North Cyprus Tourist Board - Dirty Beaches Stop Moaning and Do Something Sunday 1st aug
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Dirty Beaches Stop Moaning and Do Something Sunday 1st aug

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Joined: 02/11/2008
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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 11:36

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Message 1 of 83 in Discussion

just to say ,why not go along to the big clean up on sunday , be a doer not a moaning ,this is your chance to meet people clean the beach ,and have a dip afterwards , even bring a picnic , remember to take your rubbish home , anyone who moans about unclean beaches, now your time to stand up and be counted, or just be quiet


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 11:50

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Message 2 of 83 in Discussion

here here i ll see you all there what beach are we going to


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 12:48

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Message 3 of 83 in Discussion

thanks atwister58 see you there see other post


Joined: 20/07/2010
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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 13:39

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Message 4 of 83 in Discussion

keep the locals / turks off the Beaches and they will not need cleaning,

left over bbq stuff

broken bottle

plastic cups/plates

broken plastic toys

water melon remnants.

odd shoes

soiled nappys

to name but a few they think its ok to leave behind !!!!!!! or chuck out of the car window.


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 14:16

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Message 5 of 83 in Discussion

very racist remarks we are all responsible , locals and us brits dont say its the other guy cause its not


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 14:24

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Message 6 of 83 in Discussion


Sorry my friend but we are not ALL responsible.

By far the vast majority, if not all the rubbish left on the beaches/picnic areas is left there by the local population. I have seen it with my own eyes on too many occasions to mention. Glass beer bottles being thrown out of car windows on the main East coast road near Karakum, picnic areas left knee deep in s**t , plastic bags, used condoms - you name it, they leave it.

Message 4 may be a bit strong but I fully understand his sentiment.



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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 14:25

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Message 7 of 83 in Discussion

and stop moaning and be there or be quiet xx


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 14:28

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Message 8 of 83 in Discussion

we should all take responibilty its our world our island our beaches, its easy to say let the other guy do it, hard to get up early get to the beach help clean it , show you care turn up be counted xx


Joined: 20/07/2010
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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 14:58

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Message 9 of 83 in Discussion

we should all take responsibility.. here here

its our world our island our beaches then give us the right to vote and we will share in the responsibilitys

its easy to say it,s in a mess lEt the Brits clean it up AGAIN !!!


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 15:46

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Message 10 of 83 in Discussion

How many times do we have to clean the beaches? its the same message every year clean up on sunday, an old tv set dumped on monday, get the locals involved in the clear up and I will gladly help. again.


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Message Posted:
23/07/2010 15:52

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Message 11 of 83 in Discussion

same old thing let the other guy do it ,nothing to do with me, i just live here, just for once brit dont moan ,get up and do someting about it , if we are seen caring then maybe just maybe someone else may care, and most of the building debris is from our villas our rubbish, just stand up say i care and turn up sunday smile and say how can i help, if not them do the other thing ,nothing


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Message Posted:
24/07/2010 17:32

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Message 12 of 83 in Discussion

6/7 at car park overlooking both beaches the one after the turning down to the beach bar


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Message Posted:
24/07/2010 17:41

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Message 13 of 83 in Discussion is admirable that you want to do something positive about the rubbish by clearing it up yourself.

However,some of the other posters are right.

The main culprits regarding littering are "locals"....they have a different mindset when it comes to littering.

This is not a racist remark,just the unfortunate truth.

Carry on with your good work by all means,but unless the local population is mobilised and motivated then nothing will change.

And your remark "and most of the building debris is from our villas our rubbish," is naive and misguided in the extreme.

Are you actually saying that the builders have no responsibility to clear their construction debris and waste from building sites,and it should be down to the individual villa owners ?


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Message Posted:
24/07/2010 18:13

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Message 14 of 83 in Discussion

I think it is good to work shoulder to shoulder with the locals to clear up the mess in their country


Joined: 26/02/2009
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Message Posted:
24/07/2010 18:41

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Message 15 of 83 in Discussion

As Paul says, we are NOT all responsible, all you have to do is take a drive along the coast road from the night clubs towards Kayalar on a Sunday, see how many ex-pats you can see having a picnic (Non, would be my guess ).Then do the same drive on a Monday morning and see for yourself the filth left behind.

