National Unity Party in TRNC leads Republican Turkish Party by 19.4%:North Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 23/03/2009 22:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 47 in Discussion |
| Nicosia. National Unity Party of Dervis Eroglu is in the lead over the other parties that will run on April 19th in the parliamentary elections in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus /TRNC/, which is recognized by Ankara only, Cypriot iKypros news website informs, citing a report in the Northern Cypriot Volkan newspaper. The paper quotes a Kadem opinion poll. The poll says that the National Unity Party would collect 44.5% of the votes, while Republican Turkish Party – 25.1%. The two parties are followed by Democratic Party (7.2%) and Freedom and Reform Party (5.8%). The leader of Turkish Cypriots Mehmet Ali Talat denies having asked Kadem to conduct the poll. |

Joined: 28/05/2007 Posts: 2669
Message Posted: 23/03/2009 23:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 47 in Discussion |
| What are the policies of the N.U.P What changes can we expect ? |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 23/03/2009 23:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 47 in Discussion |
| 99.9% chance that UBP will win the elections. CTP is completely out of the picture, especially after the whole media tax fine situation a few weeks ago. UBP favours close ties with Turkey, and since Turkey is North Cyprus's only hope at the moment, we need to stick close to Turkey. They are willing to support us in the development of our country and economy, and that's all that matters. |

 Joined: 04/07/2008 Posts: 16617
Message Posted: 23/03/2009 23:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 47 in Discussion |
| What is the UBP manifesto? |

Joined: 28/05/2007 Posts: 2669
Message Posted: 23/03/2009 23:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 47 in Discussion |
| Msg 3, So the propaganda peddled by some on here is simply not true that TC,s are not happy to be close to Turkey ! If UBP is so popular and win then more alignment with Turkey will probably follow ? |

Joined: 15/12/2008 Posts: 426
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 01:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 47 in Discussion |
| Of course they will win, they have the support of the settlers who out number the Turkish Cypriots. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 01:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 47 in Discussion |
| LondonCypriot msg 6 "Of course they will win, they have the support of the settlers who out number the Turkish Cypriots. " and yet they lost the previous elections and the presidential elections ? |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 01:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 47 in Discussion |
| ..and "people" / "census" KEEP telling us that TCs AREN'T outnumbered by "settlers"? ....hmmm |

Joined: 11/01/2009 Posts: 612
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 07:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 47 in Discussion |
| says it all.... tcs don`t get a look in.... now you all know why the settlers should not be here... |

Joined: 26/01/2009 Posts: 87
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 07:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 47 in Discussion |
| Very interesting! Those who live in the south seem to think they are Greek. Are they not Cypriots but really Greek settlers then? But then they are not Greek at all. After all, the Greeks have not had control of Cyprus since the Romans got here in BC55 I think it was. Oh sorry, I forgot the brief period after the Greek junta organised a coup and got rid of the legal president. Makarious. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 08:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 47 in Discussion |
| Dear Antony, re msg 10 it could be that you require some updating on GCs.. 1/ Yes, they feel *Hellenic*, culturally - but are quite happy to have their own state within the EU.. Enosis - union with Greece - is no longer "required".. and most GCs bitterley regret the coup and many died to resist it.. 2/ "Settlers"? - you mean like 80,000 + mainland Turks that have been moved to "populate" the part of Cyprus TCs left - many of them POST 74 ?! 3/ These "Greek" ( it is a dialect that sounds bucolic to and harsh to Greek speakers ) speakers have managed to retain the language / culture throughout all the different periods of occupation of Cyprus - The British haven't managed that ! ;) |

Joined: 17/03/2009 Posts: 188
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 08:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 47 in Discussion |
| Another point of view: If the result of the elections will lead to a coalition of UBP and CTP, then expect a solution within 1 - 1,5 years. Otherwise, things wil go as it is, or if UBP wins, will go worse... PS Don't take the surveys too seriously... they are 99% manipulative |

Joined: 31/03/2007 Posts: 2381
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 10:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 47 in Discussion |
| The last published poll was a sample of less than 100 people. Totally unreliable. One thing seems certain UBP will have most seats but who will they take on board as there coallition partners perhaps should be a more telling question?? |

