North Cyprus Tourist Board - Golf Club Rental in TRNC?
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Golf Club Rental in TRNC?

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» Korineum Golf Course, Esentepe, North Cyprus


Joined: 21/05/2010
Posts: 24

Message Posted:
28/07/2011 09:53

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Does anyone know if either of the two courses (i only know o 2) rent clubs for casual visits? My 15 yr old son & I wish to play a bit of golf, nothing serious, ie the academy course at Korineum is fine for hour or so, but only here on holiday so don't have clubs. We are in Lapta and would be interested in the 9 hole course that side but don't know where it is, nor how we might get hold of some clubs. Thanks


Joined: 22/10/2010
Posts: 110

Message Posted:
28/07/2011 10:01

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Korineum hires out a full set for Euros 20. But if you want, say, 3-4 clubs to play the Academy holes, I'm sure you can come to an agreement to hire them for less (or perhaps hire a full set between you)

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