I will give three more examples.

1. The Locals fish on the cliffs behind where we live not only do they leave their litter they also use it as a toilet and leave piles of human s**t and used toilet paper. Is that everyones fault ?

2. Builder bulldozing Waste over the cliffs, plastic, paper,concrete etc. Is that everyons fault ?

3. Finally, a local couple having a picnic about 200 yds from our house in a nice little carob grove, they just got and left ! leaving food wrappers, drinks bottles, paper, olive oil bottle and a charcoal bag behind. Is that everyones fault ?

Its about time we stopped defending this behaviour, it is not acceptable anywhere in this day and age.


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Message Posted:
24/07/2010 18:47

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Message 16 of 83 in Discussion

mess 15 - the neg nick post of the month..

well done....


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 10:47

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Message 17 of 83 in Discussion

moan, moan, moan, do nothing ,let someone else do it ,yes nothing will change sad sad world with sad sad lazy people ,i will be there


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 10:51

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Message 18 of 83 in Discussion

and have you seen a british beach like weymouth after a weekend ,they have to have a fleet of lorries taking it away ,so who,s the LOCALS there ?


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 11:00

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Message 19 of 83 in Discussion

just help out sunday ,if you want to and those who dont want to help, please just be quiet we dont need you


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 11:35

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Message 20 of 83 in Discussion


You just don't get it. We applaud your enthusiasm for attempting to clean up the beach, all that I am saying is please don't brand ME and the vast majority of expats as the same as the locals. I KNOW THAT I DON'T LITTER !! Until the locals change their ways then you will need to be doing a beach clean every couple of weeks to stay on top of it.

As for Weymouth, I can't really comment, but who cleans up Weymouth beach ? - the council I would be willing to bet. Who is having to take the initiative to clean up Alagadi beach ? - not the Beledeyi that is for sure !

Good luck



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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 12:26

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Message 21 of 83 in Discussion

moan moan ,let the other guy do it, the rates in weymouth 1800 pounds a year to clean up LOCAlS (english) rubbish dumped on the beach, supose you are right do nothing thats the way to do it , are now i get it

thank for your help

we are all responsible! its our world if you saw a old bannana skin on the floor and a old lady walking towards it ,do you not pick it up and put it in the bin , or no nothing and just laugh when she breaks her hip ,

thought so ,have a happy life xx


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 12:34

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and yes the Belideyi are suppling lorries and (local) manpower on sunday , but we just need helping hands thier is a lot of beach , so you you want to do something that will help the world yes in a small way, but does help please come along, the knockers of the world , i wish you well ,see the rest on sunday


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 12:38

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Message 23 of 83 in Discussion

Oldshep....this righteous indignation does you no favours.

You say "moan moan ,let the other guy do it"......what some of us are suggesting is that the guys who actually do the littering should also have an obligation to clear up their rubbish.

You are obviously a man on a mission....and that is to be applauded....but while ever well meaning people such as yourself and other ex-pats clean up the beaches ,then the locals and the Belediye will feel that they don't have to !

I'm not saying that the solution is to do nothing , what I'm saying is that you should also focus on mobilising the locals who are the culprits,and change their attitudes to littering.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 13:27

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Message 24 of 83 in Discussion

well Cronos thank you for all your help as i said we dont need you please if you dont want to help please be quiet and dont spoit it for others how want to help clean our beaches,i did want to e mail you privatly but i see you hide your address so , please if you have nothing positive to say, say nothing ,or maybe we should have a dark corner just for the moaning knockers with of course no locals alowed, just been reading some of the comments said about the true american,s by the white,s nothing has changed ,while the mind set is as above

nothing will change we learn by example ,what i am saying is that those that want to, why not give up a sunday morning come along to the beach bring a hat some water and a smile, and say HOW CAN I HELP, thats all


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 13:35

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Message 25 of 83 in Discussion

Oh dear....good luck with your mission oldshep.

