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Joined: 24/12/2006
Posts: 3594

Message Posted:
14/11/2008 13:17

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It may not be perfect, there may be some harsh subjects / topics, there may be a bit of agro but that is life. at least the halos of members do not choke them and there is no holyier than thou attitude that seems to prevail on another board.

All in all 98 % of members are cool and keep it up.

Lets be informative kind in word and deed and have a nice day I am off for an effes or 2.


Joined: 11/05/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 14:42

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Well said Nige.

I'm off down to Covent Garden to meet my son and then we are off to the Rugger tomorrow at Twickers don't you know.

Don't think I'll find any Efes down there but I will have a couple of Castles.

Have a good weekend all.



Joined: 30/06/2008
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 14:47

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Good news: Tesco Twickenham sell Efes.

Bad news: They close at 10am on matchdays.

I'm looking forward to a good day there as well!



Joined: 14/11/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 14:52

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Message 4 of 16 in Discussion

Hi Nige

Enjoy your efes and the sunshine Have a great weekend you lucky lucky man. Will go to Asda on my way home from work !in the dark and rain They now sell efes so I will down a couple why I watch Children in need.

Regards Ron (aldo)


Joined: 28/10/2008
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 14:54

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that a positive post nige i was beginning to worry about coming out there to live because of the pointless "bitching" on this site when we should all unite and be strong and helpfull to eachother ! out next wednesday for a week to check up on our "snagging" i'll by you a few efes

see ya


Joined: 08/08/2008
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 16:38

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hi Littlenige

re your comment about doing a stint at silentnight,i worked for them for the last 14 years before seeing sense and moving out here it might just be that we have met in the past? how long ago did you work there and if you send me an email we could meet up for a beer

Regards David


Joined: 24/12/2006
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 17:17

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I was in the home delivery section for " queesnsway" I remember the computer was as big as a room it was massive .

Great people bah lickers my email ison my profile nowt to hide here coppers can not even do a pnc check.

Best laugh ever went to barbados on hoilday and met a nice couple from rosendale turned out he worked for mif he got a real rollocking cos he was sussed all i did was google his name on holiday !! aid he worked some where we both know and I'D NEVER SEEN HIM lol

BEWARE ONE AND ALL IF YOU are up tp no good on the net your d.o.b nickname and variations of it as well as your real name can land you in it your posts on any board are never never deleated from the net.

Jardap . franks bar , the willowtree, the union imp @ nelso or the dolphin club in colne !! lol if only they knew..... how many tarmackers could we employ out here................... ??


Joined: 05/09/2008
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 17:20

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What, Asda do efes? i'm off!


Joined: 24/12/2006
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 17:30

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Message 9 of 16 in Discussion

most interesting read this

then the date of this thread started

Message Posted:

14/11/2008 11:17

and the date that thread was started

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:15 pm Post subject: Cyprus44

Why can we not comment on their board but are called hypocrite for daring to comment without mentiong the name of the other board ?



Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 19:28

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I started the Cyprus 44 thread on 25/10/08/

Scroll to the bottom of the page....It is page 15.

I begged for people to comply with board rules. I issued a request to the Moderators.

IF THESE POLITE REQUESTS HAD BEEN HEEDED much of the unhappiness of the last few

days would have been avoided.

We do not need a new Cyprus 44 thread. What we need is the last one to be read, and

clearly understood, and abided by.

I am happy to abide by the moderators decision.



Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 19:49

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I'm sorry but all I can think is... you do not read your own posts.

Yes you start threads calling for people to be considered and circumspect in their posts but... you then fall into the trap of getting personal... that's why you have been warned-off by the mods..

Please don't take umbrage at this... all I'm trying to say is you need to practice what you preach otherwise you do yourself a great disservice..

What you post is up to none other than you...

As I said before.. if you stoop to the level of your enemy you become your enemy.

I enjoy the cut and thrust of sparring with you know who {Valdemort} but I only try to counter reasoned argument with my own understanding and give as good as I get in the ensuing debate... you take it personally when you are attacked but you have to understand that is the intention of your attacker.

Keep your cool and you will prevail...


Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 19:54

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I will buy you a pint when I see you.

Meanwhile,...I could not be arsed! I tell it as it is, but I do like fact and truth to be


Meanwhile, I believe Arrry is getting them in at the EVH. That I believe is where my future


wyn (All welcome....Arrrys paying!)


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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 19:59

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just putting my shoe's on wyn................


Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 20:04

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Its your round................................

I did not realise that you had laces!

Cheers mate! I could just do with a session!



Joined: 06/01/2008
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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 20:07

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Message 15 of 16 in Discussion

Not a problem mon amie.............


Joined: 19/07/2007
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Message Posted:
15/11/2008 13:47

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Message 16 of 16 in Discussion

UK supemarkets doing Efes - no one will bother to travel to the TRNC for it anymore. Imagine thay may start with Cherry Juice again!

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