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bellapais abbey wedding versus beach

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Joined: 06/12/2010
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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 07:51

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Hi, we are getting married in Cyprus next year and we can't decide between Bellapais aAbbey and a beach wedding. Does anyone have any pictures of the Abbey? I have seen ones on a website but these don't really show you very much. Also does anyone know which beaches are available for weddings? Are they hotel beaches?

Many thanks to anyone who can help


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 08:22

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No contest ....I wish I was not already married, so I could get married at Bellapais........fabulous..much better than a beach!


Joined: 11/06/2010
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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 08:53

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I have filmed many weddings at Bellapais Abbey it has to be No 1 venue on the Island

sample DVD available if required also testimonials.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 10:20

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Have to agree it's got to be Bellapais Abbey.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 11:52

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Bellapais all the way. I did it!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 11:57

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Got to agree with other posts, go for Bellapais Abbey.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 12:45

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Why not visit North Cyprus and check for yourself, I certainly would be doing that.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 12:53

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Lyndsey - Congratulations on getting wed.

There are many idylic settings. I assume you have already visited the island; if not you should do so before making any choices.

You might find the guiding hand of a wedding planner could be useful to you and you might like to try talking with Teresa (00 9 0533 867530 or 00 44 203 239 3567).

She is very experienced in the industry (UK & Cyprus) although only recently has she started on the planning side in the TRNC. If you want help with the flights or "holiday" aspect of your plans we are happy to help and at competitive prices. Tom


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 13:29

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Get a wedding planner with more experience - just look to the advert at the top of this page or visit my good friend vashti's website at and check her testimonials...

She is simply the best...



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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 14:37

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You must look at Jade helped me arrange our wedding here in Cyprus and it was fantastic, she's really professional and has amazing contacts for venues, flowers, music, catering, everything you'll need!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 14:44

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George mes 9 - I have heard that Teresa (see mes 8) has been in the wedding business for about 18 to 20 years hopefully in that time she's learnt a little. I am sure Vashti is good so between them and Carol who we also hear of on Cyprus 44; Lyndsey could make a good and wise choice. Maybe she has relatives in the TRNC and does not need a planner at all and just truly wanted a little advice.



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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 15:09

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Maybe Lyndsey has changed her mind.

maid marion

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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 16:47

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Message 13 of 23 in Discussion

my daughter is thinking of getting married in the north as we have a holiday home there but on talking to a local there he advised that marriage would not be recognised in britain can anybody advise on this much appreciated

maid marion

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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 16:48

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my daughter is thinking of getting married in the north as we have a holiday home there but on talking to a local there he advised that marriage would not be recognised in britain can anybody advise on this much appreciated

Lambousa Gordon

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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 16:53

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Re Msg 13 & 14:

Incorrect. Providing the necessary local formalities have been complied with then marriages in North Cyprus are recognised just about everywhere else. Definitely recognised in the UK.

maid marion

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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 17:12

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Message 16 of 23 in Discussion

thanks for quick response i will pass good news on to my daughter


Joined: 01/11/2010
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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:08

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weddings are legal here and recognised in the uk, as long as you have the correct paperwork and get it all stamped and approved here and at the TRNC Embassy in london, there will be no problems.

angelic events is brilliant at arranging all your paperwork and wedding, they speak fluent english and turkish so can arrange everything. they arranged 2 of my friends weddings here and i attended both was fab.

i wish i knew about them before i got married here...;-(


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:11

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Is the marriage licsence in english or do you have more paperwork to do in the uk on return ......????


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:21

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The marriage certificate is in English so there is no additional paperwork to be done on return to UK.

There are a few wedding planners here in North Cyprus all good at their jobs. I have been involved in the wedding industry since 1997 both here and also in the UK .


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 23:26

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Teresa. 13 years I thought you had more but then does it matter you have probably got more experience than at least two of the others put together. Having gone loopy I decided to have a look at their sites and their total expertise seems to be 7 years it might be excelent experience but the more you do the wiser you become.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 17:50

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you should also look into planners who have arranged weddings here like angelic events, vashti , carol as they have been arranging weddings here the longest so they get good packages as they have worked closer with companies/hotels etc here


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 18:21

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Message 22 of 23 in Discussion

Yep I used Carol @ & can not recommend her highly enough. She has been arranging weddings for a long time, in fact I believe she is the original wedding planner on the island. I'm sure the others are good, but I can only speak from experience. She made the day worry free for me.


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Message Posted:
11/12/2010 19:28

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Message 23 of 23 in Discussion

Thank you for those very kind words Dawnie. Yes, I have been in the events & tourism business for over 40 years.

A few comments which might help some of the folk who have asked questions above.

Yes, TRNC civil weddings are legal and recognised in the UK, but the procedures must be correctly followed. This is where a professional wedding planner is worth his/her 'weight in gold'. There are different rules to follow depending on if the wedding takes place in a Church or is a Civil wedding

Wedding certificates are in English and are given to the Bride & Groom at the time of the wedding.

Girly68. I have loads of photos of Bellapais if you would like to email me. or . In my experience Bellapais is by far the most popular venue but if you are looking for a beach wedding, then the Denizi Kizi hotels groupl provides a wonderful setting and superb food. I understand that they may be building a Wedding Gazebo for next season

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