North Cyprus Tourist Board - Bostans Quiz Night Ozankoy
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Bostans Quiz Night Ozankoy

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Joined: 18/11/2008
Posts: 32

Message Posted:
08/01/2010 11:21

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Hi, Our weekly Quiz Night is resuming this Monday, I have posted the event of the Events Board, but I would like to clear up a little misunderstanding that I have heard along the grapevine, we support Karakum Rehabilitaion Centre which is for the young adults with special needs aged far we have donated TL355 which is going to be used for a much needed door and curtains. The Quiz is 5tl entry the which goes into the pot and then the winners either take the whole pot, part of the pot or none of the pot, totally up to the teams; the remainder goes to the Charity. For 12tl we have a meal and this time I am going to take my inspiration from the 'Tastes of Cyprus' cookbook which is in support of local Cypriot Women, if successful then maybe it may help with sales of what appears to be a very popular book and which can be ordered through Ozankoy Bookshop as one of the official outlets. The Quiz is open to all comers new and old we look forward to seeing you on Monday from 7pm.

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