North Cyprus Blog: North Cyprus Weather in February
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10 January 2008

North Cyprus Weather in February

Toon Army's post asking about the weather in February on the Cyprus44 forum has reminded me just how lucky we are in North Cyprus. Couple that with the dark, damp, misery I experienced in London before Christmas, and I feel doubly blessed to be back home again!

It's all too easy to start complaining when the rain falls in North Cyprus, to shiver at the slightest draft, or huddle up to a fire in a restaurant muttering about the cold. In fact, we've had a couple of sunny days recently where I discarded my fleece and enjoyed a few rays on my terrace. OK, not suntan weather, but certainly not overcast, damp and grey either.

It's exactly this kind of mild weather that attracts so many tourists to south Cyprus all year round, so I think it's about time we started telling the world that the lovely winter weather doesn't stop north of the Troodos! North Cyprus is a year-round destination, and if more holiday apartment and villa owners like Toon Army would come year round, it would benefit them and North Cyprus.

New property developments would be less like ghost towns out of season, more local restaurants could afford to open throughout the year, and TRNC traders would not have to work so hard during the summer months if a winter source of income were available.

I love North Cyprus out of season, when I can walk on the beaches and see nothing but the horizon, when I can hike through the mountains and hear nothing but birds, or wonders of wonders, get a table in a Kyrenia harbour restaurant!

Yes, more out of season visitors might increase my chances of meeting someone on the beach, but I'd rather see more visitors and know they were spreading the good word back home, than know that for the local economy, silence is not so golden.


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