby Moore was to football. You might not 'ave the Massey Ferguson like that bloke Rocky, but you've still got the Jag. You might be scum, but yer intellectual cockney scum an' don't you forget it.


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Message Posted:
23/04/2009 19:37

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Message 245 of 271 in Discussion

arthur re message 240 , yes i was jumping up and down like maniac when arsharvin scored that forth goal! pitty they didnt hang on for all three pionts tho but three pionts clear and a game in hand with games runninig out you have to be well happy. glad you like the photos i posted on snapfish( well my mate did it for me) i guess you sussed im the good looking geezer in the shades? and yes thats susan and our fourteen year old alex



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Message Posted:
24/04/2009 17:00

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Message 246 of 271 in Discussion

How come we are all so quiet? Jakki I agree we could be buying anywhere other than SWB and what a sorry state of affairs some of the sites are. So looking forward to spending time on SWB and watching it all grow as more and more visit. Teething problems such as the restauarant and bar will be resolved somehow I am sure, maybe not this year but as soon as a solution can be found even if it is a complete change from what we expected. We bought on SWB as it was out of the way and quiet and its going to be the envy of many buyers on other sites. 62 sleeps and we will be out again.



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Message Posted:
24/04/2009 22:30

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Message 247 of 271 in Discussion

Sheila, you're absolutely right. The SWB thread has gone as quiet as Aberdeen on a flag day. Seven and a half weeks to our trip.

SWB won't be quiet with us out there!!


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Message Posted:
24/04/2009 23:59

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Message 248 of 271 in Discussion

well its mine and susans 25th wedding aniversary on the 4th of august, it would be great to spend that in our appartment if it where finished . if not may go to my sisters place in bermuda or my brothers place in portugal, fingers crossed!



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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:07

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Message 249 of 271 in Discussion

Andy Im a bit worried must have got married in 1984.. u c Im quite clever really for a tractor boy (who on earth wants Keeno for a manager) he will quit after hes lost a couple of games. N E Way looking at your trouble and strifes picture she must have been a minor when you got married how did you manage that or have you discretely replaced her??


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:09

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Message 250 of 271 in Discussion

Arthue please check my figures 84 plus 25 makes 2009 donit?


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:10

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Message 251 of 271 in Discussion

We are orf to c Grease tomorro and then watch the marathon on Sunday I bet you liked that film didnt you ..Arthur do you still use the brylcream and sweep back that wave?


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:15

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Message 252 of 271 in Discussion

Nah Rocky...........don't put the brylcream on my quiff, stick it on me pubes. Haven't you heard of Dickabillies??


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:17

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Message 253 of 271 in Discussion

no but I have heard of welshmen being keen on sheep


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:19

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Message 254 of 271 in Discussion

Is there anyone out there (sounds like a seance doesnt tit?) like me who has been offered their stage three completion?


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:20

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Message 255 of 271 in Discussion

Hey we need a new thread this takes ages to view must be your turn again andy


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:21

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Message 256 of 271 in Discussion

Think yer right about Andy though- [Sue looks far too young]. You're also right about Keane.

Don't turn up in yer Parka though, you might get lynched.


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:24

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Message 257 of 271 in Discussion

thought you gone to bed you wernt there as a user and then you came back did Jakki send you down for a glass of water


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 00:28

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Message 258 of 271 in Discussion

Keeping a bottle of Oyster Bay company. When I've looked at links, I'd forgotten how to get back direct so had to go back into the internet connection. You're a bit lucky a Luddite like me can do this at all.


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 01:31

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Message 259 of 271 in Discussion

Well well well I go out for a few hours and you all wake up!!! Andy we are out in August as well from from the 20th.



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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 01:36

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Message 260 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky we are stage 3 but we havnt paid our 4th payment for Tiling stage etc yet I thought you were stage 2?


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 08:57

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Message 261 of 271 in Discussion

not sure now the Phases and timings work out now they seemed to go out of sync - as for the tiling stage payment I think the contracts varied a little and mine included completed electrics and one or two other things. At the end of the day it does not matter, completion will be welcome and you can be sure you will have to pay up. Didnt J nd A have the last two stages of the payments together?


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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 11:27

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Message 262 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky just checked our contract and it's tiling, plumbing and electrical wiring so not due yet as I don't think I have loo's or sinks and not sure the wiring is finshed either. Our neighbours in C42 and C57 arrive back shortly so hopefully more news and photos. Have heard the grass seed is starting to go down so that will bring some colour to the whole site.



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Message Posted:
25/04/2009 13:25

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Message 263 of 271 in Discussion

Rocky, that is right, last two instalments were together.

Have to go, I have an invite to see Essex v West Indies. We have a dinner party tonight, and I'm reliably informed that Jackie doesn't mind me going to the cricket as I'd only "get in the way" whilst she's getting everything ready


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Message Posted:
26/04/2009 11:17

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Message 264 of 271 in Discussion

Andy, Did Ron ever get the video's he took of SWB sorted?


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Message Posted:
26/04/2009 23:19

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Message 265 of 271 in Discussion

hi sheila, ron showed me the video one night when we were dining at theirs, he had problems with his internet connection he tried three times but gave up. it didnt show as much as the stills i took and posted on snapfish so you aint missed anything. ron and anne are still out there by the way!



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Message Posted:
27/04/2009 00:11

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Message 266 of 271 in Discussion

Andy, send my thanks to Fergie. Got some mates who at Spurs supporters, I've got bets with them, so 5-2 was a bit helpful.


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Message Posted:
27/04/2009 02:02

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Message 267 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Andy, Thanks for letting me know and I hope they are enjoying themselves.



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Message Posted:
27/04/2009 11:01

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Message 268 of 271 in Discussion

I'm glad to hear that the grass seeds have been put down - all that grey gravel is a bit hard on the eyes and the grass will definitely break it up a bit. Arthur has a new BlackBerry so at least we'll be in communication with the outside world when we next visit.


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Message Posted:
27/04/2009 23:52

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Message 269 of 271 in Discussion

Hi Andysue,

Sorry haven't been on for so long - been away for Easter. I've logged onto snapfish and seen your photos - everything's coming on now isn't it? Did you manage to take photos of 103? The apartments all look the same from the photos!

PS been reading the msgs and we're with you pie, chips, gravy and mushy peas is pure heaven! And a nice pint to wash it down with!!!



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Message Posted:
28/04/2009 00:19

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Message 270 of 271 in Discussion

are mermaid still in business? have emailed them a couple of times and no response??


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Message Posted:
28/04/2009 00:20

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Message 271 of 271 in Discussion

this thread seems to take an age to download with in xcess of 250 messages I have started number 6..but how many before SWB is completed?

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