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Joined: 15/07/2011 Posts: 4
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 15:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 30 in Discussion |

Joined: 18/06/2011 Posts: 26
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 16:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 30 in Discussion |
| Telephone Paul: 0533 869 4372 or, see We have just had the OSN package fitted and it is way in the best TV system |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 17:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 30 in Discussion |
| I will endorse this message-we have live coverage of every prem game and all the other competitions mentioned in your posting. The package was installed in Jan of this year and its faultless. Paul and Dan will not let you down. Art |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 17:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 30 in Discussion |
| Anyone considering a TV service like OSN should be aware that OSN do not have the rights to proivde such a service in Cyprus. As long as they remain unaware that you are using their service in an area they do not have rights for there should be no porblems. However if they do become aware that you are using the service in an area they do not have rights for they will disconnect that service. This is nothing to do with the TRNC not being recognised, the same applies equally in the South of Cyprus as it does on the North. |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 17:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 30 in Discussion |
| Erolz. Think you should also mention that any customer using Sky in the TRNC is in exactly the same position-this would then be a more balanced view. As for disconnecting the service-I think you are just scaremongering-OSN as you know have been made aware of the situation by members of this forum and have yet to disconnect any of Arriva's customers. Thanks Art. Art |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 30 in Discussion |
| Art I mentioned services like OSN. THe only services be recommending in the thread was OSN so I mentioned them specifically. There is a risk to using any service in an area for which the provider does not have rights. That is a simple fact that purchasers of any such system should be aware of. If people decide to use such a service knowing that risk, then that is their choice. However making such a decision without understanding that risk is not sensible and clearly you and often the providers of such services here in the TRNC are not going to make this clear to people when they advertise such products. Indeed OSN have been contacted and asked about provision of their service in the TRNC and specifically provision by Arriva and their answer was clear and simple. I am not aware that any cutomers of Arriva's have lost service to date because OSN do not have the rights to provide service in Cyprus but that does not mean it could not happen in the future. Let just be honest shall we ? |

Joined: 02/03/2007 Posts: 1272
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 30 in Discussion |
| magicart No-one mentioned Sky so why did you feel that you had to. Just trouble making again |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 30 in Discussion |
| Erolz, I take your point which has been laboured by you and another member so often on this forum. I have no intention of prolonging this debate as this has been flogged to death. I just think you need to leave Arriva alone and concentrate on other serious issues on this island. Somehow I dont think you will!! |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 30 in Discussion |
| Look Art if you or anyone else keeps promoting a service like OSN 'to death' without being up front and honest about the risks with such a service then indeed I will continue to point out those risks. The original poster , who has not been on the forum long and has only made four posts may or may not be aware of the 'grey market' nature of OSN here in the TRNC and the risks involved with that, I have no way of knowing if they do or not. However it is possible that they are not aware of such and clearly you are not going to be honest about these things when you post adverts for Pauls service at every possible opportunity are you ? So I will. If that upsets you then I am sorry but truth actualy matters to me more than upsetting you I am afraid. |