Joined: 26/09/2008 Posts: 561
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 12:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 47 in Discussion |
| Can the Turkish Settlers vote here or is it just the TC's ?????? |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 14:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 47 in Discussion |
| Amber msg 14 "Can the Turkish Settlers vote here or is it just the TC's ?????? " Citizens can vote. Some settlers are citizens and some are not. Some citizens are not TC or Turkish mainland settlers. If I were to marry my NZ partner she would qualify for citizenship and have a right to vote, for example. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 14:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 47 in Discussion |
| Dear ErolZ ( ooops sorry, about the "Dear", Dear !! [joke]) re msg 15 "Citizens can vote." "Citizens" .. the 64,000 dollar Q is who should be a "Citizen" ? .. it's a bit like the Falkands War.. the Argentinian Foreign Minister suggested to the UN that their should be a vote of islanders if they should be Argentine or British - how "jolly democratic" .. "import" "few" thousand Argentine Troops "populate".. the island and then have a "vote" you can't lose ! ;) |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 14:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 47 in Discussion |
| My dearest marky warky lovey dove. We can have the same old discussion yet again as to how many settlers there are in the north with citizenship and if they outnumber TC or not, complete with my asking why if they outnumber TC did they vote in CTP in national, local and presidential elections and for the Annan Plan that would have limited their number to 35,000. However in this thread I was merely trying to answer Amber's question. Who can vote is not determined by if they are TC or not. It is determined by if they are a citizen or not. That answers her question. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 14:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 47 in Discussion |
| Hi ErolZ, re msg 17, 1/ Please accept my apologies.. in my "haste" to be "witty" I just provided that my Bedford Modern education was "wasted" .. CRAP spelling ( Argentine, there / "their", etc) .. 2/ We never DID resolve that, but I've seen two posts on here where TCs will tell you they ARE outnumbered.. 3/ Why do you THINK "citizens" who were really Turkish mainlanders voted YES to Annan ?! They were "safe" they could stay and enjoy the "boom" following re-integration and travel freely.... 4/ I knew you were answering Amber's thread, too ;) Be good ! |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 15:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 47 in Discussion |
| MM msg 18 "but I've seen two posts on here where TCs will tell you they ARE outnumbered.." I have never contested that there are TC and significant numbers of them that believe they are out numbered. I do contest weather they are right or not. There are millions of UK citizens for example that believe the numbers of asians in Britian, UK citizens or otherwise, is vastly higher than the real number. "Why do you THINK "citizens" who were really Turkish mainlanders voted YES to Annan ?! They were "safe" they could stay and enjoy the "boom" following re-integration and travel freely...." Under Annan only 35,000 settlers would have gained citizenship of the new Cypriot entity. That means that if settlers who could vote in the north were say 120,000 to 60,000 TC (ration of 2:1), then 85,000 of those settlers would not have gained citizenship. Even if you say that all 60,000 TC voted for the annan plan that still leaves 48,000 settlers to make up the 60% of yes voters [cont] |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 15:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 47 in Discussion |
| So that's 48,000 settlers who voted for a plan that would have left 13,000 of them without Cypriot citizenship. It does not add up MM. I love this certainty that some people like Juliet have that renewed support for CTP proves there are more settler citizens in the TRNC than TC citizens, yet totaly ignores the fact that these same supposed numericaly dominant settler citizens also vote IN CTP in local national and presidential elections and voted FOR the Annan Plan that would have restricted citizenship to a list of 35,000 from the supposed 100,000 + settlers in the North. You can not have it both ways. If UBP support now proves settler dominace then prior CTP support and Annan Plan support must prove non settler dominace. Sheer madness. |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 15:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 47 in Discussion |
| mmmmm, Turkish settlers accepted the annan plan because it would mean they wouldn't get deported.....what is wrong with this? Would the British expats in North Cyprus vote to be kicked out of the they wouldnt. You need to start being realistic. Why dont you join a greek cypriot forum? |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 16:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 47 in Discussion |
| Canyavuz msg 21 The point is that the Annan Plan did NOT give citizenship to ALL the Turkish mainland settlers. Under the Annan Plan the TC side had to submit a list of no more than 45,000 Turkish Settlers that would recieve citizenship post Annan. The rest would NOT be Cypriot citizens. I believe that the actual list provided by the TC side had less than 45,000 names on it. So we are supposed to beleive both settlers outnumbered TC and number 100,000 or more. these same settlers voted for ONLY 45,000 of them to recieve citizenship. It does not make sense. That only 45,000 would recieve citizenship under Annan is a fact. So the first assumption must be questioned. The question is if the Annan plan would have meant denying more settlers in the North citizenship than it granted why did these people support it ? The most obvious logical answer is that there are not 100,000 plus settlers in north with citizenship. |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 19:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 47 in Discussion |
| Erolz, I undnerstand the point that not all Turkish settlers would be granted citizenship, but they would still be granted a residency permit. They supported it purely because they would still have the right to stay on the island and work. This, (and i dont know why) seemed enough for them i suppose. But, i wouldn't be suprised if Turkey was involved in some sort of curroption in the process of the vote counts. Not that im against this. I think Turkey should have acted to ensure that the TC polls suggested rejection for the reunification! And, there are actually more than 100,000 settlers with TRNC citizenship. That is without a doubt. But this doesn't change anything. In my opinion, the TRNC gained alot out of the Greek rejection of the annan plan. Investments, increase in tourism, property sales, etc. We benefitted from this. Greek cypriots and shove their intention of reunification where the sun dont shine! |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 22:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 47 in Discussion |
| have you ever considered that maybe those settlers/ those people who saved your bacon might want to go home? |

