North Cyprus Tourist Board - Petrol station at Tatlisu, now rents cars
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Petrol station at Tatlisu, now rents cars

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Joined: 05/01/2008
Posts: 5499

Message Posted:
03/03/2011 02:05

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The new refurbished petrol station at Tatlisu now rents cars and is also a mini market !!


Joined: 29/03/2008
Posts: 576

Message Posted:
03/03/2011 04:12

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Glad to see you are still taking the old news from the forum lass lol


Joined: 13/10/2010
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Message Posted:
03/03/2011 10:33

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You would think they would have their own cars and not need to rent!


Joined: 05/01/2008
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Message Posted:
03/03/2011 12:14

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Car hire is now available at the petrol station. The cars available for hire are sited on site at the petrol station.


Joined: 24/03/2009
Posts: 775

Message Posted:
03/03/2011 12:37

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Message 5 of 6 in Discussion

Silly yenibob eh?


Joined: 05/01/2008
Posts: 5499

Message Posted:
03/03/2011 14:23

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Message 6 of 6 in Discussion

Just needed to be more clear for those who obviously, did not understand !!

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