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Good Home Wanted For Pedigree Alsation

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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 07:52

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Tony is a 2 year old Pedigree Alsation and for the last 12 months he's been chained up less than 50 meters away from our house.During this time we have watered and fed Tony and have given him a daily walk.

The owners are local people who unfortunatley do not understand the proper needs of a dog.Tony hasn't been ill treated he's just been neglected.

Yesterday we established that the owner would like to sell Tony for about £400 but we think he will settle for far less.We would give Toni a home but we already have 2 dogs and a third would be too much to handle.

We appreciate this may be a long shot but please contact me if you can help to find this loveable dog a home.


Art..........0533 8614873


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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 11:27

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Re Tony. I'm a dog lover to such an extent that I'm dopey about them. However, I've come across this "he is a pedigree, I want £??? for him" before on more than one occasion. These animals are very, very rarely Pedigree in the purest sense of the world and if you ask if the dog is registered with the Turkish equivalent of the Kennel Club and can you see the provenance of the line i.e. parents and grandparents, you will be met with a blank stare.

The word Pedigree is bandied about in the TRNC without people knowing what it really means. I know of two cases where people have paid over £700 for Pekes and other lap-dogs and have taken the word of the pet shop owner, not knowing the questions they should ask.

I hope there is another owner out there who is prepared to take Tony on, knowing that there may be hefty vets bills in the future because of the inbreeding of German Shepherds and hip displacement.

Good Luck



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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 11:57

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Hi Tango,

You make a very valid point concerning Tony's pedigree and frankly I don't think the owner would have anything to support the pedigree statement-its just my assessment based on many years experience.

I do however feel you are being less than helpful by making scaremongering comments about vets bills and speculating about hip displacements.

We are just trying to find this poor dog a suitable home and we know that any dog regardless of pedigree will cost money to look after.

We will even consider making a contribution to the final asking price to any suitable owner.




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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 16:01

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never in a million years will someone in the TRNC pay for a second hand dog...................

you can't give them away (if in doubt - pop up KAR).................

3rd world mentality.......


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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 16:57

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Thanks for being so positive!

My glass is always half full and I will work tirelessly to get this poor creature a loving home.

Watch this space I will prove you wrong!



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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 17:18

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Message 6 of 40 in Discussion

Msg 5 that's the spirit don't give up!


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Message Posted:
25/03/2011 23:05

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keep walking up the hill, best of luck,


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 15:57

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Spoke to the owner yesterday-he's dropped the price to £300.

Please call me if you are interested.




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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 16:07

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Sorry Magicart if I sounded less than helpful about the German Shepherd and the problems therewith. It's just that I'm coping with my own 4 and with a beautiful mail Boxer dog, his wife (a gorgeous little black and white mongrel) and their 5 pups which have been left in a garden nearby. The "owners" a TC couple have upped and left them about 6 weeks ago. On top of that two more strays have appeared within last two days, looking totally lost and hungry. They've obviously been dumped from afar. I know that KAR have more than enough to cope with, so am doing what I can myself.



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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 16:12

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magicart - I appreciate what you're trying to do for "Tony" i.e. find him a good home.

However, I would have to agree with messages 4 & 7. Do you really think anyone would pay that sort of money for a dog with a dubious pedigree, especially in NC?

I am not being pessimistic - just realistic.

Good luck in your search for a home for Tony.


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 18:16

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Thanks for being realistic and you are probably right in what you say.

I am trying my best to get the owner to reduce the price even more and there are other ways in which I can sort out the funding side of things.i.e I could raise some of the money through a special event/car boot sale/raffle /collections or entertainment evening ,this would then become more affordable for any prospective buyer.If I raise enough cash he could go for nothing!!



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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 18:30

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magicart - well, once again, the very best of luck.

No-one can say you aren't trying your best for Tony (great name, by the way)


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 18:35

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Dream High then Dare To Achieve.!!!


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 18:47

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Message 14 of 40 in Discussion

Magicart judging from the way you are going about this I bet you were a bloody good salesman sand to the Arabs comes to mind!!


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Message Posted:
28/03/2011 18:54

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Does Tony live in Catalkoy?Just asking because my friend used to feed a stray dog(alsation) called Tony near her house. He was eventually taken in by a local family. Hope its not the same one.


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Message Posted:
29/03/2011 08:46

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Msg 14,

Thanks/Do you want to buy a second hand car?

Msg 15,

Tony lives in Esentepe/Would you like to join my "Save Our Tony Campaign"



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Message Posted:
29/03/2011 12:01

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Msg 16 got loads of the things thanks,but hasanyone shown interest in Tony?


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Message Posted:
29/03/2011 12:20

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I'm afraid not-I suspect the asking price is far too much for Toni.

I think the owner will settle for £250 but I agree it may be cost prohibative for those who may be interested in buying him.I am however confident we can raise some money to help this little chap.

Thanks for your interest.



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Message Posted:
30/03/2011 08:03

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Back to the top-please


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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 10:57

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Message 20 of 40 in Discussion

If anyone is interested in giving Toni a proper home please call me.

I'm sure we can raise enough money to buy Toni and to release him from his shackles.




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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 11:38

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mess 20 - art, not wanting to sound like a smart arse - but you originally said that someone would be prepared to pay 300 quid for the little fella - now you are saying you are trying to raise money to buy the dog to give him away for free..............

like i said before - it's difficult to re-home dogs here, let alone a big one like an alsation with an unknown history...

i wish you all the best and admire your compassion


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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 12:54

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Mr Nick.

Apart from being negative what point are you trying to make?