There seems little point in trying to persuade you of mine and others viewpoint as you are unwilling to listen.

Don't look for enemies where there are none !

Hope the clean up day is a success and you get plenty of volunteers ( both ex-pats and locals )


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 14:02

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Message 26 of 83 in Discussion

always will to listen to contructive and positive ideas , as anybody who know me will say

just get fed up with moaning brits who are willing to knock anybody and everything on this board and in general,are the english really moaners as everybody in the world say well judge yourselves

,stand up and be counted or sit down and be quiet


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 14:18

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Message 27 of 83 in Discussion


Please re-read our previous posts. We are not knocking anybody on this board, in fact we applaud your tenacity. However, we are merely stating that the people who should be assisting with the cleanup are the culprits themselves, and that as long as they are allowed to get away with indiscriminate littering, the longer the problem will persist. Failing that, then the Beledeyi has to come to the fore.

I willingly do my fair share of voluntary work here, but in this case I believe that Cronos sums it up very well in that " while ever well meaning people such as yourself and other ex-pats clean up the beaches ,then the locals and the Belediye will feel that they don't have to !"

Again, I wish you the very best of luck in your endeavours but sadly, I am pretty confident that a few weeks after all your hard work, the beaches will be back in exactly the same state that you found them.

Best wishes



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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 14:31

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Message 28 of 83 in Discussion

so sorry that you cant read , but please if you are a moaner just be quiet it spoil its it for the good people out there ,and we are out there ,Kibris Knockers Klub we dont need or shall we just call them KKK


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 14:53

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Message 29 of 83 in Discussion

Not a moaner, just a realist.

Please explain how I am spoiling it for the good people out there - are you inferring that I am not a good person because I don't necessarily agree with you ?

Debate is a discussion between parties with differing opinions, thats all that we are having. There is no need to be rude

Again, the best of luck with your endeavours.



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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 15:33

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Message 30 of 83 in Discussion

what i was refering too was remarks like Keep the Locals off the beaches end quote

or to put it another way

"whites only" ,

i find this sort of racistism saddening and enraging ,

i think most people are fed up with your (KKK) sort of spoil tactics , not just on this thread but on lots of others you dont want to come then ,just dont but if you have nothing constructive to say old saying a still tongue is a wise tongue, i think you have spoilt this welmeaning posting enough this is addressed to all knockers the white knights of cyprus ,i will stand against racieism some things are worth it xxx


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 16:20

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Message 31 of 83 in Discussion


What the hell are you on about?

You must be reading a different thread to the one I'm looking at !

"whites only" "KKK" "keep the locals off the beaches" "White knights of cyprus" !!!!!

What is the matter with you?

To say you have misinterpreted would be a massive understatement.

Think before you may be starting to alienate even those who wanted to help.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 16:38

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Message 32 of 83 in Discussion

Hello oldshep,

I'll be happy to help, if you are organising another clean-up sometime between the 12th and 28th of August, when I'm next over.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 16:43

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Message 33 of 83 in Discussion

Pardon me if I am wrong .. Can't see where on this thread that states which beach is to be cleaned ..


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 16:44

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Message 34 of 83 in Discussion

Sorry Oldshep but have you lost the plot ?

Please re-read the posts, there is absolutely nothing rascist about the posts on this thread.

On another thread, someone said something along the lines of 'if you kept the locals off the beaches then they wouldn't be in the mess that they are in'. Strong words used to reinforce the point that it is largely the local population who litter the beaches, sad but true ! However, I think anyone would be hard pressed to call the statement rascist.

You really do need to step down off your soap box and smell the coffee.



