North Cyprus Tourist Board - Land for Development - For Sale by Public Auction
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Land for Development - For Sale by Public Auction

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Joined: 06/12/2008
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Message Posted:
06/12/2008 20:40

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Please visit for further details.


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
06/12/2008 22:33

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If this is for sale by public auction by a court order, does this mean this land has been repossessed? If so, what were the circumstances please.



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Message Posted:
06/12/2008 22:36

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and how many occupied (by Britts !) houses are built on it !



Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 08:15

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If you look on the image where the pins are placed... it looks like there are no structures on the plots...

Of course the question as to whether somebody has already been sold this land still stands...

Also are there any military establishments, restrictions as to usage or other incumberences that would prevent P2P for an ex-pat or render the land useless to all intents and purposes, unless you wanted to grow crops?

The plots are large given that a donum is 1/3 or an Acre.


Joined: 19/05/2008
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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 09:45

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It states september 2003 on one of the maps, it could of been developed since. Hopefully Salamis will give more details.


Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 09:58

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Looked just now on Google Earth and the same location shows the same lack of structures and the map is 2008...

Must check out Esentepe to see if they've updated than area too...


Joined: 26/04/2008
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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 10:05

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Sorry ignore that the map is still 2003...

Come on NASA!

fire starter

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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 12:13

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i thought the latest thing was that the english were not getting kochans for turkish title?

not that i believe it,lol.

why would they be offering it to us expats?

they never offer us anything else which is going to auction, why now?

apparentley the banks have been repo-ing loads of stuff and advertising it in the kibris paper, cars and such like, being auctioned.

why not in cyprus today?

i have turkish family down in this area, i will check it out with them.


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 13:19

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mes 8 - probably that the Cyps ain't interested


fire starter

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Message Posted:
07/12/2008 13:58

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or they are looking for a sucker,lol.

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