North Cyprus Blog: 12 Days of Christmas Reasons to Move to North Cyprus
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26 December 2007

12 Days of Christmas Reasons to Move to North Cyprus

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Why do I do this? Every year I vow that I will NOT visit the UK anytime within a tinsel’s length of Christmas, and yet every year I find myself sucked into the shopping frenzy that seems to extend from October onwards until the Queen’s Speech. However, this does ensure that I almost kiss the tarmac at Ercan the minute I get back to North Cyprus!

So, in a spirit of North Cyprus Christmas good cheer here’s my “12 Days of Christmas Reasons to Move to North Cyprus”. (Not the snappiest of titles I know, but you get the idea!)!

On the First Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Fresh fruit off a tree. You should hear the fuss in the UK at the moment about ‘food miles’ and the advantages of buying local produce. We know – it doesn’t get much fresher than off your own vine or tree, after all!

On the Second Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Two Migrating Birds. They know the best place to stop off for a rest – North Cyprus! The BBC dedicated two weeks of primetime TV to Autumn Watch this year, the highlight of which was the non-arrival of massive flocks of starlings. I rest my case.

On the Third Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Three Fresh-faced Tourists. I love meeting new tourists to North Cyprus, as every new visitor means one less prejudiced viewpoint, replaced with a happy memory.

On the Fourth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Four Skype Calls. Thank heavens for Skype! No idea what I’m talking about? See the forum posts!

On the Fifth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Five Golden Beaches. Well, more than five of course, but we all have our secret favourite, don’t we?

On the Sixth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Six Great Restaurants. That stay open even when the tourists go home – hoorah! Nominate your top three at the forum if you like.

On the Seventh Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Seven Months of Swimming. Or thanks to solar panels, even more!

On the Eighth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Eight Pints of Milk. For my cup of monkey-brand, builder’s strength tea – there are some British habits I just can’t shake off!

On the Ninth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Nine Ladies Dancing in a Truly Traditional Fashion. I do try and take visitors to authentic North Cyprus events, but they are few and far between, it seems. What’s your favourite?

On the Tenth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Ten Lords A’Sleeping. Let’s face it, at times, it is just too hot for lords to be leaping about, at which point we all do the sensible thing, and have a snooze...

On the Eleventh Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Eleven Pipers Piping. Pipe in the New Year by celebrating the small steps made towards North Cyprus being accepted by the EU. Remember what a hassle it used to be crossing the border to the south? Exactly!

On the Twelfth Day of Xmas, North Cyprus Gave to Me:
Twelve Drummers Drumming. I’ll reserve my drumming moment for when there is no border at all!

Hope you had a great Christmas and best wishes for a great 2008.



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