Joined: 12/09/2009 Posts: 302
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 19:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 30 in Discussion |
| Msg 1. We have neither SKY or OSN. We thought long and hard and ended up with freeview and we download everything else. I accept that either of the above could get cut off but we did feel there was far less chance of the Sky one being cut off as the card is usually yours or a family members sub from the UK. We liked the look of the OSN but felt that as it is a major supply from one source and is probably traceable as such when one gets found out maybe they will all get cut off. So himself is off down the pub for the Tottenham game and I am at home with Fridays Eastenders! Bit of a result really! |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 21:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 30 in Discussion |
| Look Erolz (I can be as rude as you) I promot Arriva because at the time of signing up for their package the owner went to great lengths to explain the way the Satellite industry operates in the TRNC -This is honesty and my statement that Arriva's service is faultles is not only based on my experience its also endorsed by many of their satisfied customers who in great numbers ,on this forum expressed their delight at Arriva's service-Many of Arriva's customers are in their 2nd and 3rd year renewals and Arriva continue to attract new business-despite your scare mongering and the vindictive campaign to pursuade OSN to pull out of the TRNC.On this note I thought your objective on CyprusNow was to promote the TRNC- so I assume this means supporting local business's that actually pay taxes. Let me make another point crystal clear-If I ever thought that Arriva were not being honest in their dealings I would be the first to say so and would disclose my concerns on this forum. Thanks |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 01:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 30 in Discussion |
| Magicart This is the umpteeth time you have told us about folk in 'TRNC' having been into their third year.. This is 'interesting' - Showtime, as was, introduced a new encryption service and all receivers were replaced .. Now I know this was before YOU started subscribing to a service that OSN do not approve.. So the obvious question - how can you discuss something that is 'hearsay' ? YOU weren't using showtime !! As for SKY.. you are repeatedly told of the current legal case, and the legal opinion re the right of EU citizens to use a EU base service..THAT does NOT apply to Arab sat TV services.. I on't think ErolZ is being 'rude' - he is just constantly correcting your misleading posts... ( cont ) |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 01:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 30 in Discussion |
| Magicart, if Arriva's explaination to its customers of the nature of their service is the same as that given by Paul in the Cyprus Star article, then he is in my view most certainly seeking to mislead people. In that article he claims that the issue with OSN status in the TRNC is similar to many other businesses here. That is just not the true. Honda dealers here may have problems being recongised as an authorised dealer here because the TRNC is not a recongised state. Burger King may have to operate here under the name Burger City because North Cyprus is not a recongised state. However offical Honda dealers DO exists in the RoC and in Turkey, as do Burger Kings. There are no OSN authorised dealers in the RoC and none in Turkey and that is because OSN have not PAID for the rights to deliver service in those areas. That is the reason there are no auhtorised OSN dealers in ANY of part of Cyprus. [cont] |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 01:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 30 in Discussion |
| you also talk of a "campaign to pursuade OSN to pull out of the TRNC". The fact is OSN do NOT operate in the TRNC or in the RoC or in Turkey. They have not paid for the rights to be able to operate in those countries. Thus to talk of a campaign to persuade them to 'pull out' is sheer nonsense. They do not operate here and can not leagly do so unless they pay for the rights to do some from the people they buy content from. You only have to ask them if they operate in the TRNC, or in the RoC and if you can buy their services from them in those countries and they will tell you categorically that they do NOT operate in those regions. That is WHY there is risk involved in using an OSN service here and it is nothing to do with the problems many companies operating in the TRNC face, as Paul has claimed in via the Cyprus Star article. Art all I care about is truth and honesty. I think people should understand what they are buying what the risk are and why there are such risks. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 01:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 30 in Discussion |
| [cont] Clearly neither you nor Paul will be up front about the real reason why there are no authorised OSN dealers in the TRNC, or in the RoC or in Turkey or why if OSN are asked directly if they have authorised dealers in these regions or if their services can be bought direct from OSN in these regions, OSN themselves say no they have no authorised dealers in those regions and no you can not buy service from them directly in those regions. If you will not be up front an honest about these things then do not get upset when others are, in the face of the relentless promotion and advertising of such service via this forum. You may call such providing of information to others so they can make an informed choice a 'vindictive campaign' if you want. I call it truth. |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 09:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 30 in Discussion |
| Erolz, Its interesting to note that you did not make any comment on a recent thread concerning Digital Supreme and with regards to last weeks article in the "Cyprus Star"if you read through the lines you and 6ms were given a "bloody nose" by an independant journalist. I'm also tired of your insinuation that I'm not being honest when I have clearly explained the terms on which I purchased the Arriva package.As for 6ms pathectic response I have friends who have delt with Paul for many years and are now in their 3rd year. On this note I will no longer fuel your propaganda against "Arriva" so this is my final response. I'm sure you will both continue your hate campaign which I know is personal and has nothing to do with the operation of a TRNC company but is designed to distroy the livelihood of a very popular and well repected family. You should both be ashamed of your actions but I fear my comments are" falling on deaf ears" as there ulterior motives. Thanks Art |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 09:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 30 in Discussion |
| re 16 Dear MagicArt >>you and 6ms were given a "bloody nose" by an independant journalist. << ))))))))))))))) 'Independent Journos' normally run a story after they've checked the facts...and aren't clients of the company they try to 'defend'. The irony is that in the article(s) you refer to the 'independent journo' DID know the facts - having contributed on a forum here and STILL posted nonsense.. You seem to have missed ErolZ robust response to the 'articles(s) - but that was probably what was intended... Lastly, the 'independent journo' keeps referring to having 'internet problems' ... perhaps you should invite him to post what company he uses to check his computers and internet ))))))) Clearly, you 'forgot' this thread - in response to said 'independent journo's' article(s) and his 'drubbing' on the board... |

Joined: 19/09/2008 Posts: 2301
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 09:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 30 in Discussion |
| Well, for quite some time, I have refrained from mentioning our TV systems on this forum to see whether mmmmmm and 'tribe' could settle themselves down, stop being so silly and furthermore, stop boring CY44's members with the same old repetitive nonsense. Apparently, they're not so, I may as well defend the claims that they 'repeat' time-over. First however, Magicart, you are quite right, we do have customers into their third year subscriptions, but then, you know this because you are closer to the facts - we have been supplying subscriptions from several other TV packages for several years and contrary to the mmmmmm's claims last year (that we wouldn't be able to renew our customer's subscriptions) we have and they are now in their second year. OSN is only a small part of the legal business that Arriva do in the TRNC and if, mmmmmm and 'tribe' are going to base their 'claims' around that, it's no wonder that they are so far off the mark (pun intended) cont./ |

Joined: 19/09/2008 Posts: 2301
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 09:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 30 in Discussion |
| When the the legal case affecting satellite TV is completed, if it affects the way that TV rights are sold, we will wait to see what happens and then make a decision as to how to continue offering our customers the most cost effective satellite TV solution, but if I were contemplating purchasing a satellite TV package, I would definitely not be investing my hard-earned cash in an expensive 4.2m eyesore at the moment. For a comparison between several satellite TV systems go to If you want to read more about the way that the court case may affect the way that sporting rights are treated, please read this: - an independent article from someone who 'knows'. Someone who accuses another of being misleading, can be excused when they are not privy to all the facts, but when they are presented with the facts, it is only right that they should apologise. Magicart don't hold your breath on this one ! |