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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 16:51

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Please ensure that you have arranged for the gates to be opened if it's before 8 am. As you know the gates to the Alagadi beach are locked between the hours of 8 pm and 8 am.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 16:58

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Message 36 of 83 in Discussion

I've attended many of these beach cleans both above and under the water. I have to agree until something is done to force the locals to stop littering we are waisting our time. This is not being negative but simple fact.We have just come back from the south for a few days, I hate to say that all the beaches we saw were clean and the streets were a lot better. The heavy fines they now impose in the South must be having some effect.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:08

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Message 37 of 83 in Discussion

I would like to ask oldshep if this is his first time at cleaning beaches, because if it is it will probably be your last. Because when you go the week after to admire your handiwork take some more plastic bags you will need them, and maybe you will become one of the moaners, oh yes.Its all been done before there is a saying what fits your sentiments and that is you will be pissing in the wind


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:14

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Message 38 of 83 in Discussion

hi freindshippaul , please reread thread number three does it not say

"Keep the Locals/Turks off the Beaches" or is it just me !

yes maybe banging my head against the wall ,just fed up with moaning english who sit there judgeing other but do nothing to help, sorry about the soap box if i came over like that but just dont like racist remarks

i am just trying to get some nice people to help clean a beach thats all for everybody to enjoy

the people of cyprus and us guests ,


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:17

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Message 39 of 83 in Discussion

Give it a rest "you son of a beach" )


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:22

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ten years and i always take a bag with me when i go to the beach always fill it , put it in a bin on the way home ,just feel i have done something, yes i know its a little but if everyone did it ,we all get to many bags from the supermarket why not take one to the beach next time give it a try it makes you feel better and you have done something good


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:25

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Message 41 of 83 in Discussion

thank you so much Mr Chris Cooper for your input ,


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:31

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You are very welcome, i thought with you all talking rubbish i would join you !!


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:34

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Message 43 of 83 in Discussion

yes sometimes think is is a mad house too, but it helps get the point over and they are helping keeping the topic at the top so thank you all my friends and others xxxx,


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:50

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Message 44 of 83 in Discussion

Hello oldshep,

Why not just ignore these people, and instead give answers to the genuine enquiries from willing-would-be-helpers?

Any clean-ups planned between 12th and 28th of August?




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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 17:52

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Message 45 of 83 in Discussion

go to any beach tomorrow morning see the crap left behind the come on here and tell us who has left it.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 18:41

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the big one is August 1st please come Its 6/7 in the morning car park between the beaches lorries been promised to take stuff away its the turtle beaches so lets help them, but every day anybody goes to a beach why not take a supermarket bag fill it put it in the bin ,everyday is clean up day !

yes i supose you are right Eddie theres always knockers moaners willing to talk you down but sit here and do nothing

We are going to put up signs to Please Take your rubbish home in Turkish and english

please bring a hat and some water and a smile ;)


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 18:56

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Message 47 of 83 in Discussion

Sorry, but I'm not travelling until the 11th. Please don't be discouraged by the negativity you've encountered from some posters on here. If any more clean-ups are planned, please let us all know.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 20:19

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Message 48 of 83 in Discussion


Post 4 actually says:

"keep the locals / turks off the Beaches and they will not need cleaning"

As I said before, hardly rascist, just reinforcing the point that the locals are the ones who cause the mess.

I will be in the UK during your beach clean. Again, I wish you the very best of luck and hope that it is well supported, particularly by locals.




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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 23:14

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Message 49 of 83 in Discussion

Hi i would love to lend a hand,,But I will not be moving over to NC untill Sept 1st.Never been to Cyprus but I have read so many good reports what a beautiful country/people..and now I i'm really sure I will love the place noing there are people still around willing to give up there time to clean the beaches,,what a great idea..Please let me no when the next clean up is and where,,myself and hubby would love to help...

girne 29

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Message Posted:
25/07/2010 23:50

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message 49

' I will not be moving over to NC untill Sept 1st. NEVER been to Cyprus.' !!

Hope you are renting? Good luck.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 00:04

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Message 51 of 83 in Discussion

jbond good luck to you with your move over.Your doing just what we did 3yrs ago and we love it.all worked out well..

