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112 Party on Beach cancelled

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Joined: 28/12/2006
Posts: 67

Message Posted:
19/07/2007 18:55

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The 112 Party due to be held at the Celecrity Hotel on 11th August has had to be cancelled one of the main reasons is that the Government will NOT give the 112 fund a charity status which would save so much money. My sympathy goes to those and there are many that have spent so long organising this event the Ball in the Spring was tremendous and we all know what the committee are capable of £8k towards equiping the ambulances are they not used by the TCs? I bet 75% of traffic accidents involve TCs and apart from Medical staff I did not see any at the ball do they expect the ex Pats to provide money for medical services without helping. Sorry will get off my soapbox now and await comments


Joined: 07/06/2007
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Message Posted:
19/07/2007 18:59

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i also heard the above but have just learned from someone involved that one of the members of Mud 2 cannot fly due to a phobia and this is the real reason. i believe the person who told me as they are in the know.

we will see!!!!


Joined: 28/12/2006
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Message Posted:
19/07/2007 19:25

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Message 3 of 9 in Discussion

That would not have stopped us from going there was a party of us who just wanted a good time with or without Mud 2 prefer the drink myself banana flavour is favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Joined: 07/06/2007
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Message Posted:
19/07/2007 19:27

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Message 4 of 9 in Discussion

im with you on that dylansgranny.

i say let it roll!


Joined: 11/05/2007
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Message Posted:
20/07/2007 18:41

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I know this is nothing to do with the subject, but could you put some punctuation in your text, so it doesn't take ages trying to read.

Not having a go honest.



Joined: 28/12/2006
Posts: 67

Message Posted:
21/07/2007 10:03

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Message 6 of 9 in Discussion


No offence taken, I am of an age where grammar was important, but alas the modern ways have taken over- will try harder honest.



Joined: 29/05/2007
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Message Posted:
22/07/2007 00:18

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Message 7 of 9 in Discussion

I know nothing about this, would it be possible for you please to do a thread explaining exactly what you are doing and what exactly it is about? I'm sure a lot more of us would back it? I am ignorant as to what is going on. My apologies for that.


Joined: 29/05/2007
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Message Posted:
22/07/2007 00:19

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

I agree grammar is v important, without it, so many things can, and will be, read the wrong way


Joined: 15/03/2007
Posts: 683

Message Posted:
23/07/2007 14:36

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Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

I think the cancellation of this event was disappointing, but I suspect there is more to it than is being let on. As we know, Mud II's agent said the band could have done the gig anyway - and if they couldn't there are plenty of other Mud tribute bands out there - and that doesn't really explain why the classical concert has also been pulled. I think this is probably not the pivotal reason here.

The issue over charitable status is indeed a sorry one, as the work of the 112 service is much needed and very valuable. Dylan's granny is right when she says that the 112 service is for all of us here in TRNC so it would benefit all of us if the local authorities could do the decent thing and grant it charitable status.

Having said that, I think also there is a lesson here for us all - that we need to make sure all our T's are crossed and I's dotted when organising this kind of thing. Hopefully the organisers will have had some sort of contingency plan, just in case something went wrong. For example, do they know how many tickets have been sold? Will monies be refunded to those that want/need it? If so, how? Did the tickets carry some sort of authentication so that they cannot be duplicated by unscrupulous individuals who might try to cash in on this?

Just a few thoughts, that's all...

But please, if anyone out there has any influence in the halls of authority, let the charity have the status it needs - for all our sakes. Thank you.

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