North Cyprus Tourist Board - Cambridge Diet now avaılable ın North Cyprus
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Cambridge Diet now avaılable ın North Cyprus

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Joined: 15/04/2008
Posts: 393

Message Posted:
11/11/2011 10:34

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Ladies and gentlemen, the cambrıdge dıet ıs now avaılable ın North Cyprus. For more ınformatıon please contact Tanyel on 05338466809 who covers the area from Esentepe to Tatlısu.


Joined: 16/05/2008
Posts: 1053

Message Posted:
11/11/2011 16:35

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Could you in a few words explain what is involved with the cambridge diet as I have no idea.



Joined: 15/04/2008
Posts: 393

Message Posted:
11/11/2011 20:17

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

hi. Wıth the cambridge diet you follow a meal replacement course, where your body will go ınto ketosis, which means your body will burn its own fat for you to loose weight safely and quickly and not muscle. If you follow this program, which is recommended by doctors and hospitals, it will change your life. The programme consists of porrıdge, milkshakes, soups and meal bars, and there are fıve different programmes to suit your lifestyle. I myself, lost 23kilos on the programme three years ago and have not put it back on after trying all other diets on the market. Please call me on 05338466809 if you would like more information.

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