Joined: 26/06/2008 Posts: 1352
Message Posted: 24/03/2009 23:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 47 in Discussion |
| i have been following the elections very closely for sometime and why most of the tc,s will be voting ubp,film crews go out into the street and ask people who they will be voting for and why, and i believe from what most have said ,the main reason being is that they are fed up of been moved around and if there is some sort of deal in the talks that come about some people will have to move from their homes and once again relocate. they were willing to do this some years ago ,but not anymore . in short unification seems even further away than ever. i am not saying this is the only reason ,but what i am saying this is a major factor. the tc,s have now settled where they are and any one trying to implement any changes will be swimming against the tide. musin long live the kktc |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 03:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 47 in Discussion |
| Dear Canyavuz, re msg 21 "Turkish settlers accepted the annan plan because it would mean they wouldn't get deported.....what is wrong with this?" You mean the ones who had been given "citizenship".. ? If you ignore the fact they saw longer term stability and economic prospects..then the person needing a "reality check"..... well you know.. "Would the British expats in North Cyprus vote to be kicked out of the they wouldnt " 1/ Most couldn't vote.. 2/ Most weren't going to be "kicked out" 3/ If it is supposed to be an example do TRY and remember that UK Citizens are also EU citizens - currently and then TR citizens weren't aren't.. remember YOU brought up realism ...! 4/ "Why dont you join a greek cypriot forum?" Kindly explain ... You need to start being realistic. Why dont you join a greek cypriot forum? |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 03:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 47 in Discussion |
| ErolZ re msg 19/20 "madness" seems to me me to "contest" what we all KNOW is true !... we DON'T know how many mainland Turks have become "citizens". Sorry, but many ( most) TCs will tell you they are "outnumbered".. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 04:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 47 in Discussion |
| MM msg 27 "madness" seems to me me to "contest" what we all KNOW is true" Who the heck is 'we'? Since when did you have a right to speak for 'what we all know' ? "we DON'T know how many mainland Turks have become "citizens". " But we do KNOW how many would have been granted citizenship under Annan and we do KNOW that they voted in CTP in local national and presidential elections. "Sorry, but many ( most) TCs will tell you they are "outnumbered".. " And most UK citizens will tell you the number of asians is the UK is three or 4 times greater than the ACTUAL number. Peoples percpetions of the nubmers of 'foreigners' in their country is ALWAYS misrepresntative of the REALITY. That is why the FACTS re Annan numbers and re gaining of power of CTP are much better indicators of the REALITY, than your claims about what 'most' TC think. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 08:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 47 in Discussion |
| Dear ERolZ, ( and I mean "Dear !" ) re msg 28 *WE* is most of us...( TCs/ GCs / folk who live / regularly go to "TRNC") I believe you'll find it isn't * just* a "perception"... the FACT is we just don't know how any "citizens" were "created" in the years BEFORE, or to a lessor extent, after, Annan.. I'm QUITE certain that in the UK the number of non-UK citizens is WAY in excess of govt stats - possibly less so since the recxession "bit" - as any Eastern Europeans went "home" when the Pound was falling against the Euro - just as they might have lost their job. Lastly, I'm speaking from *experience* of talking with educated TCs. I don't see how the CTP coming to power, and creation of "citizens" has any positive correlation.. Many new "citizens" ( apparently) didn't vote as the then "leader" of TCs expected.. Sorry, ErolZ... Your "data" isn't "reliable", your "facts" aren't "proven" ... this IS a perception "thing"... |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 09:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 47 in Discussion |
| MM msg 29 "I don't see how the CTP coming to power, and creation of "citizens" has any positive correlation.. Many new "citizens" ( apparently) didn't vote as the then "leader" of TCs expected.. " It is argued that UBP comming back to power is proof that settlers outnumber TC because these settlers vote UBP because UBP leans more to partition and integration with Turkey. Yet these same alledgely numericaly dominant settlers voted OUT UBP before. This makes no sense. "Sorry, ErolZ... Your "data" isn't "reliable", your "facts" aren't "proven" ... this IS a perception "thing"..." It IS a FACT that the Annan plan limited the number of settlers in the north that would gain citizenship to 45,000. It is a FACT that TC supposedly numericaly dominated by settlers voted FOR this plan. It is a FACT that TC supposedly numericaly dominated by settlers voted OUT UBP and IN CTP in local national and presidential elcetions. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 09:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 47 in Discussion |
| ErolZ re msg 30 I'm afraid I can't see how data we can substantiate ( re Annan Plan permitted TR settlers ) has any bearing or proves / disproves the number of "citizens" of that ethic grouping.. My reaction to your "reasoning" ( in case you missed it ) is best explained here: page 28 |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 25/03/2009 14:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 47 in Discussion |
| mmmmmm, Im a TC living in the TRNC, why should i join a gc forum? You, on the other hand, are the opposite of both. You say most couldn't vote.....but those with citizenship could. It is like this everywhere in the world. You have the citizenship, then you have the right to vote. And yes, there were substantial economical developments. Ofcourse, you wouldn't really know because you dont live here do you...... You say what you hear, not what you know. |

