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Thousands of British tax exiles face huge bills after landmark 91 day

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Joined: 05/02/2009
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Message Posted:
17/02/2010 20:01

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Thousands of British tax exiles face huge bills after landmark 'non-dom' court case leaves tycoon facing £30m penalty under 91 days in the UK does not prove you are tax exempt Lewis Hamilton & Sir Phillip Green beware


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Message Posted:
17/02/2010 20:55

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chill out msg1 ,youre in a country thats not regognised , dont panic enjoy the interest rate.

girne 29

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Message Posted:
17/02/2010 21:04

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Anyone who avoids paying UK tax by saying they live in another country should be given two years, to allow them time to apply for, and get, a passport from that country. When the two years is up their UK passport should be cancelled.

Chances are these people spend most of their time moaning about the scrounging benifit cheats while not realising they are of the same mould.


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Message Posted:
17/02/2010 23:00

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How can you put these people in the same basket as the scroungers who abuse the benefits system, these poor people work there arses off building up succesfull buisness and what for our great goverment to charge them 50% tax on there earnings to pay for asluym seekers , benefit cheats , and any one in general who take the mickey out of our over generous payments system.

why should there uk passport be cancled when they were born here all they want to do is benefit from the money they worked hard for and duly deserve.


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Message Posted:
17/02/2010 23:07

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Agreed. Work 18 hours a day to build a successful business and life.............then pay to support the parasites


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Message Posted:
17/02/2010 23:16

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Yup, agree too.

Tax avoidance is not the same as tax evasion and scrounging is scrounging.........

If they just had a way of using tax money in a more sustainable way then they would need to collect less, thus lower taxes and therefore successful people would be encouraged to stay and earn (and spend) their money.....


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 00:10

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Sweep says: 'these poor people work there arses off building up succesfull buisness'

Hmmm. I'm with girne29.

Perhaps a few do build a successful and profitable business from the ground up; many others are born with a silver spoon, assume god given rights to rip off other people, and contrive to pay less tax than other citizens who get paid for equally long hours but can only dream of paying higher rates of UK income tax.

If these tax cheats want to hold a UK passport, they need to abide by UK law - including tax legislation.

As mentioned above, there is a line between tax avoidance and tax evasion, but those guilty of the latter are no different to benefit cheats - and it's the rest of the us who wind up paying the tax they 'save'.


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 00:16

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you guys need to take a look at the mps , theyre dodging every penny and getting away with it ,silly me pays 50% plus vat , keeping them and the scroungers ,msg 3 and 7 get real ?


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 00:50

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Remember one of the great attractions of TRNC is the church in Guzelyurt.....built in the name of the patron saint of tax evaders! Get over there and pay homage!

girne 29

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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 02:58

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Message 10 of 27 in Discussion

listen folks

The article was about someone who the law decided was pretending to live abroad.

Millions of people work hard ,not just the rich I am sick to death hearing about how MP's bankers etc work harder than the rest of us .Most people have no choice but to pay income tax.Dont even try and excuse tax evasion.I was not comparing benifit cheats with anyone ,was merely saying that if cheating the exchequer is considered all right for tax cheats then dont take the high moral high ground over any other type of cheat.

If you think its all right right,then fine but put in place a system where everyone on PAYE can pretend they live abroad.

Business men ,might work hard ,but get the rewards, the same as I worked hard and got the rewards,non of that excuses our cheating the system.

My fathers generation paid taxes for my generation to be educated etc. Its our duty to do the same for our children.

girne 29

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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 03:22

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mess 10 Cont

As for losing passport. Iam not saying someone who wishes to retire abroad should lose the passport. I consider they have paid their dues throughout their working life.The ones I am talking about are those whose primary reason for living abroad is tax evasion.

An aquaintance of mine after haviing Uni education funded by the taxpayer, immediately left to work abroad and to my knowledge avoided repaying anything back for most of his life. 30 years on he returns permanently due to ill health for heart surgery. It wasnt private either,but the health service, taxfunded

.Its funny as well ,like most people of that ilk,they always find a justificatiion for leaving ,never greed.With him it was the unions that were destroying the country, with others its the millions of people who make themselves unemployed so they can get £60 a week, that are destroying the country.With others ,immigration is a handy excuse. Never, I left cos I dont want to pay tax.


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 05:50

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'fathers generation paid taxes for my generation to be educated etc. Its our duty to do the same for our children. '

Agreed but what they didnt pay for and i am paying for is for every economic migrant that decides that they will be better off in UK.


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 06:48

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Message 13 of 27 in Discussion

Strange decision and seems that this will be a retrospective ruling.



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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 08:45

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This guy has played by the tax rules for 30 years...if they want to change the tax laws then thats ok...but for as long as i have known the rule is that if you earn your money abroad and you spend less than 91 days a year in the UK you are not liable for Uk income tax. I dont think this is the end of this I am sure he will be appealing against this injust decision


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 09:33

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I am afraid that the rules are not quite as clear cut as that. In order to claim non-domicile status, you should in effect have broken all ties with your 'home' country. If you read the tax guidance rules, a 'tie' to your home country can include retaining a house in your there. I speak from experience. My wife works over here and her salary is spent over here, but, because we still have a house in the UK, she still has to pay UK tax on her foreign earnings. The gentleman in the article has homes in the UK, his children are educated in the UK but because of the way that the laws have been interpreted in the past (no doubt coupled with the guidance of a very expensive accountant), he has 'got away' with not paying tax on millions of pounds in earnings.



