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Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 24/06/2011 02:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 42 in Discussion |
| As we all seem to be animal lovers could someone please tell me if i do the wrong thing?I only can be trnc 1 month at a time so i feed cats dogs etc.I have been told to stop because i encourage them.I think if i can give them a full belly for 4 weeks so what.Am i wrong |
Joined: 02/07/2009 Posts: 1708
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 42 in Discussion |
| No you are not wrong. You are obviously a kind person. I have been told that it is better to feed them off your property |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 42 in Discussion |
| they are strays,they are used to/happy with their lives. You come over couple of times a year,feed them for a month for your selfish ego and go!Do you think you do them good or bad? cruel to be kind!!!! |
Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 42 in Discussion |
| I have also been told that Hildy, I did for a while as the police were watching me. Remember the Jack and Jill story.But they follow me back anyway. I understans the arguments for and against but it saves someones bins being raided, they are fed and watered. I have the situation with this lovely cat dumped on us. Everyone says dont feed it. You know me Hildy how could I do that. I have even given him a name now. I feel so sorry for him as he cries to come in but I just cant risk his life. Can you take on a cat as well.I need to speak with you anyway xxxx |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 42 in Discussion |
| yorg, someone else feeds them when she is gone or they go back to eating whatever it is they eat, get over your angry self. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 42 in Discussion |
| msg 5; another typical selfish brit! ps.Do you also shout/write whilst hiding behind your wife/husband?........I know many that do. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 42 in Discussion |
| You couldn't walk in my shadow you insecure angry man. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 42 in Discussion |
| hmmmmmmm,now,where have I heard those before? wait a minute,I remember..........it was another 'unknown brit'........behind the fence and hiding behind his wife at the same time. |
Joined: 21/09/2008 Posts: 297
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 42 in Discussion |
| It is no kindness to feed strays short term,imho,they surely begin to expect,rely on the food,possibly enjoying the affection and attention shown - - - - - - - - - - - - - -then you leave,who explains that to a hungry dog or cat? Best leave them to forage,unless you can actually give them a permanent home. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 00:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 42 in Discussion |
| Yes the missus would probably be more than enough for you hahahahahahaha... |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 42 in Discussion |
| another proof of 'coward of all nationalities'...... I'm a very much happy, married man.........in love with my wife........wouldn't even dream of cheating on my wife. Thanks for the offer none-the-less. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 42 in Discussion |
| I don't think these strays expect an explanation, they are just after an easy meal for a change, they don't lose their inherent survival instincts afer a few free meals but they do benefit for while from the kindness of strangers.It is governmental policy to try and dissuade people from feeding these strays which are an endemic problem in these places, better animal husbandry from the local population is the answer, unfortunately they are not that way inclined which is why we Brits take it upon ourselves to do what those that should do don't do.It is a civilised and cultured cross we bear. |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 42 in Discussion |
| Thankyou for your advice.I probably will continue to feed strays when i can. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 42 in Discussion |
| yorg, you lack edge, I can see it in your eyes. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 42 in Discussion |
| Msg13 As will I. |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 42 in Discussion |
| I forgot to mention I do not make contact with the animals just put the food down and leave.I would also hate to think that i was feeding my selfish ego! |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 42 in Discussion |
| Yorg is a racist bigot, pay him no heed, no one else does except maybe his brow beaten family.He is King of his own disenfranchised self. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 42 in Discussion |
| ........then you should be prepaired for critisism.........or keep quite |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 42 in Discussion |
| Thanks Roomie,Thank goodness over the years We have met lovely locals who welcome us. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 42 in Discussion |
| keep quite what?Hahahahaha... you are not clever,witty or quick enough for me yorg, do yourself a favour and shut your racist yap for once. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 42 in Discussion |
| Noel, most of what he posts is having a pop at Brits, I think he blames us because he failed to make a life in the UK and ran back to Cyprus with his tail between his legs to live off handouts from his extended family. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 42 in Discussion |
| msg 17; with people like you in my country,I have every reason to be...................racist. remember a very old english saying.......I do..........still echoes in my ears.............if you don't like how things are here ...................... back to where you came from. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 42 in Discussion |
| yorg one of your problems is that you think you are TRNC, you insignificant, you are nothing, you don't make me hate Turks, you make me pity you and your family, you must be a burdon to them. |
Joined: 28/08/2008 Posts: 2037
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 42 in Discussion |
| Who said in this thread they dont like how things are???? |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 42 in Discussion |
| I think i recall he blames "Brits" for the rubbish everywhere!!!!I don,t think so.My first job everytime we go out is lifting rubbish from bin areas,easier to throw it down than lift a bin lid. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 42 in Discussion |
| Msg24 yorg thinks/hopes he is driving Brits out of TRNC it is his primary concern here on these forums, he is one of lifes losers, "pity the fool" Mr T said that.Hahahahahahaha... |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 42 in Discussion |
| 5 out of 16 is not bad.........so far |
Joined: 28/08/2008 Posts: 2037
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 42 in Discussion |
| ............ |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 42 in Discussion |
| Yorg my i ask why you seem to have a problem with Bristish money going into TRNC economy? |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 42 in Discussion |
| A lot of people post on these forums for one reason or another, be it information or social, a lot of posters would post a lot more if they didn't feel as intimidated by big mouthed morons of all political. racial, and every other kind of persuasion here that jump on everything from spelling mistakes to someone making small talk. I do to them what they do to others, I hate any kind of bullying, I give them a taste of their own medicine and the cowards never like it, oh they make a lot of noise but this eventually gives way to childish wimpering before they run off to the bosum. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 42 in Discussion |
| steptoenoel; I don't have any problems with British...............only with few particulars who happens to be British. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 42 in Discussion |
| msg 30; your profile picture says it all. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 42 in Discussion |
| Yorg still gets handouts from his brother, he told eveyone this, he doesn't need Brit money, he took plenty in benefits though when he lived here. |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 42 in Discussion |
| didn't need to. Got enough handouts from your wifes. |
Joined: 20/02/2011 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 42 in Discussion |
| Msg32 So does yours Hahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahah...my ribs hurt...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha............................................................................... |
Joined: 05/09/2010 Posts: 84
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 42 in Discussion |
| Noel, I am of the opinion that you do nothing wrong, quite the contrary. Do what your heart tells you. However, I do respect the arguments of those who do not feed the strays. |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 42 in Discussion |
| Sorrry I asked! For godness sake can we not all join together and get on?I fell for TRNC in year 2000 never had we an inclinaction to purchase a forgein property,but we did and have had no regrets.Only had very positive welcomes,I would hate things to change.And for the record Yorg I come from Ireland. |
Joined: 28/08/2008 Posts: 2037
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 42 in Discussion |
| Wait for it................... So does my wife |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 01:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 42 in Discussion |
| Thankyou for your kind reply.Yes I will continue to feed strays..............althoug at times their food comes from the South!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 02:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 42 in Discussion |
| steptoenoel; I too am also sorry for the way it turned out in your 'thread'.However,I had given my opinion as it was asked.Some didn't like it(tough).If you had no intention to change anything from what you've been doing,there was no need to ask. and for the record,so is my wife. |
Joined: 17/01/2011 Posts: 3534
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 02:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 42 in Discussion |
| msg 39. lol |
Joined: 27/04/2011 Posts: 116
Message Posted: 25/06/2011 02:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 42 in Discussion |
| Yorgozlu I must respect your feelings,when I asked the question I was open for advise wether I was doing the right thing or not!That is when I made my mind up not before I posted the question.But I do thankyou for your comments. |
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