Joined: 17/03/2009 Posts: 188
Message Posted: 26/03/2009 00:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 47 in Discussion |
| First of all, I am a Turkish citizen living here for more than 7 years. My wife is TC. I haven't applied for citizenship of TRNC yet, because of the issus related to my military obligation in Turkey. Second; there is a significant number of Turkish people, who are TRNC citizens. Those citizens will affect the result of the elections, that's 120% sure. So why are you arguing about the number of those citizens, if TC's have no chance to reflect their thoughts to the election results!? Turkey will influence the "citizens" here, and the elections will be resulted as Turkey wants. Third, to me, Turkey has no right to do so. In fact, Turkey had no right to send settlers here. I know of Turkish people who got a house or a land, or both, or a running store when they arrive, whereas I know of TC's who got nothing. Third and a half; is there such a discussion in the south? Are the GC's "outnumbered"? If not, why? Fourth, TC's got great advantages by saying "yes" to Annan Plan. |

Joined: 17/03/2009 Posts: 188
Message Posted: 26/03/2009 00:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 47 in Discussion |
| If there occurs an agreement, it probably will be worse than Annan Plan. Fifth, someone who lives in a country should vote after a number of years, regardless of being a citizen or not. I have been living here for 7 years, and I sure should have the right to vote! I live here, I pay my taxes, my insurance, I spend my time to do my job and somehow serve the community, I didn't have any sort of crime, yet I don't have the right to choose who will govern me! Ridiculous! Sixth, by CTP's efforts, now the world starts communicating with TC's. CTP does not have any slightest idea of governing, they didn't always do the right things, but they started some big changes, which were necessary. I believe voting for CTP will be wise, because no other parties will be able to go on with such a change. I think that's all... |

