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My article about the Orams & "The REAL Cyprus Problem"

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Joined: 18/02/2008
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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 12:36

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My article about the ORAMS and "THE REAL CYPRUS PROBLEM" is in the London Turkish Gazette this week. If you don't have access to the hard-copy, you can click on the e-gazete button on their website to read on page 44 (page 5 of English Language section) You can change the page by clicking on the small grey box at bottom of it.



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 13:22

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Im being really thick probably, but why cant I find the article??


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 13:48

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I had a bit of a challenge finding it too. Go to the home page and on the right hand side (about half way down) there is a picture saying e-gazette (or similar). Click on this and it loads the magazine which looks to be all in Turkish. But the last few pages are in English which is where you will find the (very good) article from Sibel.


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 13:51

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Try this:



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 13:56

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Cor...thanks guys.

You're brilliant Ismet. Thanks.


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 13:58

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Yes I know



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 14:01

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Ismet, Thank you I was having trouble finding the article and your link took me straight to it.

Sibel, A good piece of work.


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 14:06

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Well done Sibel.

Lets hope some of the 'big boys' pick it up!

Do some of our more learned and eloquent members such as Ismet, Moover and Erolz ever write to the UK nationals?

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 14:08

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Well, that is an article that pulls no punches! Great though!



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 14:14

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Thanks for the compliments. I am not much good at writing propaganda pieces like the journalists

But I have written a longish article in Turkish which hopefully will appear in Havadis newspaper on Sunday. I am hoping that they will give it prominence but let us wait and see.

Talat and his team have been accused of negligence and bad management of Orams case. So I took the trouble to give the background info and explain why there was no negligence, why the court decision of the Greek Cypriot court et al were inevitable and I went on to put forward suggestions about what we can do to help the housing market. It was written on A4, 12 points and it took four full pages.



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 14:21

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Are we going to see the article in English? I am sure it will be of interest to many of us.



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 16:59

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Thanks Ismet, I didn't know how to do that link!

I've had a lot of really nice emails from Turkish Cypriots in the UK about the article.


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 17:37

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Will you mail it to the Express, Telegraph, Mail etc?


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 17:39

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The article I read was in English


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 18:44

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Sibel. Thats a great article, well done to you.

My own opinion is that the Orams court case should have been postponed until after the talks.


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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 19:01

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Power to your elbow.Nice to read the truth for once,



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Message Posted:
29/01/2010 19:42

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Wow, Sibel. How I admire you - a desk withonly a computer monitor and keyboard and clear space in between; a figure that shows you are a fitness expert, again with clear spaces in between the major bits, and young and beautiful. Where did I go wrong? No, don't tell me - I just have tolive to be 126 to make sure I can find the right road, tidy up my desk (you can';t even find the dust because it is under piles of papers); tidy up my waistline; get rid of the crinkly wrinkly bits and look for fame and fortune and publication of my books. Oops, I guess I should write them first! Next week, when I have tidied up my life.

Well written article, and there was me about to offer to write for Londra Gazette.

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