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Info of beaches charging

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Joined: 21/10/2008
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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 18:23

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Message 1 of 14 in Discussion

On popping down to Camelot Beach today we were approached by a guy asking for 10 lire per person. We replied that we were under the impression that all beaches were free but if the facilities were used then a charge was expected. We swam for 20 minutes and although were not charged on this occasion I feel it is too much for a 20 minute swim and certainly didnt need to pay for an umbrella or lounger. What is the situation here in Cyprus the newspapers seem to say one thing but the hoteliers and complex owners seem to be telling us different. Answers please.


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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 18:39

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Message 2 of 14 in Discussion

G'day, 10 years ago all TRNC beaches were in the public domain and free to use however, racketeering and profiteering seems to overrule all precedence!



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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 18:41

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Message 3 of 14 in Discussion

I think there are only a couple of hotels with private beaches (possibly LA and Celebrity in Lapta). Anywhere else you should stick to your guns. They cannot charge you for laying on the sand and swimming in the sea.


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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 18:52

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Message 4 of 14 in Discussion

I was told a few years ago when i was considering buying on the beach, that all beaches are owned by the goverment and the public can use them....but if you have to walk thru say a hotel or restaurant, then they can charge.....whether they supply sun beds, umbrellas or not......


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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 20:25

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Message 5 of 14 in Discussion

JoanandJelly and Billy are right..... there's only two beaches privately owned, LA and Celebrity. All the others are public, BUT if the only access is thru a hotel/restaurant etc or you use anything supplied by them you will be expected to pay for 'use of facilities'. If you get in a spat with the owner then call the police (or threaten to). They'll soon back off.


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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 20:49

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Message 6 of 14 in Discussion

The owner of Diana Beach has a unique approach to this - he claims that the sandy beach is HIS, because originally it was just bare rock, and he paid for all the sand and had it delivered to make the beach.

Try arguing your way out of that!

Having said that, if you buy a cup of tea or a grease-burger, you'll probably be ok - but don't for one moment linger under a parasol, or rest your weight on a sunbed



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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 21:01

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Message 7 of 14 in Discussion

Keith....don't get me started again about the pirates at Diana Beach !

I've aired my grievances here before about them charging just to use the beach.

If the owner ordered the sand to cover the rocks,then all I can say is he didn't order enough !

The beach is small , dirty and poorly kept.


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Message Posted:
02/07/2009 21:04

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Message 8 of 14 in Discussion

Hi Jetski.

Re: message 5.

Quote "All the others are public, BUT if the only access is thru a hotel/restaurant etc or you use anything supplied by them you will be expected to pay for 'use of facilities'"

This statement seems to be the norm. However, there is a law that states that no one can block access to a public beach. So, effect, you can not be charged to access the beach via an hotel, private road, car park, etc.

I know some baeches can be accessed without using a private facility, but can someone let me know if they have accessed Acapulco Beach, (which is totally surrounded on both sides by army bases), without paying.



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Message Posted:
03/07/2009 00:56

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Message 9 of 14 in Discussion

Kiwi1 - tell them to "sling their hook"and do not pay them anything!!


Joined: 09/10/2008
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Message Posted:
03/07/2009 13:39

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Message 10 of 14 in Discussion

We have been to Camelot on several occasions, and have never been asked for payment, I was under the impression that it belonged to the university, do you think someone was being enterprising and starting his own business?



Joined: 28/04/2009
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Message Posted:
03/07/2009 14:23

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Message 11 of 14 in Discussion

Camelot does belong to GAU and they are now charging 10tl (for use of sunbed and umbrella).


Joined: 05/11/2008
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Message Posted:
03/07/2009 19:33

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Message 12 of 14 in Discussion

Perhas I am a lone voice, but if I go onto a beach and it is clean and there are beds and umbrellas, toilets and showering facilities, I do not mind paying. They have to employ staff to look after these facilities. I have been to public beaches and seen the rubbish left by people who have bar-b-q and left crap all over the place so a small fee for these facilities does not seem unreasonable to my mind.


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Message Posted:
03/07/2009 20:15

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Message 13 of 14 in Discussion

Rocking...i agree with you...i also dont mind a small fee for the use of the beds and umbrellas...

considering that if a family spends the day at the beach, they will eat and drink and more often than not get involved with the watersports, so they will be spending at the beach establishment.........


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
03/07/2009 20:25

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Message 14 of 14 in Discussion

Rocking - I think you may have missed the point. Some establishments are trying to charge for just sitting on the beach or swimming in the water - without using ANY of their facilities. There is clearly a vested interest in keeping the beach CLEAN because it will encourage customers to use the facilities, but the beach still doesn't belong to them.

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