Joined: 11/01/2009 Posts: 612
Message Posted: 26/03/2009 07:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 47 in Discussion |
| msg 33 nice to see that a tc does not agree with the settlers of mainland turkey being here or being brought over, and people say there is no turkisam on the north of cyprus......hummmm.... |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 26/03/2009 09:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 47 in Discussion |
| canyavuz re msg 32 "Im a TC living in the TRNC, why should i join a gc forum? You, on the other hand, are the opposite of both. " So that would make me a GC living in "rump RoC" ? ! ;) "You say most couldn't vote.....but those with citizenship could. " "Citizenship" of what..?! "TRNC"..and how did many mainland Turks "qualify"? "And yes, there were substantial economical developments. Ofcourse, you wouldn't really know because you dont live here do you...... " Don't ever visit my flickr ( photo blog ) page.. you might realise how foolish the above remark is.. "You say what you hear, not what you know."... and THAT one ! I was last in "TRNC" six months ago.. and I *know* the Kyrenia by-pass is still best used to let one's wife get used to driving on the "wrong" side of the road... not that there IS a "wrong" side on that strip of road.. ;) Are ALL your responses so well researched? |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 26/03/2009 19:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 47 in Discussion |
| mmmmmm, How many times have you been to the TRNC? To you, my remarks may seem foolish, but the idea of an anti turkish person being on a TRNC forum seems foolish itself! And are you seriously telling me that the rejection of the annan plan has not lead to substantial developments in the TRNC? Why dont you compare the TRNC in 2003, and in 2008/9. See the changes. And why visit Kyrenia if you hate the TRNC so much? and the rubbish about the kyrenia bypass? That is a classic example of a failed joke gone bad! Your views are completely different from mine......and typically you seem like an extreme left wing person. My input into this topic is ending here. nice talking.... |

Joined: 11/01/2009 Posts: 612
Message Posted: 26/03/2009 20:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 47 in Discussion |
| msg 37 may i ask do you regard yourself to be turkish or cypriot??? |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 17:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 47 in Discussion |
| juliet.... im actually half turkish and half turkish cypriot.....but consider myself Turkish, simply because i believe that Turkish cypriot and Turkish are the same thing, just different branches, of Turkishness, if you know what i mean. Its like British and welsh, or British and scotish.......both british at the end of the day. |