Message 50.. some people have done things this way..Its called feel the fear and work,walk through them..Have no fear and do it anyway. )))



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 02:01

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Message 52 of 83 in Discussion

hi yes we will be renting for 12month,,then looking to buy..I think the clean up of the beaches is also a great way to get to no people...We will need many freinds who can give us lots of imformation..


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 05:37

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Message 53 of 83 in Discussion

why don't the government do somethng about the filthy beaches just like they do in just about every other country in the world..........

i was ashamed when i took my family down to Alagadi 3 beach....

the trnc government "aye gorra bleedin' clue" as my old uncle Percy would say............


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 08:10

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Message 54 of 83 in Discussion

Friendshipaul , Hardly Raciist! if in England in put up a sign saying

No africans or indians allowed on the beach ,to keep it clean ,think i just might get done

as so i should , the Cypriot and Turkish 70,000,000 people what are you saying they are all dirty ?

how you can say this is not racist ,


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 08:44

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Message 55 of 83 in Discussion


Please don't twist the words of myself or the poster at message 4.

I don't believe that he is calling for turks/cypriots to be banned from the beaches but merely saying (tongue in cheek) that if they didn't go on the beaches then the beaches would stay clean making the point that 'it is the locals who leave behind the litter'.

Do you disagree that this is the case. As I have said before, I have regularly observed the locals doing this, I have NEVER seen an expat do likewise.

Using your analogy that we are 'all responsible' - my TC neighbour regularly discards his rubbish on wasteground opposite my home. Are you telling me that it is my responsibility to clean this up for him ??

I haven't done any gardening for a few weeks and haven't washed my car for a fortnight, both are looking a little scruffy. I can't be bothered to do it at the moment. As we are 'all responsible', would you care to pop round to my place and do it for me ? Of course not !!



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 08:48

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Message 56 of 83 in Discussion

so the clean up will be done by..... LOACAL BRITS AND LOCAL CYPS THEN ,.... ARRR GOOD . cleaned that up then


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 09:44

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Message 57 of 83 in Discussion



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 10:01

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Message 58 of 83 in Discussion

It was stated to remember your water and a hat.Please also remember to take with you some gloves maybe gardening gloves, and perhaps whenever anyone has a day out at the beach always remember to take with you extra bags for rubbish that way you can hand them out and remind people to take theirs home with them...Keep an eye on the ones eating on the beaches give them bags as they might not have any.!! when they leave and you see any rubbish left by them run after them with a reminder.give them their own rubbish to take home with them,If enough people do this to others it would be a GREAT HELP..someone please ask foe more bins to be provided they are often overflowing.! I will not be attending because i do my bit every time i go to the beach I go up to others and make sure they take it home with them..always in a nice manner.and all are quite happy to have the reminder..So come on folks you do the same and maybe next year there might not be as much to collect..Good luck with it..


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 12:22

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Message 59 of 83 in Discussion

never seen a brit, drop rubbish , do you live in the real world go to any council estate in england sofa matresses burnt out rusty cars in the streets and gardens ,

and yes i always wash my neigbour car before they come out for a holiday just to be nice

girne 29

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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 12:42

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Message 60 of 83 in Discussion

spider message 51

'.Its called feel the fear and work,walk through them..Have no fear and do it anyway. )))

Do you mean like some sort of adrenelin boost ,moving to a country you have never seen.Must be, as it only costs a few hundred quid to fly out and have a looksee first, Would appear to be adding a risk factor for kicks. Definately a young mans game.

Nothing to do with Cyprus ,as I wouldnt move to the next street, next village, next country, without having a look round first.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 13:04

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girne 29...Risk factor for kicks..a young mans game...I think is never too old ! I lived in the same small town for 50 odd years not far from where i grew up,my children went to the same school as i did and i watched my friends children grow up..and one day i thought there is a very big world outside apart from just for holidays..I had no fear what so ever..and why would i..Its called faith that everything will be just fine ! I have felt the fear and worked through them..I had no fear and did what needed to be done. I changed my lifestyle and moved to the sun.

each and every day i am happy we did.Its a great feeling to be happy and content.nothing is ever a risk, you just make yourself think it is )) Positive thoughts only..Great thread.

