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building problems - guess where !!!

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Lazy days

Joined: 24/07/2008
Posts: 847

Message Posted:
18/11/2008 12:35

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Hi All

I thought it was TRNC land this morning on TV BBC news,

Unfinished houses, things ground to a halt on numerous estates and building projects throughout, guess where ENGLAND

the next piece of news was, about a family who had paid £65000, of the £70000 for an extension to be built, they thought they had paid a recespectable builder to do the job, he was a member of the FSB, GUILD OF quality builders, among many more trade organisations they were members of, things started well but after a couple of months, you guessed it, things went rotten and on investigation it turns out they were never members of FSB, had been kicked out of the guild because of numerous complaints, and the job is unlikely to be finished, where have we heard it all before !!!!!

Makes me glad we have sun at least (most of the time)



Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
19/11/2008 10:21

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Seen many documentaries about shoddy work, rip off builders etc; Just show how it pays to CHECK things out first. Cowboys operating all over the world.Wouln't have a Barrett's home given to me.


Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 15:32

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At least the builder wont be able to take a mortgage out on the house or the land AND they can use a properly qualified UK lawyer AND get recourse through a proper UK court (if possible financially) fairly quickly.


Joined: 05/01/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 15:34

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Message 4 of 12 in Discussion

Well said Hector .


Joined: 15/09/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 17:51

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One highlighted case amongst 60 odd million people. How many hundreds of cases here among 300,000? mmmmm!!!


Joined: 25/05/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 19:07

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Message 6 of 12 in Discussion

Guess were!

You buy a piece of ground with planning permission granted, drawings all passed.

Bought from a respectable Estate Agent ...yes

Had a firm of solicitors for the convayencing...yes

Did you smell as rat....yes

Did the solicitor...looked couldn't find..oh dear

So now own ground finalised all permissions.... diggers skips all move in.

Get a letter...

woops it says you can't build on this ground never could never would and if you carry on you will go to prision.

But I say I have paid you tons of money to get planning permission...tuff they say, different department to us and for the next few months we are going to just lie through our teeth to you giving you false hope.

Sooooooooo called the nice solicitor whom took all that money off me, oh dear oh dear I am sooooo sorry looked at the paperworksaw "that" but didn't think it would affect you, you had better sue me.


Joined: 25/05/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 19:12

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So..... find another solicitor to sue the first solicitor, what does she tell me total crap, I am no longer allowed to communicate with this solicitor because my Ken says I am not nice to her.

But in my defence to my Ken I mention that whilst in discusion with her, she said if the worse happens and we loose the case I can build just one house there, I had to remind her that I could not build a dog kennel, and that was why we are throwing fast sums of money at you so you can sort it out.

What Country


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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 19:28

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At the moment the solicitors and insurance company, let me just say they have accepted the fact my convayancing solicitor was negligent. Anyway getting back to the story, well they are arguing over the letter "a" yes thousands of pounds are being spent deciding what "a" bloody means. Or in legal jargon the "interpretation of the letter "a"

Does it mean... a house or.... A house, "A" will mean 1 "a" they have decided is a statment, a dog, a fool, a stupid thick solicitor etc.

I have spoken to the legal department whom put this "a"or "A" together. They cleared it up straight away to me ,a mear mortal. We are not talking of interpretations dear oh no not us, In this department we are simply saying the intention when that was written was that no house dog kennel ETC will ever be allowed to be built there.

But my solicitor doesn't care she sees £££££££££££££££££££££££ YES is she interested in intentions and interpretations no not at all just my £££££££££££££


Joined: 25/05/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 19:33

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So we have now brought in a Barrister to discuss and take the people whom have already told me for free to court so we can carry on with the "a" and "A".

And get there knowledge on this matter I said they are happy to give this for free, my solicitor is not happy with that we must sue them, and we know we will loose, so you will have to pay the other sides bill too.

Yes I am really p ....offf now'

My Ken will be home soon better go and check if the chicken is cooked.


Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
27/11/2008 19:35

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Message 10 of 12 in Discussion

Yep, the good old TRNC, doing it's very best for encouraging tourism, investment, the economy and above all human rights........


Joined: 15/09/2008
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Message Posted:
28/11/2008 09:27

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Message 11 of 12 in Discussion

They have Human Rights to rip people off wholesale and get away with it, no wonder people are leaving in droves.


Joined: 25/05/2008
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Message Posted:
28/11/2008 11:13

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Message 12 of 12 in Discussion

This is happening in the UK, I have no complaints so far from N Cyprus, Look for Raybos thread at Green Hills.

Last year I went to the Legal Obudsman over another fiasco when I sold a property. The stupid Solicitor couldn't add up I didn't get what I should have done for the sale. Only a few hundred pounds but thats not the point. The Solicitor refused to accept my calculations and said it was a pidling amount just forget about complained was then agreed my calculations were right .....they wanted to have a meeting , I just wanted a cheque.

Heard nothing, brought in Ombusdman within two days a cheque arrived for outstanding amount. Followed by another cheque a month later as way as an appology.

This was a year ago, I have just had a letter saying I have not finalised this sale could I sign a TR1, you guessed I asked if they had received the outstanding sum. No they replied, well until "I" receive the outstanding sum I will not be signing anything.

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