North Cyprus Tourist Board - anyone print some t shirts to help the orams
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anyone print some t shirts to help the orams

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Joined: 22/06/2009
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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 15:56

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Message 1 of 21 in Discussion

just had an idea after reading negative nicks post about mrs monger

why dont we show our support by wearing and displaying a t shirt in support of the orams and the trnc with turk and cypriot and gb flag on

anyone got an idea if this can be done an perhaps a brave soul with a paypal account could collect say a small fee to cover shirts and printing and wear them around the trnc

perhaps you could meet and purchase in town hotel or something.

also need someone arty to do a simple design

any tc willing to take up the challenge

what do you think guys and girls


Joined: 12/05/2009
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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 19:11

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Message 2 of 21 in Discussion

Yep, we could all go across the border and have a tea party, good bit of sport. Can you imagine what the GCs would do. Good idea cyprusairsoft, just what is needed, more support for them and more publicity which they need all over the E.U. lol


Joined: 22/06/2009
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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 19:26

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Message 3 of 21 in Discussion

Hi Dizzy blimey you are a game girl going south wasnt on the agenda but with you and me together we could change the whole island lol.

plenty of gc and tourists from south down the harbour be a great place for a orange juice sit in with all matching t shirts blimey that should open a few gc eyes


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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 19:33

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Message 4 of 21 in Discussion

Lets have a few thousand in the UK too,

Me and my staff would wear them to work to raise awareness


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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 19:35

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Message 5 of 21 in Discussion

great idea turtle simple but effective just want to see if we can get some momentum going with ideas and maybe the practical side of getting job done

imagine couple of thousand t shirts all the same round the harbour wicked


Joined: 22/06/2009
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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 19:38

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Message 6 of 21 in Discussion

wonder if you can still get that stuff that you iron on t shirts?

need some profesional outfit really though


Joined: 22/06/2009
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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 19:39

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Message 7 of 21 in Discussion

elko hurry up and put spell checker on here for me please to much shrapnel in my little brain

big brains ok though lol


Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 21:05

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Message 8 of 21 in Discussion

Dear Cyprusairsoft

1/ What does the flag of "GB" look like - do you mean the Union Flag of GB and N.I. ?

2/ Do you think the Cypriots want to see the Orams' on a tea-shirt with the Cyprus flag, and a Turkish flag ) ?!

I'm sure the Courts of England and Wales and the European Courts of Justice will be "moved" ...


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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 21:39

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Message 9 of 21 in Discussion

wondered how long it would take for you to put in an appearance

havent you got some visas to sort out?

1/ What does the flag of "GB" look like - do you mean the Union Flag of GB and N.I. ?

stupid comment.

2/ Do you think the Cypriots want to see the Orams' on a tea-shirt with the Cyprus flag, and a Turkish flag ) ?!

why not?

I'm sure the Courts of England and Wales and the European Courts of Justice will be "moved" ...

its not for their eyes


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Message Posted:
04/07/2009 21:40

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Message 10 of 21 in Discussion

Why dont we use orange with King Billy riding his horse as our emblems---- Glasgow is awash with them at the moment 100,000 Orange men to be exact as i speak that should put the fear of god into the Greeks it certainly does to me.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 08:30

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Message 11 of 21 in Discussion

go to vistaprint online and you can design your own.


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 09:35

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Message 12 of 21 in Discussion

mess 8 - could someone PLEASE put this bloke out of his mysery.....

fire starter

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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 10:55

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Message 13 of 21 in Discussion

what about one of those bulls eye type logo's?

after all you want to get noticed,lol.


Joined: 06/12/2007
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 10:59

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Message 14 of 21 in Discussion

i think this could have some mileage in it,actions speak louder than words, trnc flag one side,union jack the other side,with something like "support the orams" on it.Knock it out at say 1tl more than cost,then give the extra 1tl for each shirt to a charity! It would be more fetching than"i'm with this idiot,with an arrow pointing to the side.


Joined: 15/04/2009
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 11:29

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Message 15 of 21 in Discussion

If its legal, then i am all for it lets do it probably send a free one to 6ms then he can wear it in lets think was it russia, ireland, uk, spain ,korea australia.japan etc let me know if i have missed a country out Ms


Joined: 09/05/2009
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 12:10

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Message 16 of 21 in Discussion

tee shirts a can of beer sandles and no socks... says it all!!!


Joined: 05/02/2009
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 13:20

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Message 17 of 21 in Discussion

Tee shirt :-

small RoC Flag Orams are victims of RoC Kangaroo Courts


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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 13:43

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Message 18 of 21 in Discussion

Dear Wanderer

re msg 19

"Kangaroo Courts"

You've been listening to my goof friend Elko, I see ..

I wonder...Have you ever found yourself before a RoC Court? ... I don't even think Elko ( Ismet ) has ... IF you do, you'll find that if you have a reasoned defence - the Court leans over backwards for the defendant...


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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 14:17

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Message 19 of 21 in Discussion

Dear M

I read with interest elko 2 and Birdsongs description of the treatment by the RoC courts

which appears to be true and is a disgrace.

you may care to read and comment the relevant comments are prior to comment 63


Joined: 25/07/2007
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 14:46

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Message 20 of 21 in Discussion

How about this for a "T" shirt logo:

"The Tc's are just mad about Cyprus....and the GC's are just MAD about us"

Hello Mmmmm's hope you are well.

Did you ever answer the question put to you from the nice Mr Elko about your opinion of the Kangarooo court and a greek/cypriot judges involvement? If not it would be rather nice if you did....If you have, then ignore my message.


Joined: 14/05/2009
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Message Posted:
05/07/2009 17:56

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

Going back to T-shirts.

How about someone approaching Cyprus Today, they often have T-shirts done to advertise sponsorship, they could make a publicity campaign out of it:

"Support the TRNC and support the Orams" .

I'm afraid I'm not in a position to take an active part (I'm away from Cyprus at the moment) but one of you must be.

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