North Cyprus Tourist Board - Dog Poisoning near Lara Beach
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Dog Poisoning near Lara Beach

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Joined: 01/05/2008
Posts: 96

Message Posted:
17/10/2008 20:47

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Anyone walking their dogs near Lara Beach be very very careful. A friend had four dogs poisoned by strychnine today in the Lara Beach are.


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Message Posted:
17/10/2008 20:48

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Did the dogs survive,



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Message Posted:
18/10/2008 19:15

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No all died.


Joined: 05/05/2008
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Message Posted:
18/10/2008 19:19

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So sorry to hear that all 4 didn't make it...your friends must be utterly heartbroken.

What a wicked act. I'd love to catch the person responsible and shove poison down their makes me so angry.


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Message Posted:
18/10/2008 19:22

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how do you know it was Strychnine?

Busy Bees Bogaz

Joined: 18/02/2008
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Message Posted:
18/10/2008 19:38

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We've had discussions on this before, but for anyone that doesn't know, you can buy an injection which if administered quickly can save your pets life, in most instances. You have to keep it in the fridge, and whilst walking your dog carry it in a bum bag or something similar with ice packs around it. Well worth the investment. Same applies for snake bites.

Hope this helps, I am always upset when I read these postings, am a huge lover of dogs, me and my partner have 8, most of which live on our farm, but there is always the constant worry of poison, be it from another person or a snake.


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Message Posted:
18/10/2008 22:59

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And keep your dogs muzzled.

Why don't dog owners do it?


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Message Posted:
19/10/2008 09:14

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That's terribly sad news. Where exactly is Lara Beach?


Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
19/10/2008 09:22

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Just before the power station


Joined: 26/03/2009
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Message Posted:
26/03/2009 09:55

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Message 10 of 10 in Discussion

sorry to hear this.. love dogs, hope this won't happen to any

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