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Turkish Parliament Speaker Koksal Toptan on your side

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Joined: 13/06/2009
Posts: 73

Message Posted:
13/06/2009 14:10

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I have followed your Forum with interest. No axe to grind, but after a visit intend to purchase. I have found a great builder who after meeting a number of times I think is a straight enough guy. Lived and worked all over the world and can usually spot a cowboy or wide boy by now, fallen foul now and again in earlier years, like I should imagine the rest of us has.

Everyone seems concerned about Greek Cyprus actions against TRNC and Turkeys committment to you all as a community/ ethniticity. Read the attached, to me it speaks volumes. There is not a cat in hells chance that the Turks will give up Northern Cyprus. They can control to the whole of the Middle East, a chance of massive oil deposits in what is claimed Turkish waters. Turkish People and Generals will not allow anyway without General Election.

Keep your nerve and hang on, I think Turkey will turn east and start a trading block which will eventually be more than a match for the EU.


Joined: 18/05/2009
Posts: 394

Message Posted:
13/06/2009 14:27

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Message 2 of 6 in Discussion


People don't believe worthless "guarantees" any more, especially when they come from people of absolutely no importance or significance.


Joined: 12/05/2009
Posts: 2736

Message Posted:
13/06/2009 15:00

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spondoolics, to save any waiting and agro with builders etc, there are plenty of resale villas, after reading all the posts on here, we are so glad we bought an already built resale several years ago.Now having enjoyed several years of sun without having to keep comming over to see how far the builder has got/not got!

Wish you the best of luck what ever you do


Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 15:14

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You are a brave man.....It is good however to hear from a man with a cup that is half full.



Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
13/06/2009 15:20

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Peace and stability has been achieved for a period of some thirty five years, albeit under concession of protection, restriction and reduced standards of living enjoyed in normal society.

To upset the apple cart now or in the future is beyond reason.

Would the world today allow for ethnic cleansing, terrorist henious crime or irresponsible leaders to attempt an over throw.

Greed and exploitation is now a recognised sin and crime.

Those that have the most to lose often achieve their gain, but never consider how long the game will last or should they be beaten also.


Joined: 12/05/2009
Posts: 2736

Message Posted:
13/06/2009 17:16

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Message 6 of 6 in Discussion

CyprusChill what you on!!!! Most folk just want the warmth of the sun on their backs, why you giving a sermon?

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