North Cyprus Tourist Board - Remzi restaurant Esentepe special offer
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Remzi restaurant Esentepe special offer

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Joined: 21/03/2011
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Message Posted:
21/03/2011 13:03

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Message 1 of 58 in Discussion

Order before

2 people eating spitroast chicken chips and salat 14tl each person

If 4 or more eating same time price only 13 tl

This offer every Tuesday from 6pm till end of April

Please tel 0392 823 6495 or 0533 865 8645

Please order day before or in morning of day

Best pizza also as Remzi restaurant


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 12:33

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Message 2 of 58 in Discussion

Good luck Remzi


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 12:50

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Message 3 of 58 in Discussion

Is this the much tallked about restaurant at Esentepe village ?


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 12:52

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Message 4 of 58 in Discussion

Ooops sorry yes it is just re read the title post !! yes heard that it is a lovely place.


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 13:29

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Message 5 of 58 in Discussion

We have eaten there several times and never had a bad meal yet. Lovely bloke and lovely place. The views from the top floor are wonderful.


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 13:58

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Message 6 of 58 in Discussion

Lovely people and pizza is excellent!


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 15:28

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Message 7 of 58 in Discussion


Do you insist that people book first as we often just turn up on a whim at a restaurant for a meal?

Or are you asking people to pre book for a spit roast chicken?



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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 16:46

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Message 8 of 58 in Discussion

He asking for a pre book for the spit roast chicken. Heaven forbid, you would have to order a pizza the day before!!


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 18:13

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Message 9 of 58 in Discussion

Great place and friendly people one of the best Good luck tonight in fact will see you there


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 18:18

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Message 10 of 58 in Discussion

Great restaurant and family, good luck Remzi.


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 19:41

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Message 11 of 58 in Discussion

definately the best pizza east of girne.. and a lovely potato salad ..xx


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 20:07

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Message 12 of 58 in Discussion

Dont you just love some of the posts, it is quite clear that it is a special offer of spit roast chicken to be pre ordered as spit roast chicken takes about 2 hours to cook unless you buy from some of the re-heat places yeuch !

pipie Mess 3 yes much talked about, but not by you, did you miss this one out of your long list of must try's lol

Janjin mess 7. if you turn up on a whim you would not expect to get a meal that takes 2 hours to prepare now would you


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 20:26

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" if you turn up on a whim you would not expect to get a meal that takes 2 hours to prepare now would you"

you would but two hours later!


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 20:44

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Message 14 of 58 in Discussion

Just asking a question, it is allowed blimey .........

Never been to this restaurant so thought I'd ask rather than presume.

I did mention ordering spit roast chicken therefore pre booking needed.

Suppose the negative responses keep the subject further up the ladder.


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 21:00

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Message 15 of 58 in Discussion

Great restaurant go every time we are out there great people make you feel welcome and can not do enough for you



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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 21:05

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Message 16 of 58 in Discussion

Hello Janjin its fine to ask a question but I think yours was a bit tongue in cheek was it not, ? given that the thread title was "special offer" and the post said, order before, spit roast chicken chips and salad 14tl, maybe the English is not as good as some would expect, but it is certainly better than most of our efforts to speak Turkish.

So maybe not so much negative responses, more, merely pointing out the nonsensical responses


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Message Posted:
22/03/2011 21:15

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Not intened to be tongue in cheek and I respect the person's posting, I don't pull people up on English, spelling, etc. I wanted clarification that this wasn't a pre book restaurant.

Billybob did start the posting as 'Dont you just love' ....


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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 22:38

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Message 18 of 58 in Discussion

Maybe they dont unstand us from ull




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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 23:20

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Message 19 of 58 in Discussion

If he could then Remzi would cook anything you wanted . However dishes that take two hours to cook , obviously take two hours to cook ! if you are prepared to wait and have a few Efes then i am sure he would not mind ! It is one of my favourite places in Esentepe, the views are spectacular from the roof garden .

the butler

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Message Posted:
26/03/2011 08:23

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We went for the roast chicken on Tuesday evening and I can recommend it, it was delicious.

Remember to book before lunch time if this is what you wish to eat. If you want to eat anything else

no need to book.