Spider,X )))) ps.The book is feel the fear and do it anyway for those who live with fear of the uncertainty..I belived everything would be fine.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 13:04

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Message 62 of 83 in Discussion are a saint

However, again you misinterpret my words. I was of course referring to here in the TRNC.

However, you haven't answered my question. Who do you feel is responsible for the majority of the rubbish left on the beaches ? - and just to be clear here, I am talking about rubbish left by visitors to the beach and not the rubbish brought in by the sea.

Please contact me off board and I will give you directions to my place. Garden and car is awaiting your attention and whilst you are here, could you also bring a few bin bags and take away the rubbish left by my neighbour


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 13:20

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Message 63 of 83 in Discussion

no not a saint, but if your neigbour is coming out to cut back his gargen a wash his car so he feels good

so what you are saying is that brits are dirty in britain but when they go abroad ,magical they are angels

white than white ,sorry dont buy that one ,the rubbish on the beaches is dropped by people just people sorry i dont go as far as you and say all rubbish is dropped by a certain race or colour thats racist,


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 13:20

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Message 64 of 83 in Discussion

fiendishpaul..If your neighbours rubbish is upsetting you do something about it )) No such thing as cant..

Ps..another book Further along the road less travelled. Some do travel a happy road !



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 13:59

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Message 65 of 83 in Discussion

Oldshep, you are living in a dream land if you honestly think that ex-pats and locals are equally to blame for the squalor on the beaches.

We were on my loal beach, which my wife and I keep clean, early afternoon yesterday and everything was fine, no litter jus a few bits washed up from the sea, then later in the afternoon about six car loads of locals arrived, it is now coverd in rubbish !!

Please tell me who is to blame for this ? or is this just me being a racist.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 14:09

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Message 66 of 83 in Discussion


You really need to take off your rose tinted glasses. Go to any beach in the TRNC and 90% of those using the beach will be locals - after all very few 'tourists' tend to come to the TRNC these days - I wonder why ? All I am saying is that I have never observed an expat throwing beer bottles out of car windows or leaving their rubbish behind on the beach. Not a rascist statement, just what I have experienced. As for my neighbour, like myself he lives here permanently. He can wash his own car and do his own gardening unless of course you want to do his after you have done mine . We get on well but when I point out that he should not throw his rubbish out the front, guess what, I get the Cypriot shrug.

Spider. Are you proposing that I clean up his mess for him ?? Please explain to me why I should. To be a good neighbour ??? By the way I am a very happy chappy, just get very annoyed that people continue to mistreat this lovely country.



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 15:11

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Message 67 of 83 in Discussion

Paul I am not proposing you clean up your neighbours mess for him,but for yourself because it bother you..I am a firm believer that if something upsets me i need to do something to stop it upsetting me..either except it so the situation is no longer an issue for you..or change it and feel good that something has changed..sounds simple ! and i can assure you it works.My peace of mind today is more important to me than to allow others to disturbed the way i feel.Great that you see yourself as a happy chappy keep smiling )



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 15:17

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Message 68 of 83 in Discussion

oh and by the way who is it has his hosepie on swilling the road outside his house ??

not the brit i can tell rules


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 15:33

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Message 69 of 83 in Discussion


No thanks, it doesn't bother me that much !!

All my posts are trying to say is that whilst I applaud Oldshep for his/her determination in tidying up the beach at Alagadi, if expats continue to do the work that the Beledeyi should be doing then nothing is ever going to improve. This is a problem that the Ministry of Tourism should be jumping all over. Rather than the government bleating on about how tourism is being affected by emabargoes, lack of direct flights etc. Maybe they should look closer to home...even when driving around in their ministerial Mercedes, they must see the rubbish that litters the place at every turn. Often when talking to tourists, they always comment on how 'dirty/scruffy' the place is. Tourism is this countries lifeblood, without it the place will go nowhere fast.

