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Permission to Purchase

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Joined: 25/05/2008
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Message Posted:
01/09/2010 17:58

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I read an articule in 2009 that the Gov were looking to speed up the P to P process!!!

How long is it now taking to get one through?


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Message Posted:
01/09/2010 18:48

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Permission To Purchase is not required for TC's or anyone with a Kimlik card.

Foreigners who have bought esdeger/exchange title property can expect to wait from 18 months to never !

Foreigners who have bought Pre-74 turkish Title Deed properties will NEVER get PTP for any applications made after 2005.

If the TRNC "are looking" to speed up the process I wouldn't hold your breath !

Hope this helps.


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Message Posted:
01/09/2010 19:08

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Does Dolly Parton, sleep on her back? Yevas! Yevas!



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Message Posted:
01/09/2010 21:59

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Message 4 of 31 in Discussion

Mine came through last month and took 31 months in all


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Message Posted:
01/09/2010 22:01

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Nigel....good to hear.

Presumably it's on Esdeger/exchange title deeds ?

the butler

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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 00:31

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I think it helps if you keep chasing them at the office, keep telephoning them and emailing them. Ours took 30 months.

The butlers wife


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 00:37

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Takes any where from 12 -36 moths depending, but heard that they are now short staffed so who knows how long

Sorry !


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 06:50

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Message 8 of 31 in Discussion

Cronus, I have read several times about Pre 74 TTD not being issued to foreign applicants after 2005 on your posts. I applied June last year for PTP on Pre 74. If at all possible, can you explain further where this information /knowledge about this has beome apparent. If you do not want to speak on board, my email is . I would be grateful for any information. Regards, Mrs Snakes.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 07:17

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Message 9 of 31 in Discussion

Like Mrs Snakes I would also like that info. We bought our house in Famagusta 3 years ago and it is on pre-74 TTD. We await our PTP. The solicitor did not mention any probs with PTP. Any info that will allow me to take sucessful Legal action will be appreciated.



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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 08:13

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Message 10 of 31 in Discussion

I applied for ptp on pre74 tyrkish title deed land in 2003 and was refused in 2009. Noexplanation given. No where near any military land. seems that you can only buy stolen land from Greeks here.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 08:16

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We purchased exchange land and ours came through 2months ago and it took 14 months in total and we chased them every month in person which was a good thing as they lost our paperwork once.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 10:08

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Message 12 of 31 in Discussion

Hi Cronos

Like Mrs Snakes and Geoff I would like as much info on PTP on pre 1974 properties. We applied in 2006 on a pre 1974 property and have heard nothing since.Our advocate is a waste of time and when asked about this rumour will not comment. Any truthful info will be greatly appreciated.




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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 13:34

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Message 13 of 31 in Discussion

Is it any quicker if the Kocan already had the house on in someones name and I just want it transferred to mine.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 13:44

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as far as I am aware you will still need ptp.

As for pre 74 deeds I dont know if theres anything in writing but fromeveryone I know who had bought pre 74 deeds and had got the kocans when selling in the last few years the people buying couldnt and didnt get PTP that is why solicitors are now offering a way round it in that you apply for it to be in a trust usually tour advocates at a cost! surprise surprsie.

It would be interesting to see if anyone in the last 2 years has got their PTP on pre 74 deeds as you wont get a straight answer from the gov or even the advocates


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 14:16

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There used to be a law preventing foreigners from owning Turkish title land. However, that was clear and outright discrimination so the law was changed.

Currently, there is no law preventing foreigners from owning Turkish title. However, there are decision makers who ensure that permission will be not be granted.

This also applies to pre-74 foreign owned properties - just because the previous owner managed to get their permission does not mean that you will get yours.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 14:22

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In 2003, it was common knowledge that foreigners could not get PTP on Pre 74 land.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 14:23

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Well I've just been told they have lost mine after 3 years, so am having to apply again. I would mention that I have been ringing them, and my solicitor has been chasing it up for over a year. It has taken them just over a year to finally tell me they can't find it. Could be they are speeding things up by throwing a lot of the old ones out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 14:58

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Message 18 of 31 in Discussion

Our PTP has just come through but when we went to Solicitor she said that the house was not on the land and although in the contract it states the builder will register the house onto the land she thinks this is unlikely but we should pay all our dues anyway!!! If they calculate VAT at 5% of purchase price ( which includes house) why isn't it on the Kocan and how do you go about getting it put on??

One puzzled Mrs TT


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 15:14

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Message 19 of 31 in Discussion

We recieved our ptp on pre 74 Turkish Title which was applied for after 2005.