Joined: 19/09/2008 Posts: 2301
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 09:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 30 in Discussion |
| At this point, readers may be struggling to decide how much credibility to attach to some of mmmmmm's comments so, I believe that that it is relevant for them to know that, using a Slingbox, he has been supplying Sky TV from Holland (being received through a satellite dish, outside Sky TV's permitted usage area and in contradiction of Sky's Terms of Service) to the TRNC to the home of Dutchcrusader - whiter than white or dual standards ? Dutchcrusader can confirm this ! Erolz, I will deal with you later ! For the best OSN, ADMC, JSC, Free to Air and several other satellite TV packages - telephone 0533 869 4372 (7 days) or, for more information visit or, or, or, or, Genuine equipment from the original manufacturer with 1 year guarantee and 7 day customer service |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 09:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 30 in Discussion |
| cont @ MagicArt I am quite CERTAIN that ErolZ' motive' - like mine - to to make sure folks know the FACTS.. and to counter misleading info that is posted.. Most threads on this subject get closed because you can't / won't understand this... neither ErolZ or I keep posting links to businesses that directly / indirectly benefit us... |

Joined: 19/09/2008 Posts: 2301
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 10:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 30 in Discussion |
| Waits for mmmmmm to telephone Dutchcrusader............................................ |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 11:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 30 in Discussion |
| 6ms, Paul is being polite with his summary of your whiter than white duel standards and I have suspected for a long time that you are nothing more than a vindictive con man. I'm so pleased to see that at long last you have been exposed. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 11:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 30 in Discussion |
| @ Washerman re msg 20 >>using a Slingbox, he has been supplying Sky TV from Holland (being received through a satellite dish, outside Sky TV's permitted usage area and in contradiction of Sky's Terms of Service) to the TRNC to the home of Dutchcrusader<< I think *you* need to telephone Hans .. he can receive ( rather well ) the FREE channels from the Astra 2/ Eurobird 28.5 constellation .. NO SKY viewing card... ever heard of free to air channels, Washerman ? )) @ MagicArt.. >>I'm so pleased to see that at long last you have been exposed.<< The only thing being exposed is someone ( as usual) shooting a messenger - and missing .. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 12:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 30 in Discussion |
| Indeed, there has been a lot of silliness - and claims made for officialdom OSN on Washermans's claims... |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 12:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 30 in Discussion |
| ( cont) The first article is 'sort of' relevant to the attempt to belittle this forum's openness and fairness to allow honest info to be posted.. the lower post confirms what is 'legal', despite Washerman's 'claims' :( |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 13:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 30 in Discussion |
| 6ms, Re-my posting that many of "Arriva's Customers Are in Their Second and Third Year Renewals". I invite you to state that I'm lieing and make this public on this forum. My reference to the article in the Cyprus Star refers to last weeks edition in which you were clearly discredited.The article was subtle which explains why you haven't grasped the main message. Suggest you read it again the "penny might drop". I look forward to receiving confirmation that I'm lieing and please don't pussyfoot around with fancy words-just tell this forum - I'm lieing. Cheers Art |

Joined: 19/09/2008 Posts: 2301
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 14:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 30 in Discussion |
| I do not need to telephone Hans, I had a rather interesting telephone conversation with him last week in which he explained the situation exactly ! Jack Lobb also was very critical of you and the link that you have posted contains evidence as to the reason why. If, as the correspondence in the link that you have provided suggests, people can't subscribe to OSN in Cyprus - what is 'your' problem, why are 'you' worried, why do you see the need to keep repeating the same nonsense - they have told you that people can't subscribe in Cyprus ! Readers of this forum are well aware of the facts - they live in the TRNC and as a result, are very cautious. The reason that we have remained in business for so long in the TRNC is because people trust us - why ? Because we are honest people and we tell them the facts and MagicArt and 'many' others have confirmed this. It is only you and Erolz and a few other sherperded sheep that maintain that we do not provide the facts - why ? cont./ |

Joined: 19/09/2008 Posts: 2301
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 14:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 30 in Discussion |
| Well, you must have an ulterior motive - I can think of no other reason. Let me take one of your more recent 'claims' in particular - that we have made up the customer recommendations that we have received and posted them on this board ourselves - do you still maintain 'that' outrageous claim too ? Whatever your motivation, it seems that you are prepared to say anything and by this, you have demonstrated that you do not let the 'truth' get in the way - why should readers believe any other of your claims ? For the best OSN, ADMC, JSC, Free to Air and several other satellite TV packages - telephone 0533 869 4372 (7 days) or, for more information visit or, or, or, or, Genuine equipment from the original manufacturer with 1 year guarantee and 7 day customer service |

 Joined: 19/04/2008 Posts: 1139
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 14:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 30 in Discussion |
| This thread is now closed.
Reason: Not specified. |
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