The butlers wife


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Message Posted:
26/03/2011 09:23

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We joined Remzi and his lovely family on Tuesday evening for the chicken and chips evening. The food was excellent and served by an ever smiling Remzi. OK so you may say what is so special about chicken and chips - you may also say why pre book for something you can pick up in 10 mins from a take away. Let me say that I would book 1 week in advance for a cheese sandwich at Remzi's - it is not ONLY the food that takes us to Remzi's - it is the whole experience, Remzi and his family can never do enough for their customers, the welcome on entry is fantastic and the whole evening is just a pleasure. Service and food of this quality deserves praise every time in my book.

Thank you Remzi for a fantastic evening, we will be back !!!!


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Message Posted:
26/03/2011 13:12

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Message 22 of 58 in Discussion


I agree with everything you say regarding Remzi and his family

Fantastic place

Great view from roof terrace

Would be there every day if I lived in the village


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Message Posted:
26/03/2011 13:14

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Message 23 of 58 in Discussion

Great feed back Tinyperson,Can't wait to try Remzi's.


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Message Posted:
26/03/2011 14:36

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Message 24 of 58 in Discussion

Agree with you tinyperson great views never had a bad meal and dont think you will ever have one there .



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Message Posted:
26/03/2011 20:24

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Message 25 of 58 in Discussion

Message 23

whats keeping you, look what you posted about it a year ago lol


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Message Posted:

12/05/2010 09:57

Reply Message 3 of 11 in Discussion

strange !! yes it it open .

I think it is meant to read - 'yes it is open'


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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 10:44

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Message 26 of 58 in Discussion

Ah this is the restauarant in the square at Esenetepe, I think ? if it is I am geting my bearings now, must admit not been up there for a while but seeing as the good reviews continue is def on my places to eat list !!


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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 13:18

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Message 27 of 58 in Discussion

In the Square? Now I am! Is the restaurant easy to find in the village? I've only been there a few times; Tumba and the mini market ....

good directions (I can lost in a paperbag!) would be appreciated.


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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 16:42

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Message 28 of 58 in Discussion

Just past tumba through the arch and just on the left before the supermarket



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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 19:38

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Message 29 of 58 in Discussion

Above a barbers shop.

Never seen an arch?????


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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 20:14

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Message 30 of 58 in Discussion

Yes i was wrong with that it is where the road narrows and building on both sides



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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 20:14

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Message 31 of 58 in Discussion

TYPICAL of the calibre of many posters on this board, a simple post to offer a good price deal for people turns into a squalking match between you, theres no arch and the village is not too big and the place is easy to find and pipie knows damned fine where it is and her 3 posts to say nothing demonstrates what I mean, yawn


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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 20:23

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Message 32 of 58 in Discussion

2 hour wait - what a load o0f tosh............

any decent restaurant knows how to knock up decent food quickly with good quality....

just as liz and guido - the longest i've waited there for 10 / 10 tucker is 20 mins - so hw can they do it and this place cannot ?

A _ "they aye gorra bleedin' clue" - as uncle percy would say.....................

2 hours - bleedin hell...........

Thank the lord i'm moving to lapta when i get back next month.................


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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 20:26

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Message 33 of 58 in Discussion

Bilybob no one is having a squalking match just having input



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Message Posted:
27/03/2011 20:48

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Message 34 of 58 in Discussion

Arriving next Saturday Remzi see you on Sunday !


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 00:09

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Message 35 of 58 in Discussion

Gotcha now I know where it is !! cheers


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 09:21

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Message 36 of 58 in Discussion

No squalking match and there was no adverse comments until Nicks.

It's not a 2 hour wait, Remzi's is very efficient, he is just asking that people pre order if they want the spit roast chicken, which does take some time to cook, just as most places require a pre order for kleftico.

Good luck with this Remzi, I will certainly be trying it.


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 10:04

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Message 37 of 58 in Discussion so glad you know where the restaurant is.

Do you really object to people asking for directions?

I've been to the village on two ocassions and don't remember seeing thank you Keith and Teatime for YOUR help!


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 10:24

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Message 38 of 58 in Discussion

Dreamydiver no offence meant to you, its just a case of people giving wrong info (arch ?) and as said in message 31 the village is not too big and the village square is so easy to find even for someone who would get lost in a paper bag lol and pipie knows damned fine where it is, she just likes to see her name in as many posts as possible, have a read through the posts again and just ask youself how stupid some of them are, nice point about the Kleftigo teatime.