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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 10:36

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What about we pensioners who live over here who are taxed at source on our pensions, we worked all our lives and was taxed.It seems to help terrorists to stay home and build thier explosive devices, and scroungers who don,t pay a penny back helping to maintain the infrastructure of free NHS/Schooling etc, which was put there by our parents and grandparents hard work, if they will not work through choice then let them live in tents and let them starve.


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 11:29

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Anyone got a chip on their shoulder?

girne 29

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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 12:41

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think you shouldnt pay tax because a tiny bit of it goes to non deserving causes?

You were not taxed just to help terrorists build bombs or pay scroungers.Its for education ,NHS,Defence, Police, and a host of other things. By the way do you personally know many unemployed people?

At friends work ,the main contractor has just given everyone 3 months notice so that they can get rid of the chosen 30% when the time comes . They work damn hard in bad weather conditions,When they sign on ,do they suddenly change to scroungers,workshy .

Hippo, dont justify tax evasion , done for greed,not as a protest against immigration

Fiendishpaul,spot on.

I dont have a problem with anyone spending their lives working tax free abroad ,but they should take their families with them,if they dont want to contribute to the institutions that look after there families dont expect taxpayer to. Same when they need dear medical care, or become infirm, use Dubai's services,not UK's.


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 13:30

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The reason I posted was just as advice to ex pats who are non dom

If you look a Sir Phillip Green Arcadia group(BHS) he does his sub 91 days and lives in Monte

He has major UK interests and would qualify for taxation under this ruling

Two tax comments there was an experiment in the Baltic states that tax was lowered to low levels say 10/15% and they collected more money

The UK saw this when the super tax rates were dropped more tax was collected

If it cost more to dodge the tax than pay it people pay it people pay it

There are that many forms for benefits for family tax credits pensions supplements it would be easier and cheaper to raise the pensions and tax thresholds for all people would then get back to earning not dodging



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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 14:17

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Message 20 of 27 in Discussion

I think there are a lot of people living in the TRNC who have not paid UK tax on interest from their TL bank accounts.....


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 14:28

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Message 21 of 27 in Discussion

For the record again

Income tax is based on residency , not domicile. The laws are somewhat fungible but much of the UK law is. Briefly if you are resident or ordinarily resident in the uk then you pay UK income tax. The point this gentlemen has been caught on is ordinarily resident, (the 91 day rule being part of residence). My old tax lecturer always maintained that if you maintained or had use of a house in the UK and visited for just one day in the tax year then you could be deemed ordinarily resident and thus subject to UK tax.

Note the Could in the above paragraph, there is no statutory definition of ordinarily resident so it's a matter of interpretation. The Revenue's interpretation in the current case has prevailed.



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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 14:56

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Message 22 of 27 in Discussion

Girne re msg18

Yes,I do know scroungers and I also see tv news and read newspapers, and read about these so called men of religious orders that live off the state claiming benifits and preaching hatred of the laws and legal system and the people of a Christian belief. Like I said before I am 64 never been out of work as my father before me was,nt we paid our taxes and they my forebears fought wars and endured many hardships to create a NHS / EDUCATUION and before you say I was lucky to keep in work it was because I got off my arse and found it. But for many its easy to sit in front of the TV and let others keep you,and if you don,t contribute only take out the infrastructure will and is crumbling.


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Message Posted:
18/02/2010 15:08

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Message 23 of 27 in Discussion


Spot put it much more eloquently than I did



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Message Posted:
19/02/2010 10:32

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Message 24 of 27 in Discussion

So why do people vote for "New" Labour at elections ?


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Message Posted:
19/02/2010 11:36

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Mark its not new or old or call me Dave read Harold's description its an old law being pursued

girne 29

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Message Posted:
19/02/2010 14:05

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You were lucky to keep in work because you got off your arse and found it. If you were still in work why would you need to find work? I am sure the construction workers will get off there arses when sacked ,but maybe you could come to the site when they get their cards and tell them to their faces to get off their arses ,the lazy gits.

Been unemployed and can confirm in todays terms its £60 for 6 mths and then its cut based on savings /family income .Anyone who says someone sits on their arse for that ,hasnt kept in touch with cost of living .Before you call me a scrounger, I didnt claim and went self employed few months later.Unemployed you know are workshy scroungers whereas the ones I know are desparately trying to find work before their savings run out.

We move in different circles.

Tax evasion is selfish . The want me to pay for their childrens health and education while they flee to avoid paying for mine.Their fraud is the worst type as its greed fed not poverty.


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Message Posted:
20/02/2010 03:16

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Message 27 of 27 in Discussion

girne29 - well said.

Sweep,yenitom,johnatcastle etc are the type of people who encourage the corruption which has ruined the UK by encouraging the twicers at the expense of ordinary hard working people - who now have no jobs while the bankers and the tax evaders/Avoiders laugh all the way to the bank.

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