Cyprus News on Tony Blair comments about direct flights to TRNC.
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Tony Blair comments about direct flights to TRNC

Source: BRT  
17 December 2006

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that he would like to see the establishment of direct flights between Britain and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus if this could be lawfully achieved.

He also pointed to the importance of finding a solution to the Cyprus problem within the framework of the United Nations.

Speaking during a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the first leg of his Middle East tour Mr. Blair said that Turkey's membership to the European Union is fundamental to the Middle East peace process.

Referring to the Cyprus issue, the British Premier said that the international isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people must come to an end and pointed to the importance of direct trade.

The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for his part referred to the EU's decision to partially freeze talks with his country as a "great injustice", but told the press conference his country was committed to reforms which would allow its entry into Europe.

Meanwhile evaluating Mr. Blair’s remarks on the possibility of starting direct flights to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said that the statement alone carried great importance.

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