Maybe they should start with education at schools but I firmly believe that the beaches need to be patrolled and offenders fined.

Just my opinion of course.



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 15:43

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Message 70 of 83 in Discussion

Paul agreed..But pigs might fly !



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 16:35

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Message 71 of 83 in Discussion

We as "Locals" are organizing this cleanup. I am ashamed in the name of humanity for the rubbish on the beaches! Since we are the ones who are aware of this mess, then it is our responsibility to clean it up! We have to lead by action and determination. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and passion in this cleanup.

The Belediye have been contacted and are joining the cleanup on Sunday. If anyone wants to come and voice their concerns, the officials will be there. Hopefully we, altogether, can find a long term solution for this problem. Paul, please be there if you can to put your ideas forward. Oldshep, thanks for all your enthusiasm.





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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 16:45

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Message 72 of 83 in Discussion

and for the the 364 days in the year who will be responsible ??


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 16:47

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Message 73 of 83 in Discussion


I am afraid that I will be back in the UK but I do wish you the very best of luck with the cleanup and hope that the authorities take note and put some sort of system in place that negates the requirement for 'volunteers' having to take the lead in such matters.

If they do, then the TRNC will be a better place for it.



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 16:54

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Message 74 of 83 in Discussion

Thanks Paul, all the best!

Jimmykibris, we are responsible!


Joined: 25/03/2010
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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 18:59

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Message 75 of 83 in Discussion

Hello Yen & Oldshep,

Thanks very much for refusing to allow yourselves to be distracted from achieving your objectives, by all the negative messages aimed your way on this thread.

If the determination that some of these posters have shown in trying to decry your efforts, could be turned around, and employed more constructively, then the part of the world, in which they have chosen to live, just might be transformed into a better place for all to enjoy.

Keep the faith!



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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 19:35

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Message 76 of 83 in Discussion

I've posted this same message/question several times before:

Why can't it be organised that prison labour be utilised for roadside and beach clean-ups, or would that be infringing their oh so precious 'human rights'?

I know I said 'use chain gangs' - that was supposed to be tongue in cheek - but surely even dangerous criminals would even accept that and be most grateful to have the chance to avoid being couped up 24/7/365 x 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 + !

Prior to Romania joining EU, we used to regularly see chain gangs on 'litter duty'.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 22:00

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Message 77 of 83 in Discussion

looks like we agree on something paul fine them and educate them and if caught then ban them name and shame watever it takes to get the point across or lets do the clean and drop it off on the girne municipaites doorstep with the help of the bigger news papers


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Message Posted:
26/07/2010 23:16

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Message 78 of 83 in Discussion

its sad i know, will we ever change the mentality, i do no think so. I throw away so many bottles plastic and glass every night. re cycle who will do it here. Now we do actually carry them south to be recycled, thanks to my friend brian. it breaks my heart we live by the sea and when we walk the babies i take so many bags i could be considered as bag lady of the year.Oh well one accolade in my life would be good x


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Message Posted:
27/07/2010 09:22

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Message 79 of 83 in Discussion

well you can take the effes beer bottles back you know and get paid for them 2ytl a crate effes reuses them after cleaning saves thowing them away

just to thank you all the supportive people hope for a big turn out sunday

we cant stop the knockers of the world , bring a smile on sunday ;)


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 11:10

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Message 80 of 83 in Discussion

Just a reminder that the bus will be arriving at old bus terminal opposite the police station at 7:30 Sunday morning. Thats this Sunday ( 1st of August)

Pls remember to bring water, sun screen, hats, and extra bags if you like.

The cleanup will officially start at 8 am.

You can call




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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 11:13

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Message 81 of 83 in Discussion

Great great great initiative - hope you get a tremendous turnout !


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 11:15

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Message 82 of 83 in Discussion

Thank you Jenny76

We hope so too!!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 11:22

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Message 83 of 83 in Discussion

And also remember to bring a picnic

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