Perhaps you should channel your energy into something positive/like helping to find this poor dog a nice home/are you willing to do the same?.We have lots of friends in the area and I'm sure we could easily raise the cash so why not make a financial contribution-£50 would be a great start and I'm sure others members of this forum would applaud your generosity.

I always deliver my commitments and I will find this guy a nice home despite any negativity.




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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 13:53

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A £50 donation to KAR would benefit more than one dog and would be very gratefully received. I do appreciate what you are trying to do for this dog but I wish more people would show that much energy and initiative towards contributions to the every increasing cost of running KAR. Thank you.



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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 14:16

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I appreciate that you are concerned about Tony's neglect and with trying to get Tony a new home and no doubt he really does deserve a loving home. But i feel i must agree with Tango1 .

All of the unwanted and stray dogs here deserve the same - a caring loving home. KAR currently have over 200 dogs all wanting the same thing. £50 would go a long way to helping some of them - it would sponsor 5 dogs per month (£10 per dog per month); it would pay towards desperately needed flea/tick/worm treatment/ it would put fuel in the van so that ill dogs and cats could go to the vet/it could buy them food -i could go on and on.

"The greatest good for the greatest number" springs to mind.

I do wish you well with Tony but i cannot ignore and not comment on the needs of the many dogs (and cats) at The Rescue Centre.


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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 14:27

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Ill put £20 in if you can find anyone else to donate. Call me on 05338777 003 when you raise the rest. Good luck


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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 20:19

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Message 26 of 40 in Discussion

Hi Tango and Hamish,

I agree 100% with your commets concerning KAR and we donate annually to this great charity.

Our two dogs were originally homed by Kar and they bring great joy to our family.

The dogs homed at KAR are sheltered/watered/fed/exercised and every day they receive human contact-this would not be the case with Toni if we didn't care for him. This is why we are trying to find him a loving home instead of handing him over to Kar.IF we acheive this its one less dog to feed.

Ruggy/thanks for your very kind offer.


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Message Posted:
06/04/2011 23:10

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Message 27 of 40 in Discussion

magicart - how sad for poor Toni - how sad for the dogs at KAR -how sad for the starys here.

But what about Toni's owner - isn't he holding the dog ransom in a funny sort of way/blackmailing your sense of symapthy and love of dogs !

What is being done about the conditions Toni is kept in ? Have you spoken to your B'dere or Muhktar to ask them to intervene ? This is a usual (although sometime useless !) first port of call. They can (and do sometimes) act as liason and/or stern local berater of bad animal ownership with local owners.

Are there any other caring likeminded dog lovers who could all go together and speak to B'dere/Muhktar/Toni's owner ?

As it stands all Toni's owner may see it that if he continues to treat the dog like this then you will do all you can to pay him his ransom (£400/£300/ £???) to stop his neglect of Toni !!! If the ransom is paid - will that get Toni a home ? If not then what ?

Will Toni's owner another dog and the situation will be repeated ? !


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Message Posted:
07/04/2011 07:32

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Message 28 of 40 in Discussion

mess 27 - agree totally, these people see us brits as walking ATM machines.......

more fool you ART for being drawn in............


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Message Posted:
07/04/2011 08:31

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Message 29 of 40 in Discussion

Msg 27,

We are aware of what the owner may be trying to do but we don't wish to be confrontational.

We have dogs of our own and there saftey is our priority.As it is at the moment we make sure Toni is taken care of and he has a reasonable life but he does need a proper home with full time care.

As for paying the ransom-we will only pay for Toni when we have found a suitable owner and it will be a lot less than what he wants .

Mr Nick,

Its clear you are not interested in helping this poor dog so why do you continue to be critical.?

We suspect you have other reasons for taking an interest.



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Message Posted:
07/04/2011 09:15

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mess 29 - you're right art - i'm trying to get the price down so i can "nick"him...

i think you ought to get out more old fella.........


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Message Posted:
07/04/2011 12:29

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Rocking Horse mentality comes to mind!


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Message Posted:
07/04/2011 16:33

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Message 32 of 40 in Discussion

Hi Art

Is there anyway of putting a link on to some pictures of Tony so people can see for themselves this dog who may not have the full paperwork for crufts but must surely have a compatable human family out there for him?


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Message Posted:
07/04/2011 17:35

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Hi ToyaW.

Its a great idea but I'm an IT dinasaur/would welcome any help!!!




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Message Posted:
08/04/2011 11:15

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Message 34 of 40 in Discussion

Keep trying Art at least the other Alsation appears to have been rehomed.


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Message Posted:
08/04/2011 12:57

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Thanks and don't worry I will not give up- it may take a little.

If anyone can tell me how to link a photo of Toni to this thread it would be a great help.



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Message Posted:
09/04/2011 10:49

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Message 36 of 40 in Discussion

Hi Everyone.

If anyone is genuinely interested in giving Toni a proper home -Subject to me reaching an agreement with the owner I will buy the dog and hand him over to his new owner -free of charge.



I can then raise the cas


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Message Posted:
09/04/2011 20:03

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Message 37 of 40 in Discussion

mess 36 -plan "B" then Art ??

i'd have plan "C" ready too - where you give the dog and 250 quid.....


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Message Posted:
11/04/2011 09:31

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Message 38 of 40 in Discussion

Mr Nick.

You are making a complete fool of yourselfe.!!!


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Message Posted:
11/04/2011 14:38

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mess 38 - who taught you to write, garry monger ??

nick nack padywack - can someone give art a hand ??


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Message Posted:
21/04/2011 12:40

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Message 40 of 40 in Discussion

Back to the Top-please

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