North Cyprus Blog: Yes I have met President Talat!
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29 April 2007

Yes I have met President Talat!

I did not expect it but it worked! I have sent an email to the presidential office last Monday, and professional as they are, his secretary called me next day to arrange a meeting with the President on last Friday, 27 April. 2007 at 11.30.
President Mehmet Ali Talat welcomed me into his office with a warm handshake, he listened to me chatting away for one full hour and found particular interest in what I was representing.
This meeting was supposed to be an interview of a journalist from the President of the TRNC.
It turned out that it was not an interview but a very friendly meeting.
Mehmet Ali Talat proved to be a very good listener. Not only when I told him about Tassos Papadopoullos and what a crook the Greek Leader is, but gave particular attention when I described the reasons why I left the South and came to the North to live as a journalist a University teacher and a news Presenter amongst my brothers the Turkish Cypriots!
He paid particular attention when it came to my personal problems and story, since I am a divorced father of 4 daughters who live in the South, but I think he was impressed by the fact that I am just about the 2nd Greek Cypriot that came to the North to live and work!
I appreciate the President's interest in my person that even through this forum and through my daily column PENPOINT in the Cyprus Times, all I could do, is say "Thanks mr President".

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