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London TRNC Office/Turkish Embassy Protest

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Aga Buyers A G

Joined: 04/10/2007
Posts: 488

Message Posted:
28/09/2009 18:45

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It is our intention to hold another protest. Again both at the London TRNC Office and the Turkish Embassy on October 16th 2009.

To date we have not had any answers to our questions. Further details nearer the time


Aga Buyers A G

Joined: 04/10/2007
Posts: 488

Message Posted:
01/10/2009 11:22

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We will be meeting in London around 10.30am on 16th October (details as to where will be published later). During the day we will visit the Turkish Embassy as well as the TRNC London Office.

Again all are welcome to join us - this is a great opportunity to voicve your displeasure and it makes them feel oh so uncomfortable - and it's fun !!!!!!AED4FE7679CA3C33!2201.entry



Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
01/10/2009 11:34

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Good luck girls. I hope the authorities do get red under the collar and look for ways to solve the problem. I am glad that you are not allowing it to go away quietly. They should adress the problem and at least obtain some compensation for you.



Joined: 04/07/2008
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Message Posted:
01/10/2009 11:48

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Message 4 of 5 in Discussion

Good luck to everyone at the agabuyersactiongroup


Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 428

Message Posted:
01/10/2009 11:54

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Message 5 of 5 in Discussion

I understand and agree the reason for the protest.

There are many people who own property in North Cyprus (who have been luckier than the AGA buyers) in protesting and seeing the press can you try to make it clear that those who have lost are a large group of investors but a small percentage of the xp property owners in the TRNC.

Maybe also let the press & journalists know that you also understand similar severe problems have come about down south for investors.

That way those who have property PTP's and maybe if lucky Kocan's are less likely to lose out with property values and these issues. With luck the British public may get an unbiased view about property on the whole of the island of Cyprus.

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