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Border crossing rules non-EU passport holders

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Joined: 18/01/2011
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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 06:53

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We are American citizens traveling to Cyprus in June, and we're trying to figure out the visa requirements for non-EU passport holders entering Cyprus and crossing the North-South border. However, most of the posts I saw here referred to at least one spouse being an EU passport holder - what about non-EU passport holders?

We are not yet sure whether we will book our tickets via Athens or Istanbul. We will be staying in South Cyprus, but want to be able to go back and forth to North Cyprus and spend at least one night there. Can anyone please advise us on the best port for us to enter Cyprus and rules for crossing the border between North and South Cyprus?

Thanks so much in advance



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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 07:24

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I would say fly into the south, I think that it is only eu citizens that have a "right of passage" via the north. No doubt someone will come back with another opinion. Turkish people are not allowed to go north to south. But you are in need of a true fact........

This is only my understanding of what we were told when the border between the 2 sides was opened.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 07:35

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I have American neighbours who live in the north and regularly cross to the south but i dont know which airport they arrived at.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 08:02

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I had an American friend who lived here for more than 2 years - she was working here. She flew in and out regularly, both to the north and the south and went across the border frequently whilst she was here. She certainly never had any problem at all.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 09:10

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I am American and live in the north. Crossing the border from North-South and South-North is fine no matter where you fly in, but if you fly into the North they will give you grief and attempt to stop you leaving from the Southern airports (they did this to me but my wife was EU and I shouted and threatened to call the embassy and they eventually gave up and waved me through). If you plan to stay in the South most of the time I'd say fly into the South. It's easy to cross to the North (assuming you can find the crossing points, which are terribly signposted if signposted at all on the South side) for a day or two.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 10:12

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You are not going to have problems crossing borders. Where you may potentially have problems is if you arrive via Ercan and depart Larnaca. The customs agents may or may not harass you about entering the country illegally. They will be well within the law to detain you, question you and treat you as an illegal. The likely outcome will not be severe but you could miss a flight and your nerves may get the better of you. Being polite, honest, even apologetic is the best you can do. Good luck. Any further questions feel free to contact me at


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 10:36

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Dear Travbug

Enter via the 'rump' Rep of Cyprus and you'll have no problem... You'll be given a Visa on entry that IS internationally recognised. DON'Tt refer to the UN designated crossing points as a 'border' in the 'rump' Rep of Cy - unless you want a 'lecture' or delay.. !

Only EU / EEA nationals ( Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland ) plus Swiss ( and their dependants) have the right of freedom of movement within the island.

Good luck


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 10:37

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You want the minimum of hassle. I suggest you fly into the south and then cross to the north - for a night or longer- whenever you want, returning to the south to make your homeward journey out of Larnaca.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 11:01

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My sister in law and niece flew into Ercan from the states. Got 90 days. Flew Turkish Airlines from Chicago - Istanbul - Ercan. No problem. This was last September.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 11:07

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Message 10 of 12 in Discussion


re msg 9

Did they try to cross to the 'south' ?


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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 16:26

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Message 11 of 12 in Discussion

Wow! Thanks so much everyone for the quick and helpful replies!

It sounds like the consensus is that we should fly into the south and then cross over to the north, to avoid any hassles. I'm so glad we asked before we booked tickets, because we had been looking at flying into Istanbul and then taking a low-cost flight into Ercan. This does help us narrow down our choices.

Thanks again



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Message Posted:
18/01/2011 16:49

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Message 12 of 12 in Discussion

Hi Travbug

CY specific info for US citizens

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