Joined: 08/12/2008 Posts: 1096
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 17:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 47 in Discussion |
| get a party in that are going to sort out this country and also sort out the ilegal work force or if not i am not going to keep paying for them we will all be cheap i am watching 1 at the moment hasent got a clue i think he is praying to ala in the rain those people are going to get what they payed for pahaps i can have the last laugh |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 17:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 47 in Discussion |
| Dear canyavuz, re msg 37 "How many times have you been to the TRNC? " .. NEVER ! I've been to an area of CY where the recognised govt doesn't exercise control lots of times from 2003 - 2008 ! "the idea of an anti turkish person being on a TRNC forum seems foolish itself! " Anti-Turkish? ! ;) OK, I must remind myself not to go on holiday / biz in Turkey regularly and phone up / write to my TR acquaintances and tell 'em I've been a "fraud" .. I will tell the drunks I've met in L'sol that they were mistaken to call me a "Turk lover" as they knew I have been going regularly to the north or TR via Ercan / Tymbou.. "And are you seriously telling me that the rejection of the annan plan has not lead to substantial developments in the TRNC?" No.. I'd agree with that statement and the bubble's burst BIG time.... changes ? Building without thought or infrastructure.. the grand dream of Mr Robb?! (cont) |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 17:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 47 in Discussion |
| "And why visit Kyrenia if you hate the TRNC so much? " Because we like the scenery - I don't "hate" "TRNC" ... I, like some of my TC friends, believe it's declaration was was a retrograde step.. that it isolated TCs more and continues to give GCs a chance to block progress.. "and the rubbish about the kyrenia bypass? That is a classic example of a failed joke gone bad! " Who's joking? ... it is a farce, though. But why didn't you pick up other posters when they said the same ? "Your views are completely different from mine" That's an understatement...... "and typically you seem like an extreme left wing person. " Would that be "bad" ?! I've traditionally voted for right of centre parties ! See what I mean about "research".. If you really HAD been paying attention you would have seen posts of mine which gave you a clue.... "My input into this topic is ending here. nice talking.... " seemed more like you were describing someone else... but thank you.. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 17:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 47 in Discussion |
| canyavuz re 39 I thought your input ( on this thread was finished) was finished ?! " im actually half turkish and half turkish cypriot.....but consider myself Turkish, simply because i believe that Turkish cypriot and Turkish are the same thing, just different branches, of Turkishness, if you know what i mean. " *I* don't know WHAT you mean.. viz TCs can also consider themselves to be CYPRIOTS that speak Turkish, or ethnically Turkish, but Cypriot. As you know, some TCs have told Turks that "This country is ours" .. Some GCs are quite "rude" about the involvement of mainland Greeks and refer to them as" quiill-pen holding poofs"... Many Scots/ Welsh don't want to be called British and many Ulstermen WANT to be British.. blooming confusing isn't it... ? ;) |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 19:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 47 in Discussion |
| mmmmmm, if you have been to the trnc, then why do you refuse to call it that? If you have been there, and love it so much, why do you refuse to call it what it really is? And i apologise if i'm wrong, but you really donot seem like a turk lover from my perspective, or many others for that mattter. building without thought and infastructure? Please, be honest now. The homes you talk about make up a small percentage of the entire property market of the TRNC. This happens in the greek administtrated south on a much larger scale...... Building on government land which they donot own etc. Please have a look at Ozankoy. Everything well thought of. Building regulations are very try building a stone wall 20 cm higher than the legal amount, and see what they would do. Do you really think the British expats are going to live in a house, built thoughtlessly and a danger to their lives? I highly doubt it. |

Joined: 22/02/2009 Posts: 363
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 19:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 47 in Discussion |
| im actually half turkish and half turkish cypriot.....but consider myself Turkish, simply because i believe that Turkish cypriot and Turkish are the same thing, just different branches, of Turkishness, if you know what i mean. " explained: mother fromm Cyprus, father from Turkey, myself Born in the UK. many TC's consider themselves TC, but dont mind reffering to themselves as simply " Turkish", unless they are the very small amount of people who are opposed of the Turkish 74 intervention. (thats an interesting thing to look into if you have many TC friends). Scots consider themselves as British whether they like it or doubt about it (until they miraculously form another nationality). My answer to Juliet has lead me to another long discussion with you mmmmmm........but i think we have got off the topic about the UBP party, so ,maybe time for us to stop? |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 20:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 47 in Discussion |
| Dear canyavuz, re msg 44 I do call "TRNC" "TRNC".. I put it in inverted commas as is the format the MY govts refer to the the area of Cyprus - if it is recognised "officially" I would refer to it by the recognised name.. "Turk lover" was an expression used by a particularly stupid and drunk GC - do pay attention to the " " 's ;) "building without thought and infastructure? Please, be honest now. The homes you talk about make up a small percentage of the entire property market of the TRNC. " OK, so I imagine places I access via roads that become impassable in heavy rain or STILL - after 4/ 5 years - share one domestic equivalent Electricity feed or have inadequate sewerage, or are "jerry built" ? Maybe you are selective when you read the posts of disappointed posters? "Please have a look at try building a stone wall 20 cm higher than the legal amount, and see what they would do. " I have watched the unlicensed builds on disputed land in Kazafani |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/03/2009 20:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 47 in Discussion |
| ( cont) with a degree of sadness, as the owners didn't even give permission for any walls at all :( "Scots consider themselves as British whether they like it or doubt about it (until they miraculously form another nationality). " Hmm, another well researched piece !.. ( not) Where you aware that the Scottish National party hold the most seats in the SCOTTISH Parliament - or that their intention is an independent Scotland ?! .... |
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