But hey it keeps it at the top

PS one of your previous posts said you had visited on several occasions, (not 2) lol


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 11:07

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Message 39 of 58 in Discussion


I agree some very helpful posters such as Keith and Teatime !!


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 13:03

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Message 40 of 58 in Discussion

Dear Pipie,

Unlike your efforts on many topics as amply demonstrated in posts numbered & 39, I do believe other people have noticed this trait of yours, harmless in itself but not contributing anything positive to discussions.

Unfortunately Keith was a little bit off with his directions, and but for the intervention of teatime he would have given inaccurate information, resulting in people looking for an arch which was not there, if one wishes to split hairs on a subject


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 13:22

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Message 41 of 58 in Discussion

The woman can be on a mill pond but as soon as her oars touch the water a maelstrom erupts.


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 13:31

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Message 42 of 58 in Discussion

mess 41 - nick nack cheggy-cat, leave poor pippie alone..........


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 13:34

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Message 43 of 58 in Discussion

How d’ya think poor ole Remzi feels?

All the bloke is trying to do is flog chickens and look what the Pip stared up?

I mentioned Chickens so still on thread………………


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 13:52

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Message 44 of 58 in Discussion

I bet he's chuffed to bits with all the publicity !! And he deserves it !


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 14:28

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I'll bet he is thinking, "Clucking Bell. That was a bit of a coop".

I'm buying stock in Chickens this week in preparation for the Easter rush.

It will be a plucking good deal for Remzi who by the way is having a special offer at his restaurant.

See first thread for details.


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 17:05

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Message 46 of 58 in Discussion

Luv it, luv it, luv it


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 17:56

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Message 47 of 58 in Discussion

Long way off but we're over in september and will give it a try !!!!!!


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 21:48

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Message 48 of 58 in Discussion

Which i was like you billybob never made any mistakes



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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 22:11

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Of 'Which' you make lots Keith



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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 22:26

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Message 50 of 58 in Discussion

tell me more



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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 22:37

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Message 51 of 58 in Discussion


Please grow up and dont get like pipie - just read your post, your first word,


Must go and try this great chicken that message 1 talks about, have to agree with you Arry, great publicity


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 22:48

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Message 52 of 58 in Discussion

Well i must grow up like you aged 12


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 22:54

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Message 53 of 58 in Discussion

Actually 15 now, that was my age when I joined the board lol , but you have got to admit I can spell and punctuate well for my age


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Message Posted:
29/03/2011 00:08

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Message 54 of 58 in Discussion

Hi Keith, ey I thought this one was done with ner mind ;)


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Message Posted:
29/03/2011 08:18

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Message 55 of 58 in Discussion

What is going on here then?

Drumsticks a banging.

Get a breast of the situation or you’ll all end up with hot wings.

Who is ruffling whose feathers?

Establishing a pecking order?

Trying to find out who rules the roost?

Laying the land?

Let’s stop scratching around and concentrate on promoting Remzi’s spit roasted chickens that will be available this evening. Not too late to book so give him an early call on 0392 823 6495 on his mobile 0533 865 8645 and he will surely accommodate you all.

Cluck. Cluck.


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Message Posted:
29/03/2011 23:37

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Message 56 of 58 in Discussion

Just home from Remzi's specials night.

Great food, great ambiance, great value.

Well recommended.

Thanks Remzi and family


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Message Posted:
30/03/2011 17:27

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Message 57 of 58 in Discussion

Everyone seems to have missed the really good news-

"Thank the Lord I'm moving to Lapta when I get back"

Yes indeed Negative Nick - Thank the Lord" or even Allah be praised from all our local friends!!


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Message Posted:
30/03/2011 19:11

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Message 58 of 58 in Discussion

My question is why is John even considering moving back when he has such a good life elsewhere cuddling up to his ladyboys or whatever given all the bad things he has said about the TRNC

NICK NACK GIVE NEGATIVENICK A WHACK as me old uncle Albert used to say

Am looking 4ward to going to Remzi rest in a couple of weeks time (on topic)

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