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Round of golf at Korineum?

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» Read about Golf Holiday in North Cyprus

» Korineum Golf Course, Esentepe, North Cyprus


Joined: 24/01/2011
Posts: 4

Message Posted:
24/01/2011 16:29

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Hi there

I'm touring Europe with my wife in a campervan, complete with a set of golf clubs and I'm thinking of playing a round at Korineum this Friday 28th or Saturday 29th. My wife doesn't play and I'd like to play with someone who knows the course. Anybody on here who would like a game on either of these days?

If you'd like to know a bit more about me before committing you can visit our website at

If you want to email me my address is

(In case you're wondering I used to play off 9 but it's been some months since I last played).




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Message Posted:
24/01/2011 18:22

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Hi Chris

Think I may have spotted a very smart Camper Van this morning at Korineum, was that you?.

We have a group of players that play on Tue, and Fri mornings, approx time of first tee is 0800hrs.

You are more than welcome to join the Swindle !! meet at the pro shop 0730ish, you will not lose more than 8tl,!!!!!

Bye the way it will take more than a few months away from golf for you to get any sympathy, or reduction on your 9.

Just ask for Derek when you book in at the Pro Shop.

Regards Derek.


Joined: 24/01/2011
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Message Posted:
24/01/2011 18:41

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Hi Derek,

Yup that'd be us, there's not that many campervans here!

Friday would be great (though the missus will be moaning about the early start as we're over near Salamis). I was hoping for something like a swindle - it sounds just like back home.

I'll see you Friday morning but go easy I've only played half a dozen times in 18 months!!

Cheers and thanks for the invite.



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Message Posted:
24/01/2011 18:56

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Message 4 of 14 in Discussion

Hi Chris ,

Your more than welcome, see you Fri.



Joined: 28/08/2008
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Message Posted:
24/01/2011 19:14

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Hi Chris, I enjoyed reading your blog. Best of luck and fun to the both of you.

Ignore the politics of Cyprus and enjoy your time on the island.

I will follow your travels/adventures from now on.



Joined: 24/01/2011
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Message Posted:
24/01/2011 19:53

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Hi Toot

Thanks for your comments on the blog. My wife writes it so editorial control is limited

Politics is all part of the fun of learning about new places. For obvious reasons we tried to avoid it in Serbia, but found it impossible!

It's been a long, hard slog to get to Cyprus (at one point we thought we'd never make it) but now that we're here, we're really enjoying it.

Cheers, Chris


Joined: 18/05/2008
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Message Posted:
25/01/2011 13:37

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Hi Chris

Like Tootie, I have just had a look at your blog. I must agree, it is absolutely fantastic and Catherine has a real gift with words - I almost felt as though I was there with you

Your site has gone into my favourites list and I will check in on your progress every now and again.

The very best of luck with your future travels.

Best wishes



Joined: 08/05/2009
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Message Posted:
25/01/2011 16:04

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Very much enjoyed visiting your web site and blog and will continue to do so.

So glad to hear that you ventured to the North of the island, versed as being like the mediteranean of the past and where we love to unwind and chill.

My dad was is in Cyprus with the RAF at about the same time as your Uncle. The Eoka campaign was ongoing and dad to this day understands and describes to us why Turkey intervened against the Greek campaign.

That apart and leaving the fighting to the politicians a place to visit perhaps the British Cyprus Memorial in the Old British Cemetery, Kyrenia.

Memorial to some 371 Servicemen who lost there lives during 1955-59 Cyprus Emergency.

Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and RAF (79).

Continued safe journey and passage ...


Joined: 03/01/2009
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Message Posted:
26/01/2011 23:33

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Hi to the both of you, and I think it is amazing what you are doing, I looked on your website and tried to contact you both last night but it did not work for me, I would live to follow you blog too.I would like to keep you both in my book mark page too.

Please email me

Thank you and all best wishes Maria.



Joined: 22/10/2010
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Message Posted:
27/01/2011 10:47

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Hi Chris/Catherine

I too looked at your website and thoroughly enjoyed 'following you around'. Will continue to follow your blogs. Good luck on your travels in the future and, Chris, enjoy your golf on Friday; an excellent course though could be a little damp as you have brought some UK weather with you!!




Joined: 16/10/2007
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Message Posted:
27/01/2011 11:54

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I did similar back at the end of the 80's early 90's in my swift kontiki. I would of loved the internet back then to record my venture, but unfortunately it was all recorded into big old fashioned diaries and all my photos on the old fashioned reel film! I had the time off my life with many good, bad, scary and happy memories. I will also be following your quest.


Joined: 28/12/2007
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Message Posted:
27/01/2011 14:15

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Merhaba Chris,

I will be bringing a spare Powkaddy trolley and battery with me for your use should you want it !!.

Should the weather be unkind to us and golf is unlikely do not waste a journey.

I've been browsing this morning enjoying your website and your wonderful travels, what a life !!

Looking forward to meeting up with you 0730hrs,



Joined: 24/01/2011
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Message Posted:
28/01/2011 15:23

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Message 13 of 14 in Discussion

Hi all

First of all many thanks to Derek and the rest of the swindle for the invite to play golf this morning. I really enjoyed it even though I was rubbish! It gives me an excuse to spend my golf budget more often

Secondly thanks to everyone who's shown an interest in our website - over 150 people from this forum have already checked it out, quite amazing, and thanks for the positive comments.

Cypruschill - you will see some of your info included this week, thanks.

Finally, to let you know we've just been interviewed by Cyprus Today, so watch the press!

Thanks to everyone who has made our visit to TRNC so memorable.

Cheers, Chris and Catherine


Joined: 29/12/2009
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Message Posted:
02/04/2011 17:41

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Message 14 of 14 in Discussion

How nice to follow such an interesting thread, devoid of stupid comments. Good luck to the pair of you.

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