I have friend who recieved theirs and I think they applied at about the same time, but we got our kochan first.

The previous owner was expat with the kochan in their name. we purchased the property from them, without problem.

So if anyone has the proof that ptp is not being given since that date, it would be interesting to see a link to that information. Please don't say the HBPG as they just are taking their data from those who have had problems, its not a balanced view. Otherwise the conclusion is that its just gossip.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 16:54

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I would like to know if anyone who has applied for PTP after 2005 on pre 74 turkish title property has been granted permission, every one i have spoken to that has applied since 2006 on Pre 74 deeds as either been refused or heard nothing, i am not talking one or two people either.

We applied Oct 2006 and found out by chasing direct Dec 2008 that it had been refused by the military, there is no military land near us in the centre of Lapta and peolpe within 100yds on Esdeger Kochan have been granted PTP. so i don't think its just GOSSIP i would say it is FACT. also when speaking to our advocate Mine Konat about the refusal she also told us the Goverment were not issuing any PTP for Pre 74 Turkish title.



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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 17:26

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re my message 13 - I applied for PTP almost a year ago - just wondered if it was quicker if title deeds had already been issued to previous owners of the property - the house and subequent gardage that was built are both registered on the Kocan so I assumed for me it should be just a fairly straightforward up dating records etc ... it is not being done from scratch and there are no charges against any of it..?


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 19:53

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The title deeds (koçan) is ALWAYS in someone's name already...Do you mean a 'Non Cypriot' person's name?

Regarding your second point - " should be just a fairly straightforward up dating records etc ... it is not being done from scratch..." - as far as I know, every single PTP application is unique, and is treated the same as any other, according to the prevailing climate and criteria (both stated, and un-stated).

It would appear that the decision NOT to award PTP on 'Pre-74' title land is undocumented, so cannot be challenged in the courts as being unfair.

They normally just say 'unsuitable for sale to a foreigner' and hide behind the 'National security' blanket.

I doubt very much that 'previous ownership' is considered as a factor.



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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 20:28

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Although this thread started out as a general query regarding how long PTP takes ,a few people have specific questions about Pre-74 Turkish Title Deeds and the fact that this is no longer being granted to foreigners.

As usual,Keith has hit the nail on the head with his comment :

"It would appear that the decision NOT to award PTP on 'Pre-74' title land is undocumented, so cannot be challenged in the courts as being unfair.

They normally just say 'unsuitable for sale to a foreigner' and hide behind the 'National security' blanket."

He is right....there is no proof ,because the TRNC govt won't make this policy a law and bring it out in the open,because it would show to the world that as far as integrity goes,they are happy to give you PTP to buy "disputed" GC land , but won't now give you PTP to buy their own undisputed land....although they will allow you to go through the whole buying process and pay in full !

The specifics regarding Pre-74 can be found on previous threads


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 20:29

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I will try to find the links to previous threads and sources and post them on a seperate thread.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 20:40

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When we were purchasing a property in Dec 2009 our advocate told us not to look at Pre 74 as she had a correspendence from the Council of Ministers stating that she should not submit any PTP applications on behalf of foreign buyers for a minimum 6 month period as PTP would not be granted to foreign buyers of Pre 74.

One would presume that if our advocate had received this correspondence then all advocates would have received it and would know about this situation, ours was honest enough to inform us.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 21:09

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Just for the record mine is not pre 74


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Message Posted:
02/09/2010 21:24

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wasn'ti our country in the first place ??

now we have to get permission to buy in a place that was originally ours ?

you couldn't make it up.....


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Message Posted:
04/09/2010 00:01

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Message 28 of 31 in Discussion

Mine was exchange and I purposely bought a resale having heard so many nightmares on new builds! boy am I glad I did as I know a few people who are £100k plus out of pocket

and better news still is that my solicitor has sent me an email today advising me that I am getting a refund of over £500 on the money they had on account !


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Message Posted:
04/09/2010 10:57

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Message 29 of 31 in Discussion

people with turkish title will not see there deeds


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Message Posted:
04/09/2010 11:04

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Message 30 of 31 in Discussion

cyprusairsoft......I think your fact my own experience tells me you are right....but I'd be interested to hear why you yourself are so convinced that this is true.


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Message Posted:
04/09/2010 11:51

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Message 31 of 31 in Discussion

someone I know bought several villas form a well know developer by camelotte beach!!!

he was never told he would only be able to sell to a TC due to (you can make up any excuse)

he asked why was he not told before! So now they rent and live in suspension knowing they can only sell to a TC period they are stuck here ,however they are making the most of life here to the full in the meantime living off rents

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